FROM CAPTAIN EDWARD X. Delaney’s report NYPD-EXD-1SEP1968.
“It was approximately 4:14 A.M. when Sergeant Everson got through to me. I should mention here that the operation of the new 415X16C radios was excellent. Everson said he and his squad were on the terrace of 535 East Seventy-third Street. We agreed he would wait two minutes before commencing his spooking operation.
“Not all the men and equipment I had requisitioned had arrived by this time. However, I felt it better to proceed with what I had rather than await optimum conditions which rarely, if ever, seem to arrive. Hence, I directed cars George Six and George Fourteen (two officers each) to approach from York Avenue toward 535, and cars George Twenty-four and George Eight to approach from East End Avenue. Leading the two approaching from East End would be Searchlight Car SC-147 (the single one that had arrived by this time). The five vehicles would then park in a semicircle around the entrance of 535. The searchlight car would illuminate the building after all personnel had taken cover behind their vehicles. The arrival of additional squad cars, provided by the efficiency of Lieutenant John K. Fineally, NYPDCC, enabled me to station blocking cars at the exits from East Seventy-third Street at York Avenue and East End Avenue. Car George Nineteen was stationed at East End Avenue, and car George Thirty-two at York Avenue.
“I was in the first car (George Six) approaching the apartment house from York Avenue. My order, repeated several times, was that there was to be no firing until I gave the command.”