16 Standoff at Hwy#37
Vickie Ramirez



THOMAS LEE DOXDATER (Tuscarora) 24, PFC – Accomplished, confident, a perfect soldier

LINDA BALDWIN (African American) 19, PFC – Ambitious, small but scrappy, competitive

CAPTAIN DONALD HEWITT (Caucasian) 34, Military lifer with disappointed ambitions


DARRIN JAMIESON (Cayuga) 30, No settled home or reservation, gets by on his looks and his charm

SANDRA HENHAWK (Mohawk) 32, Raised in the city, officious

AUNT BEV (Mohawk) 62, Charming and flirtatious, a slightly glam version of the Grandma/Auntie type. Always has snacks


Upstate New York. The border of a small town and the local Haudenosaunee reservation (the protest site). Aunt Bev’s house on the rez.

The back-drop is a multi-media display where photos and slides can be projected. (Or solid, selected photos.) At different times, the slides will be of untouched reservation lands, and photos of land claim protests.

During the protest, STAGE LEFT there is picnic table with a large flat of the Haudenosaunee wampum belt (the Iroquois flag) hung on its side. CENTERSTAGE is a sign...WELCOME TO THE SITE OF THE NEW HIGHWAY #37 BYPASS.

For Aunt Bev’s house, a traditional quilt hangs center stage. There is a small sofa, the armchair and a dinner table with chairs.

Pronounciation notes

Haudenosaunee (Ho-danno-SHOW-knee) – The People of the Longhouse

Ongewehonwe (UNG-gweh-hone-WEH) – The One People

Iroquois (Ear-oh-QUOYSE)

Wampum (whom-pum)

Onondaga (Aw-non-DAH-gah)

Seneca (Sen-eh-KAH)

Mohawk (MOW-hawk)

Cayuga (Kah-YOO-gah)

Oneida (Oh-NIGH-dah)

Tuscarora (TUSK-ah-ROAR-ah)

Sago (SAY-goh) – Hello (Mohawk)


Chi’wen (Chey-WEN’) Hello (Tuscarora)

Satnyeh (Sat –n-YEH) Sit down (Tuscarora)

Punctuation note

// : indicates dialogue entry of the following character


Lights up on the stage. Dawn. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 331 (1) is projected on video screens.

As AUNT BEV enters there is a recording playing the sounds of recent land claim protests. Pictures from OKA Caledonia, Wounded Knee and other land claims flicker past on the screens.

Over the cacophony, we hear New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s statement from his August 13th, 2010 radio show (this can be the original or an actor reading the statement).

BLOOMBERG #x2019;S VOICE “I’ve said this to Governor Paterson, I said, you know; Get yourself a cowboy hat and a shotgun. If there’s ever a great video, it’s you standing in the middle of the New York State Thruway saying, you know, Read my lips – the law of the land is this, and we’re going to enforce the law.”

(AUNT BEV listens as the protest sounds get louder waits a beat then smiles.)

AUNT BEV (To audience.) Seems like somebody doesn’t really know the Law of the Land. The original law. The Great Law. The law before New York was New York and before America was America. Our law. (A spotlight goes up on AUNT BEV. She is in storyteller mode.) Many, many years ago the Haudenosaunee - that’s us, The Ongewehonwe, The One People. We have a lot of names but the one everybody knows is “Iroquois.” It’s WRONG. It’s taken from an insult by some smart-ass Algonquins. Means “little snakes” - “little snakes” they’re ones to talk, I’ve dated Algonquins - (She makes a measuring gesture with her thumb and forefinger.) - But I’m getting sidetracked. Haudenosaunee. The People of the Longhouse. Now, way, waaaaaay back (long before the Invaders came) there was a time of terrible conflict and bloodshed amongst the Five Nations. Brother was killing brother. It all seemed hopeless until the Creator sent someone to restore peace, love, and harmony amongst the people. He was the Peacemaker and his Great Law not only brought Peace, but brought us all together as the Ongwehonwe, the One-People. That law still governs the now Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee.

AUNT BEV (Cont’d, gestures to the Haudenosaunee Flag.) This wampum was made to commemorate that coming together. It represents the original Five Nations. In the center is the Tree of Peace, where the Nations buried their weapons. The tree represents the Onondaga (the keepers of the Central Fire); the two outside squares are the warrior nations - the Senecas (the keepers of the Western Door) and the Mohawks (the keepers of the Eastern Door). The Cayuga and the Oneida,(the two Younger Brothers) are the squares in between and the Tuscaroras, well - they’re the little bit of that white line that extends off the edge. That’s what happens sometimes, when people don’t find their path. They can go off the edge.

