Use Public Transportation

If you were in the rock and roll city of Cleveland, Ohio, in July of 2008, you would most likely have seen the advertisements on buses that read, “This bus is an ASSAULT VEHICLE on global warming.” Inspired by the Canary Project and the City of Cleveland, the George Gund Foundation, Timberland and the Green Patriot Working Group, this campaign’s goal was to draw attention to public transportation; and it’s true: public transportation cuts our carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons annually (equal to the electricity used by 4.9 million households), according to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).

By joining the more than 14 million Americans who choose public transportation, you will help improve our environment by reducing the greenhouse gases caused by our cars, thus improving air quality, decreasing traffic and also saving some money. But think about it. Only 14 million? Heck, there’s 300 million of us. Hardly anybody uses public transportation. We can, and should, do better.

“A person riding public transportation can achieve an average annual savings of $8,481 per year,” according to the APTA’s website,, where you can calculate your actual savings with their calculator. Simply enter the price of gas and the length of the trip to determine the dollars you’ll save by going public.

At first, you may have to exert a little extra effort to discover the options in your area. The APTA’s website, under Transit Systems, is a great place to start. Just click on a state from the U.S. map and choose your county to see the options in your community. More than 6,500 providers offer alternatives to cars—from buses, trolleys and commuter trains to streetcars, cable cars, van pool services, ferries, water taxies and monorails, as well as paratransit services for seniors and people with disabilities.

An added bonus: “every $1 invested in public transportation projects generates approximately $6 in local economic activity,” says the APTA. So hop on the bus!


Part of the mission of the Green Patriot Working Group is to educate and motivate people to make simple changes in their own lives. Here, Green Patriots take to public transportation in Cleveland, Ohio. For more information about the Green Patriot Poster Project visit