XEROX COPY OF A letter dated 16 July, 1968, from United Electronics Kits, Inc., 65378 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, addressed to Mr. Gerald Bingham, Jr., Apartment 5A, 535 East Seventy-third Street, New York, New York.
In reply to your letter of the 5th inst., please be advised that we have found your suggestion of considerable merit. Accordingly, we are modifying our Amplifier Kit 57-68A so that the back plate is easily removed (via screws) rather than soldered as at present. We are sure, as you suggest, that this will aid construction and servicing of the completed unit.
We wish to express our appreciation for your interest, and we are, frankly, somewhat chagrined that our engineers did not spot this drawback to the 57-68A kit prior to its distribution. The fact that you are, as you say, fifteen years old, makes our chagrin more understandable!
In any event, to express our appreciation for your suggestion in a more tangible form, we are forwarding to you (this date) a complimentary gift of our Deluxe 32-16895 Three-Speed Stereo Tape Deck Kit (no charge).
Again—thank you for your kind interest in our products.
[signed] DAVID K. DAVIDSON, Director, Public Relations