Scene 1

P.F.C. THOMAS LEE DOXDATER, 24, enters. He circles the stage, checking the perimeter. He spots AUNT BEV.

AUNT BEV Sago, dear -

THOMAS Hello Ma’am. Protest starting already?

AUNT BEV Gotta get here early to beat those bulldozers - ennit? (Beat.) Ennit?

THOMAS I’m not here for the protest.

AUNT BEV Oh. Okay then. I thought -


AUNT BEV You’re NDN, right?


AUNT BEV You look Haudenosaunee -

THOMAS Yes, ma’am.

AUNT BEV You’re not here for the protest?

THOMAS Not how you think.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT, 34, enters with PFC LINDA BALDWIN, 19. AUNT BEV exits unseen.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater! Report?

THOMAS Perimeter clear. Except for the Elder, Sir.

BALDWIN “Elder?” You’re so weird.

THOMAS It’s respect. What would you call her?

BALDWIN (Looks around.) Nothing. No one’s there.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Cut the chatter. Eyes on me! Follow the line.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT takes position in front of the sign. He carefully walks a straight line from the sign to center upstage. BALDWIN and THOMAS watch attentively.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT (Gestures stage left.) This area is undisputed reservation territory, a safe zone for the protestors. As long as they stay on their side of the line, they’re fine. That same rule applies to us.

BALDWIN Sir - what if things start getting out of control? If people start getting violent or something -

THOMAS Not happening.

BALDWIN This is a protest. Could happen.

THOMAS Why? Because we’re a pack of Wild Indians?

BALDWIN I didn’t mean that.

THOMAS (To CAPTAIN HEWITT.) Trust me sir. This isn’t gonna be violent.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I do. You’re in charge. I have to check the other sites up the line.


CAPTAIN HEWITT Problem, Baldwin? Doxdater is qualified. Do you know why we can’t cross the line?

BALDWIN No - but -

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater, explain.

THOMAS Sovereign territory, sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT It’s Indian land.

BALDWIN But Doxdater // is Indian.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater is representing the interests of the United States of America. While he’s on duty and in uniform, he’s one of us.

THOMAS Yes, sir!

BALDWIN But, sir -

CAPTAIN HEWITT Our job is to make sure the protesters are safe, but also to ensure they do not cross into the disputed territory. (He gestures stage right.) This is the area in contention.

THOMAS Yes, sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT This should be an easy one, probably will be just a bunch of old folks. Sometimes there are a few troublemakers – but nothing that we need worry about.

THOMAS // Right, sir!

BALDWIN Sir, I don’t think -

CAPTAIN HEWITT The rule is - they keep it civil, we keep it civil. There are rumors that they may try to blockade the bridge and the railway, but that’s only if things get out of hand. We’re not gonna let that happen.

THOMAS No, sir!

BALDWIN Not gonna happen, sir.


THOMAS Yes, sir?

CAPTAIN HEWITT I’m off to make the rounds - It’s your game here.


(Beat. HEWITT and DOXDATER finally notice her.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT What NOW, Baldwin? It better be lady problems because I’ve answered your concern.

THOMAS (Aside to CAPTAIN HEWITT.) Woah, look at that face! Definitely…lady problems face.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT finds this hilarious. BALDWIN doesn’t.)

BALDWIN It seems like a conflict of interest.


THOMAS Yes, sir?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Anything changed since our earlier conversation?

THOMAS No. Like I said - it’s not my rez.



THOMAS (Calls after him.) Thank you Sir!

BALDWIN You’re a deadman.

THOMAS It was a joke.

BALDWIN It wasn’t funny.

THOMAS You’re too sensitive.

BALDWIN “Sovereign territory, sir!” - so that’s how to get ahead. Pimp your background.

THOMAS I earned this.

BALDWIN Right. The fact that you’re an Indian and we’re here to control a protest by a bunch of Indians is just a coincidence.

THOMAS It’s why they pay us.

BALDWIN “It’s not my rez” - what does that even mean?

THOMAS Just what I said - it’s not my rez.

BALDWIN But it is your people.

(DARRIN JAMIESON, 30, enters. He carries an overstuffed armchair and a large colorful tote bag.)

DARRIN (Calling offstage) Hey Aunt Bev, where do you want your chair?

(AUNT BEV enters.)

AUNT BEV Oh, I don’t know, somewhere cozy...I want a view of everything.

