TAPE RECORDING FBN-DA-11036. TUESDAY, 16 July, 1968,2:36 P.M.
OPERATOR: I have a person-to-person call, Detroit. From Mr. Dominick Angelo of Deal, New Jersey, to Mr. Nicola D’Agostino at three-one-one, one-five-eight, eight-nine-seven-three.
OPERATOR: Just a moment, Operator.
OPERATOR: Thank you.
[Lapse of fourteen seconds.]
OPERATOR: Is this three-one-one, one-five-eight, eight-nine-seven-three?
OPERATOR: I have a person-to-person call for a Mr. Nicola D’Agostino from Mr. Dominick Angelo of Deal, New Jersey. Is Mr. D’Agostino there?
MALE VOICE: Just a minute, Operator.
OPERATOR: Thank you. Are you there, New Jersey?
OPERATOR: Yes, dear.
OPERATOR: Thank you. They’re trying to find Mr. D’Agostino.
[Lapse of eleven seconds.]
OPERATOR: Mr. Nicola D’Agostino?
OPERATOR: Just a moment, please, sir. Deal, New Jersey, calling. Go ahead, New Jersey. Mr. D’Agostino is on the line.
OPERATOR: Thank you, dear. Go ahead, Mr. Angelo. Mr. D’Agostino is on the line.
ANGELO: Hello? Hello, Toast?
D’AGOSTINO: Papa—is that you? How nice to hear your voice! How are you, Papa?
ANGELO: Getting along. Getting along. And how was Florida?
D’AGOSTINO: Magnificent, Papa. Gorgeous. You should move there. You’d live another hundred years.
ANGELO: God forbid. And the family?
D’AGOSTINO: Couldn’t be better, Papa. Angelica asked about you. I told her you’d outlive us all.
ANGELO: And the children?
D’AGOSTINO: Fine, Papa, fine. Everyone is fine. Tony fell off his bike yesterday and broke his tooth—but it’s nothing.
ANGELO: My God. You need a good dentist? I’ll fly him out.
D’AGOSTINO: No, no, Papa. It’s a baby tooth. We got a good dentist. He said it’s nothing. Don’t worry yourself.
ANGELO: Good. You have any trouble, you let me know.
D’AGOSTINO: I will, Papa, I will. Thank you for your interest. Believe me, Angelica and I, we appreciate it.
ANGELO: Toast, you remember when you were here, we discussed your problem?
D’AGOSTINO: Yes, Papa, I remember.
ANGELO: This problem, Toast—I think we can help you with it. I think we can solve it.
D’AGOSTINO: Believe me, I would appreciate that, Papa.
ANGELO: It would be a permanent solution. You understand, Toast?
D’AGOSTINO: I understand, Papa.
ANGELO: That is what you want?
D’AGOSTINO: That is what I want.
ANGELO: Good. It will work out well. You will send him to me as soon as possible. Within a week. Is that possible, Toast?
D’AGOSTINO: Of course.
ANGELO: Tell him only that it is a big job. You understand?
D’AGOSTINO: I understand, Papa. You will have him by Friday.
ANGELO: Good. Please give my love to Angelica. And to Auntie and Nick. And tell Tony I will send him a new bicycle. This one won’t throw him off and break his tooth.
D’AGOSTINO: [laughing]: Papa, you’re too much! I love you. We all love you.
ANGELO: You keep well.
D’AGOSTINO: You too, Papa. You keep well—forever.