BINKY’S BAR & GRILL, 125TH Street and Hannox Avenue, New York City; 12 June, 1968; 1:46 P.M. On this date, these premises were under electronic surveillance by the New York State Liquor Authority, on suspicion that the owners of record were knowingly allowing gambling on the premises. The following is tape SLA-94K-KYM. Anderson’s presence was verified by voice print and testimony of an eyewitness.


BARTENDER: This place for blacks, not for whiteys.

ANDERSON: What you going to do—throw me out?

BARTENDER: You a hardnose?

ANDERSON: Hard as I gotta be. Do I get that brandy?

BARTENDER: You from the South?

ANDERSON: Not deep. Kentucky.

BARTENDER: Lexington?

ANDERSON: Gresham.

BARTENDER: I’m from Lex. Cordon Bleu okay?


[Lapse of eight seconds.]

BARTENDER: You want a wash?

ANDERSON: Water on the side.

[Lapse of eleven seconds.]

ANDERSON: There’s a guy I want to meet. Light brown. Sam Johnson. Goes by the name of Skeets.

BARTENDER: Never heard of him.

ANDERSON: I know. He’s got a razor scar on his left cheek.

BARTENDER: Never saw such a man.

ANDERSON: I know. My name’s Duke Anderson. If such a man should come in, I’m going to finish this drink and go across the street and get some knuckles and collards. I’ll be there for at least an hour.

BARTENDER: Won’t do you no good. Never saw such a man. Never heard of him.

ANDERSON: He might come in … unexpected like. Here’s a fin for you in case he does.

BARTENDER: I’ll take your pound and thank you kindly. But it won’t do you no good. I don’t know the man. Never saw him.

ANDERSON: I know. The name’s Duke Anderson. I’ll be across the street in Mama’s. Keep the faith, baby.

BARTENDER: Up yours, mother.