(They survey the stage and DARRIN spots BALDWIN.)

DARRIN Hey, how YOU doin?

BALDWIN Forget it.

(AUNT BEV grabs the chair and pulls it into place while DARRIN bothers BALDWIN.)

DARRIN I never thought I’d say this - on you, that outfit looks good.

BALDWIN Nice...purse. Pretty colors -

DARRIN Aunt Bev, please tell this lovely lady I’m holding your bag for you. Because, I’m a gentleman.

AUNT BEV You are a good boy, now give it back to me, I’m hungry.

(AUNT BEV sits in her chair, directly under the Highway Expansion sign.)

BALDWIN She can’t sit there.

DARRIN C’mon sweetheart - be nice.

BALDWIN Ma’am? We’re gonna need you to move your chair.

AUNT BEV Don’t worry dear, I just want to be able to see everything, that’s all.

(THOMAS spots AUNT BEV and moves toward her.)

THOMAS Ma’am, you’re on disputed territory.

DARRIN Hey, Tommy! Long time no see! Look at you, all official and everything. How you doin’, man?

THOMAS Ma’am, can you please move your chair?

AUNT BEV Sago again, officer.

THOMAS I’m not a policeman.

AUNT BEV Sago, soldier -

DARRIN He’s National Guard, Aunt Bev -

AUNT BEV Sago, guardsman.


THOMAS Ma’am - you can’t sit here.

DARRIN Hey, Tommy, back off. She can sit where she wants.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT joins them.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Correction. She can’t sit here.

AUNT BEV Chair too big?

CAPTAIN HEWITT When she’s on Indian Land, she can sit wherever she wants.

AUNT BEV She wants to remind you, it’s all Indian land. Isn’t it, guardsman?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Not according to the government, ma’am.

AUNT BEV Which one?

THOMAS The U.S. government, ma’am.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT stalks over to stage right.)



AUNT BEV Are you in trouble, hon?


(THOMAS steps over to CAPTAIN HEWITT, BALDWIN follows.)

BALDWIN The Indian thing isn’t helping, is it?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Baldwin, were you called?

BALDWIN I’m as well-certified as Doxdater, in fact in some categories I’m rated higher -

THOMAS Hah! You beat me in spit and polish, Baldwin, that’s it.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I’m well aware of your qualifications.

BALDWIN Is this a gender thing, sir? Because I think she might be more receptive to another woman.

CAPTAIN HEWITT (Cuts her off.) Do you speak Mohawk?

BALDWIN Pardon me?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater can speak to these people.

THOMAS I’m Tuscarora. And they all speak English.

BALDWIN It’s his Tribe, sir -

THOMAS The word is nation, Baldwin and yeah, we’re all Haudenosaunee - but they’re Mohawks.

BALDWIN Which means?

DARRIN It means, secretly, Tommy would love to tell some Mohawks to suck it, but never would in front of white people.

THOMAS Pipe down, Darrin!

BALDWIN Hah, so you do know him!

CAPTAIN HEWITT Baldwin, Doxdater!

THOMAS (Salutes.) // Sir!

BALDWIN (Salutes.) Sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater, I don’t understand the difference between tribes and nations and all that - my question is...are you good?

THOMAS Yes, sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT I can put in a good word. Reassignment doesn’t guarantee demerit. We tried something, it didn’t work - that’s all. No issue.

BALDWIN (Mutters.) Boy’s club strikes again.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Pardon me, Baldwin?

BALDWIN Nothing, sir!

THOMAS I can handle it, sir.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Done. Now go be nice to the little old lady -

(He gestures towards AUNT BEV, who gives him a friendly wave. CAPTAIN HEWITT nods back at her.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT She’s positioned herself right on top of the contested portion of the land. I’m sure that’s no mistake.

THOMAS No, sir.

CAPTAIN HEWITT You have an “in” here. I’m sure she’ll listen to a nice young Tuscarora man.

THOMAS Yes, sir.

BALDWIN Sir, I was very close to my Granny and //

THOMAS Thank you for your trust, Sir.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Of course. Don’t fuck up.

(He EXITS. As soon as he is gone, BALDWIN rolls her eyes.)

BALDWIN Wow. He’s the dad you didn’t know you had.

THOMAS Jealous?

BALDWIN I do not need to prove anything to some old white dude.

THOMAS Hah, says you!

BALDWIN You can “handle it”, huh? What if one of them jumps you?

THOMAS (Points at AUNT BEV.) One of them?

