TAPE NYSITB-FD-6JUN68-106-9H. LOCATION OF car: Sixty-fifth Street near Park Avenue.
ANDERSON: Goddammit, I told the Doctor I’d contact him when I was ready. Well, I’m not ready.
SIMONS: Take it easy, Duke. Good heavens, you have the shortest fuse of any man I’ve ever known.
ANDERSON: I just don’t like to get leaned on, that’s all.
SIMONS: No one’s leaning on you, Duke. The Doctor has invested three thousand dollars of his personal funds in this campaign, and quite naturally and normally he’s interested in your progress.
ANDERSON: What if I told him it was a bust … a nothing?
SIMONS: Is that what you want me to tell him?
[Lapse of eleven seconds.]
ANDERSON: No. I’m sorry I blew, Mr. Simons, but I like to move at my own speed. This thing is big, probably the biggest thing I’ve ever been in. Bigger than that Bensonhurst bank job. I want everything to go right. I want to be sure. Another week or two. Three weeks at the most. I’m keeping a very careful account of those three G’s. I’m not making a cent out of this. I can tell the Doctor where every cent went. I’m not trying to con him.
SIMONS: Duke, Duke, it’s not the money. I assure you the money has very little to do with it. He can drop that in one day at the dogs and never notice it. But Duke, you must recognize that the Doctor is a very proud man, very jealous of his position. He is where he is today because he picked winners. You understand? He would not like the word to get around that he flushed three G’s on a free-lancer and got nothing to show for it. It would hurt his reputation, and it would hurt his self-esteem. Perhaps the younger men might say he is slipping, his judgment is going, he should be replaced. The Doctor must consider these things. So, quite naturally, he is concerned. You understand?
ANDERSON: Ah … sure. I understand. It’s just that I want to make a big score, a big score … enough to go somewhere for a long, long time. That’s why I’m wound up so tight. This one has got to be just right.
SIMONS: Are you trying to tell me it looks good … as of this moment?
ANDERSON: Mr. Simons, as of this moment it looks great, just great.
SIMONS: The Doctor will be pleased.