JAMESON: Sir, there’s no answer from the lobby phone at five-three-five East Seventy-third Street. It’s not even ringing.
LIEUTENANT FINEALLY: Get back to the phone company. Ask them if they know what’s wrong. Sergeant.
FINEALLY: The captain picked a good weekend to go to Atlantic City.
O’NUSKA: Yes, sir.
FINEALLY: Who’s the standby inspector?
O’NUSKA: Abrahamson, sir.
FINEALLY: Get him up. Tell him what’s happening. We’ll call him as soon as we know.
O’NUSKA: Yes, sir.
FINEALLY: You … what’s your name?
OFFICER: Bailey, sir.
FINEALLY: Bailey, get out the block map for the Two fifty-first Precinct. Find out what address is back-to-back with five-three-five East Seventy-third Street. That’s on the north side of Seventy-third, so the house backing it will be on the south side of Seventy-fourth. Probably five-three-four or five-three-six. Get a description of it.
BAILEY: Yes, sir.
FINEALLY: You want me?
JAMESON: The phone company says the lobby line is completely dead, sir. They don’t know why. And they get no answer from any other phone at that address.
FINEALLY: Who told them to try the other numbers at that address?
JAMESON: I did, sir.
FINEALLY: What’s your name?
JAMESON: Marvin Jameson, sir.
FINEALLY: College?
JAMESON: Two years, sir.
FINEALLY: You’re doing all right, Jameson. I won’t forget it.
JAMESON: Thank you, sir.
BAILEY: Lieutenant, the house backing oh five-three-five East Seventy-third Street is five-three-six East Seventy-fourth Street. It’s a ten-story apartment house with a small open paved space in back.
FINEALLY: All right. Who talked to the car that saw the masked men—or thought they saw masked men?
JAMESON: I talked to the dispatcher, sir.
FINEALLY: You again? What number was it?
JAMESON: George Three, sir.
FINEALLY: Where are they now?
JAMESON: I’ll find out, sir.
FINEALLY: Fast. Sergeant.
FINEALLY: You think we ought to bring in the inspector?
O’NUSKA: Yes, sir.
FINEALLY: So do I. Call him and alert his driver.
JAMESON: Lieutenant.
JAMESON: Car George Three is standing by on East Seventy-second Street.
FINEALLY: Tell them to proceed to five-three-six East Seventy-fourth Street. No siren. Get on the roof or any floor where they can see down onto five-three-five East Seventy-third Street. Tell them to report any activity A-sap. You got that?
JAMESON: Yes, sir.
O’NUSKA: Lieutenant, the inspector’s on his way. But he’s got to come in from Queens. It’ll be half an hour at least.
FINEALLY: All right. It may still be nothing. Better call the Two fifty-first and talk to the duty sergeant. Tell him what’s going on. Find out where his nearest beat men are. You better send three more cars. Have them stand by on East Seventy-second Street. No sirens or lights. Tell the duty sergeant of the Two fifty-first that we’ll pull in two cars from Sector Harry to fill in. You take care of it. And we’ll keep him informed. Now let’s see—have we forgotten anything?
O’NUSKA: Tactical Patrol Force, sir?
FINEALLY: God bless you. But what have they got on for tonight? It’s a holiday weekend.
O’NUSKA: One bus. Twenty men. I put them on Blue Alert.
FINEALLY: Good. Good.
O’NUSKA: And I didn’t even go to college.