BALDWIN They may look harmless. Doesn’t mean they are. Are you really prepared to do whatever’s necessary? That’s your people over there.

THOMAS That’s the job.

BALDWIN You should’ve gone for reassignment.

THOMAS Right. “Those Indians always need special treatment.”

BALDWIN Oh, poor baby. You don’t need to worry, not when he’s gonna “put in a good word for you.”

THOMAS Wouldn’t make a difference.

BALDWIN Yeah it does. What are you gonna do? You have friends here...even if they are Mohawk.

(She gestures toward DARRIN.)

DARRIN Hey sweetheart I see you looking at me! Tommy! Help a brother out, will ya?

THOMAS He’s not Mohawk. He’s Cayuga.

BALDWIN Whatever - he’s your friend.

THOMAS Everyone knows Darrin. That doesn’t make him a friend.

BALDWIN Wow. Real asshole today, aren’t you?

THOMAS Look, I’ve got a job to do. That’s it.

(DARRIN comes up between them.)

DARRIN (Flirting shamelessly.) Hey, tell her about the time I pulled you outta the old well. You should’ve seen it, gorgeous. It was the hunts for the Midwinter Feast - first one I’d ever been on. I was excited, but the kid here, he practically had ants in his pants.

THOMAS Why are you talking, Darrin?

DARRIN I’d never been to one before. Never seen a proper deer hunt - the right kind of hunt, the traditional one? Tommy’s Dad said that since I was almost a man, I needed to learn how to do it right. With respect.

THOMAS (Mutters.) Respect, that’s a good one.

DARRIN Since it was my first hunt and Tommy was just six, we both had the same job. Calling the deer with the antlers. (He mimes clicking the antlers together.) The first chance he could, Tommy ran off. No one else noticed, so I took off after him. Stupid kid ran over an old well and practically fell through. He was halfway down when I found him. I pulled him out, but he dropped the antlers. Cried like I’d killed his puppy. Well, that’s me - saving babies. I’m heroic like that.

BALDWIN (To DARRIN.) You need to get back behind the line.

DARRIN Awwww, come on, let’s keep it friendly.

THOMAS Back behind the line, Darrin!

DARRIN Man....

(DARRIN goes.)

BALDWIN So - not a friend? How does he know everybody?

THOMAS He’s got no rez, no family, so he has nowhere to go. He just stays with people until people get sick of him.

BALDWIN He lived with you?

THOMAS For a while. Then we were done, too. That’s how he lives - He moves to the next house and the next rez and wears everybody out.

BALDWIN And people just let him…

THOMAS What else are they gonna do? Let him starve? I know, it’s tempting.

(DARRIN whispers with AUNT BEV. She waves THOMAS over.)

BALDWIN You’re getting summoned.

(He unslings his rifle and hands it to BALDWIN.)

THOMAS Take my gun -


THOMAS Respect goes a long way, Baldwin.

(THOMAS strides over to AUNT BEV, keeping carefully on his side of the “boundary.”)

THOMAS Did you need assistance, ma’am?

AUNT BEV So you’re Essie Doxdater’s grandson!

THOMAS Yes, ma’am.

AUNT BEV Let me look at you. Take after that good-looking father of yours, don’t you? She said you were gonna be a soldier —

THOMAS Just a guardsman, ma’am.

DARRIN Whatever happened to medical school?

THOMAS What? Nothing.

AUNT BEV You’re gonna be a doctor?

THOMAS No, ma’am. I don’t know what he’s talking about.

DARRIN You used to always say you were going to be a doctor.

THOMAS Yeah? I used to wanna be an astronaut, too.

AUNT BEV Astronaut Indian...that far above the Mother? Well, why not -maybe you’ll run into the Sky People.

THOMAS I was eight, ma’am.

DARRIN Aunt Bev - everyone just calls her Aunt Bev.

THOMAS Aunt Bev.

AUNT BEV Either way...You’re planning for your future. Essie must be so proud.

DARRIN I bet your parents are.

THOMAS When did you get out?

DARRIN A few months ago -

THOMAS You crashing here now?

AUNT BEV Darrin’s staying with me for a bit.

THOMAS Some things never change.

DARRIN I’m just working some things out.

AUNT BEV We know, Darrin.

THOMAS Been working things out for a long time, huh?

DARRIN I’ve got plans –


AUNT BEV Don’t be so doubtful. As long as someone’s living - they’ve got potential.

THOMAS Yes ma’am.

AUNT BEV What about you? When you’re done with this?

