Chapter 2

Friday, December 11, 8:07 p.m. – 831 East 5th Street, Skid Row, Los Angeles, California.

‘What the hell?’

Ellen was suddenly bolt upright in bed. And though her eyes were groggy, there was defiance and fire in them.

‘Here, have some water – it’ll help,’ I said, pointing to a glass on the bedside table.

She snapped her head towards me, then shifted back a fraction.

‘Who the hell are you?’ she said fiercely. ‘Did you fucking drug me?’

I raised a calming hand. I’d anticipated this reaction.

‘Relax, you’re safe,’ I said insistently but gently. ‘You were drugged, but not by me. Two men kidnapped you on the street. So I followed them, knocked them out, and brought you back to my apartment to recover.’ I paused. ‘You’re at 831 East 5th, Skid Row. They drugged you with a tranquilizer, M99. You’ll be fine, but sluggish for a few hours.’

She narrowed her eyes. ‘I was on Wilshire Avenue, then there was a pain in my leg.’ She reached to her thigh. ‘My last memory – two men talking in a car.’

I nodded. ‘Right. They shot you with an air rifle concealed in an umbrella. Cloak-and-dagger stuff.’ I pointed to the glass again. ‘Have some water.’

She looked me quickly up and down. Then, instead of taking the water, she got up, patted her pockets, and started scanning the room.

‘Give me my phone and wallet: I’m leaving.’

I got up from the armchair. ‘Where are you going? You need to rest.’

‘Give me my phone and wallet,’ she repeated evenly.

It wasn’t fair to withhold her possessions; so I retrieved them from the drawer, and handed them over.

‘The phone’s broken – one of the kidnappers took it, and it smashed when he hit the floor. But I removed the SIM, since your cell can be used to track you even when broken. And for full disclosure, Ellen, I looked through your wallet – I needed to get some idea of who you are. To level the playing field, I’m Saul Marshall.’

She stared at the smashed cell, then looked at me hard. I was unsurprised that she was reticent to trust me, but the cell seemed to offer some proof I was telling the truth.

‘Where are you going?’ I tried again. ‘I’m not going to stop you. But you could be in danger, and you need your wits about you.’

She continued staring at me hard. ‘Springville,’ she said at last. ‘The men, when they took me, one of them said “Springville.” I’m pretty sure it’s a town in California.’

This was the same place I’d heard the men mention. However, I hadn’t followed it up, because in the back of my mind I’d resolved not to be drawn further into this mess. My plan had been to ensure this woman was safe, then put her in safe hands that weren’t mine.

I’d found trouble – hell, I’d sought it out. But it was imperative I knew when to quit.

‘Look, I’m not stopping you,’ I said. ‘All I’m suggesting is that you give yourself some time – they gave you strong enough stuff to knock out a horse.’

‘Time!’ she said emphatically, as though she’d forgotten it existed. ‘What time is it?’

I glanced at my watch. ‘Ten past eight.’

‘No, I’ve got to leave now.’

Clearly there was something she wasn’t telling me – she was now urgently pacing.

‘Again, I’m not stopping you. But I think it’ll only help you to tell me what’s going on: I have a car, resources. If time’s a factor, it’ll be quicker to tell.’

Ellen stopped pacing, and again fixed me in a hard stare. She was still weighing up whether she could trust me. Finally she gave a short nod – like she’d made a decision.

‘Fine, I’ll tell,’ she said bitterly. ‘Just before I was ambushed, my brother sent me a text. He told me that my life was in danger, but the only explanation he offered was a list of six names, of which mine was the fifth. I Googled the first four, and they were the victims of those two sniper rifle killings over the past two days – you know the ones I mean?’

I nodded. I would have to have been living under a rock not to know: the two incidents had been all over the news. The first had taken place two evenings ago in the small town of Ripley, CA, near the Mexican border; whereas the second had taken place yesterday evening in San Marcos, a larger town between San Diego and LA. In both cases, two bound and gagged bodies had been found in a public space – in Ripley, under a water tower; in San Marcos, under a replica of the Statue of Liberty – and in both cases, it appeared as though the victims had been killed by a single sniper rifle bullet.

The only thing that connected all four victims was the fact that they were under the age of thirty. And though three were of East Asian descent, the anomalous fourth – a Caucasian woman – had undermined attempts to draw easy conclusions about who was being targeted.

The police believed it was the work of a serial killer, but evidently it wasn’t so simple.

Ellen continued: ‘Obviously, when I saw those names, I reckoned I was looking at a hit-list, and I was the next target. I tried to call my brother, but I couldn’t get through. So, figuring I wasn’t safe in my apartment, I decided to find a cab, and work things out from there. But clearly I wasn’t safe in the street, either…’

‘So you want to head to Springville and play the hero?’

Ellen scowled. ‘Not play the hero – do the right fucking thing. The papers said the other killings happened late at night, so there may be a chance to save the last person.’

I understood where she was coming from, but she was naïve as hell.

‘Listen,’ I said firmly. ‘These are serious people, with serious weapons. Both your kidnappers were carrying illegal pistols that you’d expect to find on special-force assassins. And though I’ve only got a rough idea of where Springville is, I’m pretty sure we’re a few hours away. So, if you want to help this sixth person, call the police.’

Ellen gave a short, incredulous laugh: ‘But that’s the thing: we can’t. My brother’s text said I couldn’t trust the police – that it was imperative I avoided law enforcement. So you go ahead and call them, but the blood’s on your hands.’

Suddenly, I was grinding my teeth. I could feel myself being pulled in.

‘Anything else your brother’s text said?’ I asked, keeping my voice calm.

She nodded. ‘Yes – that he couldn’t give me any more details, since it was imperative they remained secret, and he couldn’t guarantee nobody else would read the message.’

I shook my head. Part of me desperately wanted to call the local police in Springville and wash my hands of this. But considering what had happened so far, her brother’s warning clearly wasn’t to be taken lightly.

‘Fine, I’ll take you to Springville,’ I said. ‘After all, what choice do I have? You’re in no fit state to drive.’ I paused, then added: ‘But I really didn’t ask for this.’

‘Well, me neither,’ she shot back defiantly. ‘And nor did I ask for you to get involved – so don’t act like you’re doing a damsel in distress some big favor, because I don’t need you, and don’t owe you jack, okay?’

I sighed. Of course she didn’t resent me busting her out, and her contrary attitude was frustrating. But, at the same time, I couldn’t help but respect her courage – not many in her position would opt to put themselves back in the line of fire.

What’s more, given the events of the past few hours, her reluctance to blindly trust someone she’d just met was understandable.

‘Okay, nobody’s doing anybody any favors,’ I said. ‘We’re going to Springville, and you’re gonna fill me in on the way. Happy?’


I fetched the valise containing all my worldly possessions: a couple of changes of clothes (jeans, tee-shirts, jumpers); a driver’s license and emergency credit card, both under false names; a clip of cash that I’d accumulated from odd jobs, which’d dwindled to just under $1000; a burner phone; an iPad; a store-bought GPS tracking device plus receiver; a California road-map; and, hidden in the lining, my now-defunct FBI ID. Then, grabbing the rucksack I’d taken from the men, and throwing on my coat, I led the way out the front door.