STEP #18
Buy Petroleum-free Cleaning Products
Household cleaning products almost all rely on petrochemicals and they are also the most toxic to your health. Floor cleaners and polishes reek aromatic vapors of petroleum distillates. Chemicals like butyl cellosolve, the main ingredient in Windex, are pure global warming-linked petrochemicals derived from that same all too real barrel ofoil.
Once again, ifall ofus make simple choices like choosing products without petrochemicals, then our shopping choices can truly have a cumulative and aggregate benefit on creating true energy independence and kicking our oil habit.
In addition, some household cleaning products are downright dangerous to your health. Paint strippers contain the petrochemical methylene chloride, which is so toxic to the cardiovascular system, it is known to cause fatal heart attacks. Detergents in dishwashing soaps are made with prime petroleum distillates like ethylene oxide, known to cause human cancer. Even traces of this highly toxic chemical appear today in these products, broken down into the only slightly less toxic, 1,4-dioxane.
For all-around cleaning, Earth Friendly Products, Life Tree, Aubrey Organics and Dr. Bronner make petroleum-free cleaning products. Many others like Seventh Generation and Ecover are also working to create products with less petroleum-based processing methods. Choose brands that use vegetable-based, renewable resources such as
Indeed, Earth Friendly Products, among the major brands, has made an enormous commitment to creating an entire quality and value-driven petroleum-free cleaning line. Plus, they manufacture their own products at four different regional carbon-neutral plants throughout the United States to help reduce fuel transportation miles. Check them out at
Also, check out Life Tree products, another true Green Patriot company, producing petrochemical-free products. Visit
Look for them in natural grocery stores. Asking for them at your larger supermarkets could result in them granting your request to stock the product—a win for everybody!