THOMAS I’m happy in the Guard, ma’am.

AUNT BEV Protector of the land.

BALDWIN Doxdater wants to transfer to regular army.

(She hands him back his rifle.)

AUNT BEV Want to save the world too, huh, Thomas?

DARRIN I knew it man, pretty soon you’ll be a general or some shit.


THOMAS You can’t see me in stars, Baldwin?

AUNT BEV Well, why not? If he’s good at this?

BALDWIN I know Hewitt likes you - but that’s not how it works. Started a little late.

AUNT BEV Age doesn’t mean incapable, it just means it’s easier to get people to move your chair for you -

THOMAS Speaking of which -


THOMAS Aunt Bev, would you mind if I moved your chair just a little to the left –

AUNT BEV Oh, but I won’t be able to see as well over there - I like it here.

(THOMAS leans in closer to her.)

THOMAS Ma’am, I hate to insist, but -

(SANDRA HENHAWK, 32, enters. She spots THOMAS and rushes over to join AUNT BEV.)

SANDRA Back off, Storm-troopers!

DARRIN Oh here we go, now -

THOMAS You need to relax, ma’am.

SANDRA RELAX! It looks like you and Murder-Drone Barbie //

BALDWIN // Barbie? Seriously? //

SANDRA are trying to intimidate an old woman.

AUNT BEV Hey! Middle-aged.

THOMAS Okay, everybody calm down. NOW.

DARRIN I’m completely calm.

THOMAS We’re just asking her to move her chair, that’s all.

SANDRA You condescending asshole.

DARRIN Geez Sandra, it’s still early. Eat something.

BALDWIN (To AUNT BEV.) Ma’am - we’re gonna have to make you move, anyway.

AUNT BEV What’s your name, dear?

BALDWIN Private Baldwin...Linda Baldwin -

AUNT BEV Linda Baldwin...it makes me so proud to see you in uniform. Women were only allowed to be nurses and secretaries in the military when I was growing up.

BALDWIN Thank you, ma’am -

AUNT BEV The Haudenosaunee have a long-standing tradition of women warriors, did you know that?

BALDWIN I didn’t.

SANDRA You’re looking at one right now, sister!

AUNT BEV In our society women are recognized for their power. The men may be chiefs, but we choose them.

BALDWIN Really? Does Doxdater know that? Because I think he missed that lesson.

THOMAS Very funny.

SANDRA What is she talking about?

DARRIN Relax - there will be plenty of time to fight everybody.

AUNT BEV Of course we would send the men out for an offensive attack - but we would fight side by side when it came to defense.

BALDWIN Really? I like that!

SANDRA - As evidenced by the Oka crisis in 1990 - when the Quebec government came in with teargas and blocked food to the reservation. Women and children linked hands and stood against well-armed government forces -

DARRIN You’ve set her off, now.

SANDRA As evidenced by the Seaway Bridge dispute in 2009, when government officials tried to stop a funeral procession from going across the bridge - from one side of the reservation to the other - to the burial ground -

THOMAS Or some people might say, tried to cross the American/Canadian border without going through customs.

SANDRA I recognize no such border.

AUNT BEV Its reservation land, dear - no border there.

THOMAS Maybe once upon a time, but that was before we had terrorists to worry about.

SANDRA You calling us terrorists?

DARRIN No - Tommy’s one of us.


AUNT BEV Thomas Lee Doxdater, banded member of the Tuscarora Nation, Eel Clan.

SANDRA (To THOMAS.) Traitor!

THOMAS Do I know you?

SANDRA You should know me as one of your people.

THOMAS I’m not Mohawk.

AUNT BEV But you are Haudenosaunee.

DARRIN Naw, you don’t know her - Sandra is Marjorie Henhawk’s daughter. She got adopted, lived in the city most of her life.

SANDRA Shut up, Darrin!

THOMAS Why are you here now?

SANDRA Excuse me?

DARRIN You know how it is. She boomeranged. What’s your name now? I forget.

SANDRA I changed it back to Henhawk.

THOMAS But you’re still from the city.

SANDRA So, tell me where you’re from? Turning against your own people?!

THOMAS I’m maintaining the peace.

DARRIN That’s right! We’re all peaceful because Thomas is here.

SANDRA You’re in the uniform of an occupying power and you’re NOT turning against your own people?

BALDWIN Occupying! We’re not occupying anything!

SANDRA Sorry, honey, you’re an invader -

BALDWIN My people didn’t invade.

