
I have had a lot of help, encouragement and support since I started writing, so I would like to thank everyone in the order they have joined my journey.

Firstly, I would like to thank my wonderful family for their support, encouragement and role-playing that took place in my front room. My son started my creative journey by finding an on-line course and The Write Place creative writing school, which was held just up the road from where I live. It was there I met the tutor and author Elaine Everest. She, and her students, have encouraged, and supported by giving critical feedback on my writing. Elaine has always led the way by example and always been there when advice has been needed. It was through her, I joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association (RNA) New Writers Scheme, which gave me valuable feedback and introduced me to many budding and established authors. It was also with Elaine’s encouragement that I started blogging, on the WriteMindsWritePlace Blog. The original cast was Elaine Everest, Vivien Brown, Natalie Klienman, Francesca Capaldi Burgess and of course me. I would like to thank them for their endless encouragement and support. Viv also had a big part to play in encouraging me to join the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. I am lucky to be a member of such supportive organisations and groups.

I have attended many talks, events and conferences, locally and through the RNA. It was through a local talk that I met Ian Castle, who was a font of all knowledge when it came to WW1, so I owe him a big thank you. It was at an RNA event that I met and want to thank Felicity Trew, of the Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency, and Natasha Harding, of Bookouture. They both gave me valuable advice at different times in my journey. The RNA conferences gave me the experience of having one to ones with agents and publishers. It was through those that Natasha was the first industry professional to love this story and I can’t thank her enough for passing her wisdom on to me. It was also through the one to ones that I met Rosie de Courcy (Head of Zeus), who loved my writing and suggested I send it to a contact at Aria, which is also part of Head of Zeus.

A huge thank you must go to my editor Lucy Gilmour and the team at Aria, who are publishing this book. They have been a pleasure to work with and have fine-tuned my novel. I truly hope everyone who reads it enjoys it.

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