Chapter Three


He’d taken her to the coffee shop in Camp Bastion when they released her from the hospital. He was as nervous as hell. The loud catcalls and whistling from some of his men sitting near them didn’t help either. She’d just done a special report for AHG News and had interviewed him for it. It was going out on the ten o’clock news back in the UK. She looked beautiful. There was a softness about her since the day she’d been shot. The hard edge she had treated himself and his men to was gone. His men had made a fuss about her bravery. She had been embarrassed but touched. She had obviously judged it safe to let her guard down and she wasn’t objecting to him pulling out a chair for her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her, gesturing with his eyes to her arm in the sling.

“Better. They say I can take the sling off in a couple of days. How about you?” She smiled nervously at him. Her emerald eyes sparkled like jewels at him under her long dark lashes holding him spellbound.

“Yes, I am doing fine thanks. My injury wasn’t as bad as yours. Have you spoken to the counsellor yet?”

She lowered her eyes immediately and stared at the table. “No I haven’t. I don’t really think they help.”

“I want you to go,” he said firmly.

“Is that an order Major Kane?” There was a challenge in her voice.

“I am responsible for your safety and care while you are here. I want you to receive the help you need. I told you there is no shame in asking for help. The counsellor is here for everyone. I want you to go,” he spoke softly but made sure his voice lost none of its firmness, leaving her in no doubt it was an order. He was learning how to handle her fast.

She raised her head and nodded. “I will go. I promise.”

They’d chatted about home, family life. He told her about his autistic sister and she talked of her brother. She’d never mentioned her parents once and when he tried to enquire about them she changed the subject. He’d guessed that there was a feud, some disagreement between them and had not mentioned them again. He hadn’t wanted the evening to end but he was suddenly aware that she was looking tired and in pain. He quickly said, “I should let you get some rest. Maybe we should go out again and continue our conversation.”

He’d stood up expecting her to follow but she stayed still in her chair and stared down at the table. Her eyes shifted to the sides. She didn’t seem to want to make eye contact with him. “I’m not tired. I don’t want to go to bed yet. Let’s have another coffee.”

He frowned down at her with concern. She looked uncomfortable, nervous, suddenly very edgy. Something was clearly wrong. She tapped her finger on the table. He said, “No, let’s do that tomorrow, you need to rest.”

“Okay, you go, I will have one on my own.” He sat back down confused. She still refused to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked carefully. “Why don’t you want to go to sleep?”

He heard her give a sigh and then tell him with frustration, “I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept properly in days. I keep seeing that man die, the man I killed. And the nightmares... I can’t get any peace from them. I woke up screaming last night. That isn’t me. I deal with things. I have seen pain and death before as a journalist but this... It’s personal. I caused the death. I killed him.” He heard the emotion threaten to crack through her words but she held it back tight. “I just want to be here... where there are people. I need company. I just don’t want to be alone.”

He studied her for a moment. She was clearly distressed. He made a decision. He stretched out his arm and covered his hand over hers and stopped her finger tapping on the table. She looked up at him quickly. He picked up her small slender hand and curled it neatly under his own. He lowered his voice to a caressing whisper and gave her hand a gentle reassuring squeeze. “You must get some rest but you don’t have to be alone.”

Comprehension startled her eyes, widened her pupils. She paused and then nodded. He let go of her hand and stood up. This time she followed his lead and allowed him to guide her out of the coffee shop to her own private tented accommodation.

He zipped the tent up and turned to look at her sitting on the camp bed. She couldn’t meet his eyes again. He sat down beside her and gently cupped the side of her face and lifted it up towards him. Her cheek was damp with one solitary tear. The pad of his thumb gently brushed it away halting its progress. She stared up at him as he caressed the side of her face with his thumb. She asked him, “Are you sure you want...”

“Sh, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to,” he whispered before leaning in and brushing her lips with the soft inquisitive touch of his own. He paused judging that she was happy with the intimate contact and repeated the simple action. He brought her closer, sweeping his hands around her small waist, pulling her to him with need. Satisfied she wasn’t able to retreat from the small enclosed space of his arms he kissed her again. This time he went deeper. She moaned against him.

He moved his hand up to the back of her neck. He splayed his fingers and supported her there for a moment, holding her in place. His free hand moved towards the small band that restrained her long deep chestnut hair. She never took it down and he’d imagined night after night what she would look like with it free and wild around her shoulders in his bed, underneath him. He ached to thread his fingers through it, feeling it’s seductive silky sheen.

Kane tugged the band away and felt her hair tumble onto his hand and weave delicately between his fingers as he steadied the back of her head. He wanted her closer. He began pulling her further towards him and then stopped abruptly, remembering her injury and the sling.

“Help me take it off,” she begged kissing him once more. “I want to hold you.” He smiled and carefully undid the sling. She flung her arms around him and held on tight. He entwined his arms around her and pulled her up to sitting to face him on his lap. Although she didn’t speak there was heavy emotion in the way she clung to him. She was trembling. He realised that she wanted him to make her feel safe. He responded instantly, protectively folding his arms around her tight. He stroked her hair as she pressed her cheek against his own and waited patiently for her to rouse from her emotion.

To hold a woman this close after so long was more than a treat. She smelled so good. The scent of soap and peach invaded his senses. She was so warm against his skin. This was heaven. He kissed her forehead as she moved her hands to his face. She cupped his chin in her hands and bent to kiss him long and hard. He took his cue and began undoing the buttons on her shirt.

