FIRST AND FOREMOST, I would like to thank my husband, personal barista, and coffee mentor, Andreas Willhoff, not only for all the insight and input he provided to this project but also for his patience, which I threatened to destroy on numerous occasions to no avail. A special thank you goes to all my coffee tasters and testers, especially to Jacqueline, Deirdre, Helena, and Morgan, who also helped bring this little coffee baby into the world with their various professional talents and inclinations. Morgan gets a second thank you—THANK YOU—for drawing all the illustrations found throughout these pages. They are perfect. A huge thank you goes to my editor, Amanda Brenner, who tirelessly helped me rein in this beast, and to my publisher and fellow coffee enthusiast, Doug Seibold, who believed in this project and my ability to write it before I did. My sincerest gratitude to all the coffee professionals I’ve met along the way, particularly Joe Marrocco, who is so generous with his time and knowledge, and Travis, Kamila, and the Halfwit and Wormhole crews for their support and well wishes! Thank you, of course, to my friends: specifically, those from MFA school, whose successes and ambitions inspire me to peel supine body from the couch, apply butt to chair, and type with, if nothing else, back support; Bailey, who has been listening to, participating in, and instigating my crazy tales for actual decades; and Victoria, whose wisdom and candor can halt an insecurity spiral like no one’s business. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family, who have been so enthusiastic and supportive, and my parents, who are probably going to read this really long book about coffee even though they don’t drink it or like it in general—true love!