He took his time undressing her. He wanted every part of her revealed to him slowly so he could savour the moment. Stuck out there in that bloody heap of rock and desert she was a Godsend. There hadn’t been anyone for a while and he wanted to take his time. His fingers carefully slid the shirt from her shoulders, feeling the first touch of her soft smooth pale skin. They hadn’t stopped kissing. His lips didn’t want to leave her mouth. It was though her taste was some sort of drug he couldn’t get enough of. He wanted more and more of her. But he made himself pause to look down at her body as he unveiled it.

He gently pulled her shirt down over her arms, careful of the bandage over her gunshot wound. He found himself holding his breath as he spread his fingers up her bare back to the catch on her bra. His gaze fell to her breasts and the full voluptuous cleavage as he undid the catch and pulled the bra from her arms. Their dark peaks thrust up towards him beckoning him to delay his touch no longer. Without further hesitation he curved his hands neatly around her breasts taking their weight, testing their heaviness. He curled his fingertips around one of the dark peaks and gently tugged it.

She threw her head back allowing him better access to her breasts. He squeezed, kissed and pinched the dark peaks with his teeth sending her into a frenzy. He couldn’t help wondering how long it had been since she was last touched by a man in this way. The idea of any man touching her other than him created a spark of jealousy. He wanted her all to himself. It made him play harder and his hold on her breasts became a little harsh, possessive, almost cruel. His mouth was relentless, taking as much of the fleshy pink mounds in his mouth as he could, his teeth grazing her nipple sharply - pulling it taut. Her response was overwhelming. She gave a small pleasurable cry and pulled impatiently at his clothes.

He swept his hands around and up her back once more and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist not wanting to let go at first, pushing herself against his hardness. It was almost too much. He set her down firmly on her feet and tugged aggressively at the belt on her trousers. He just about ripped the buttons from them and pulled them down taking her underwear with them. His hands settled on her hips feeling the shape of her slim sumptuous curves with an intense pleasure. He pulled her to him roughly and caressed his fingertips over her full round buttocks surveying them with admiration.

One hand remained there whilst another slipped between her thighs. She was damp already when he stroked his finger between her lips. He rolled her clit between his fingers and pinched it. A flood of juicy liquid coated his fingers in response. Satisfied she was almost ready and prepared for him, he stroked his middle finger around her entrance in a tantalising teasing gesture. She grew softer, wetter, making her lips full and plump. Just the way he wanted her. To give her a taste of what was to come he stopped teasing her and thrust his fingers inside as deep as her body would allow. At the same time he probed her mouth, wrestling her tongue for dominance. He made sure the kiss was long and deep, as long and deep as his fingers moving inside her.

His wove his hand through her hair and grasped it as he deepened the simultaneous action further. He wanted her to feel consumed by him, to know that after tonight she was his and belonged to no one else. Her breath was coming in short eclectic gasps telling him of her pleasure and high arousal. Rebecca Eaton might have been a free independent spirit that allowed no man to control her in her day job but in bed it was a different story. She both needed and wanted to be firmly handled. He was more than happy with that paradox.

He withdrew his fingers but still covered her mouth and swept his palms over her bottom to cup each half. He squeezed her painfully tight and lifted her up into his arms once more. Again she wound her legs around him, impatiently pressing herself against him. He laid her down on the bed and tore at his clothes.

He considered that he was mounting a goddess as he lowered himself down on top of her. Her hair was lying tousled and curled around her shoulders. Those green eyes were satiated in glistening moisture and hooded. Her deep ruby lips highlighted against her pale skin were plump and full, mirroring those between her thighs. He took hold of her waist and then ran his hands down to her hips gently squeezing his hold. Its effect made her tilt her pelvis and her back upwards, thrusting her breasts and body up towards him. She was inviting him inside. She was awe inspiring, a beautiful siren. He wanted her now.

His first thrust was hard and sharp. Her deep pleasurable gasp told him she was appreciative. Her hands reached up to smooth over his muscled arms and down his back as he made the same rhythmic hard strokes inside her. Her pelvis rode up to meet him. He reached deep as her breathing gave him every indication she was ready to explode. In a mad moment he pulled her up to sitting with him, still heavy inside her. He wanted to be deeper. She sat against him rocking her pelvis to his dictated rhythm. He lowered her back over his arm and took her mouth prisoner to muffle both of their cries as they came together.

Beads of moisture lined her forehead when he gave her one final kiss before allowing her mouth to be free. She smiled in pleasure at him, raising her eyes to mimic her glee. He grinned and lowered her back down on the small uncomfortable camp bed. It was difficult to lie next to her but he turned on his side and just about hung off the edge as he determined to master the task. He covered them both with the blanket on top of it and cradled her against him under his arm. She turned towards him pressing her lips to his chest. He looked down at her and pulled her just a touch closer feeling that urge to be protective of her well stronger inside him. She was flushed. She looked happy. There was more life in those eyes than normal. He was taking a risk just being there with her... if he was caught... but it was more than worth it.

“I love being here with you, even squashed on this small camp bed in the middle of this desert with a ferocious enemy all around us. It all adds to the excitement,” she joked.

He grinned, “Really, I hadn’t noticed you like danger Rebecca.”

“Yes okay, but you make me feel safe,” her voice turned serious. “I don’t ever really feel safe. I know it is an odd thing to say but I don’t. Whenever I am with you or even just knowing you’re nearby I feel warm and safe.”

He smiled down at her, bemused and delighted all at the same time. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. But she reached up and found his mouth again. She pressed her damp body against his thigh and wound her hand around his length and squeezed. He was hard once more and she wanted him inside her again. As he rolled on top of her he decided that making love this time would be slow, deliberate. It would be about coaxing her into submission and binding her to him. There was no way he was letting her just walk away from him. For some reason this small curvy journalist was giving him all the signals that she was the one he’d been searching for. No way was she escaping.

Famous last words.