SANDRA Well, you are now. Until last year, our reservation extended another mile and a half to the east of this boundary. Been like that for over three hundred years, then all of a sudden, a developer builds a new complex just north of here, and decides he doesn’t want his fancy new folks having to drive around the rez to get to the highway. Then surprise, surprise! Somebody finds a document that claims we ceded all rights to the property in 1926.

BALDWIN Maybe they found the document because they finally had reason to look for it.

SANDRA What?! Wow - I thought you might understand, being a member of a fellow oppressed culture -

BALDWIN Right. Sure.

SANDRA But obviously you’re pretty comfortable in your place in the hierarchy -

BALDWIN What?! Do you know what black people go through in this country?

THOMAS Baldwin - don’t engage.


BALDWIN No you don’t - don’t even.

SANDRA I know more about you than you know about us! But that’s what happens when you get colonized. Genocide - literally and spiritually.

THOMAS Nice speech. Indian 101?

BALDWIN At least your society respects women.

DARRIN You tell her, sweetheart!

SANDRA Patronizing jerk. She’s not gonna sleep with you.

DARRIN Why not? You did.

SANDRA Not relevant!

THOMAS ALRIGHT! Shut it down! We’re getting off track here.

SANDRA You don’t get to tell me what to do -

BALDWIN Or me either!

THOMAS I’m in charge, Baldwin.


THOMAS Look, we’re not saying you can’t be here - I’m just trying to stop things from getting out of hand.

(DARRIN lets out a war whoop.)

AUNT BEV It’s a protest, Thomas - people are upset. It’s gonna get out of hand.

(THOMAS crouches down beside AUNT BEV.)

THOMAS Aunt Bev, you could really, really help -

AUNT BEV Are you hungry?

THOMAS No, I’m fine, thank you.

AUNT BEV I have corn soup and scones (pronounced scawns).

THOMAS Delicious, I’m sure - Aunt Bev -

AUNT BEV Yes, dear?

THOMAS Could I please move your chair?

(AUNT BEV pats his cheek, fondly.)

AUNT BEV No dear.

(Lights down.)

Scene 2

Lights up. Spotlight on the wrong side of the boundary. SANDRA angles her phone to get good reception. BALDWIN spots her and heads over.

SANDRA (On cell phone.) Come on Evie, you owe me one! This protest is important.

BALDWIN Hey, you know you’re not supposed to be over here -

(SANDRA waves her off, the proceeds to ignore her as BALDWIN tries to draw her attention.)

SANDRA Yeah, you’ll be sorry you didn’t send a reporter – Johnny Depp supports us!

BALDWIN (Skeptical.) Johnny Depp? Really?

SANDRA (Waves her off again.) He may even turn up - well, no I didn’t get a commitment –

(She flinches and stares at the phone.)

BALDWIN Hung up on you, huh?

SANDRA Doesn’t matter - don’t think you’re off the hook! My next call is to the New York Times!

BALDWIN And they’re gonna come here?

SANDRA This protest means something to a lot of people!

BALDWIN I can see that - I can see it means a lot to all three of you. Or four? Johnny Depp is coming? Because I want an autograph.

SANDRA I said we have his support. His assistant said that Mr. Depp is very supportive of Native issues and that she would be happy to relay the invitation to him.

BALDWIN I’m sure he is and you might even get a check at some point but right now - there’s just the three of you and right now, you are trespassing.

SANDRA There’s better reception over here.

BALDWIN I can detain you for this. If the Captain or Thomas saw you - they would.

SANDRA And you’re not gonna?

BALDWIN Get back behind the line. From one oppressed culture to the other.

(SANDRA steps back as BALDWIN exits and SANDRA rejoins AUNT BEV and DARRIN. Lights up on full stage. AUNT BEV enjoys her corn soup. DARRIN is stretched out on the picnic table, dozing. SANDRA pokes him. He tries to wave her off. She pokes him again. All GUARDSMEN are offstage.)

SANDRA Get up!

DARRIN Can’t you sit peaceful for five minutes?

SANDRA I don’t like how quiet it is. Bet they’re gathering reinforcements.

DARRIN Okay, wake me when the tanks come.

SANDRA Why are you here?


SANDRA Is this a joke to you? You’re all friendly with the guardsmen - you’re stretched out on the picnic table instead of flipping it over to use as a barricade - why are you here?

DARRIN I do things my way, you do things your way -

SANDRA When are you gonna take this seriously?

DARRIN (Sits up.) I am serious. They announce they’re taking land again, like it doesn’t matter. Like we can’t do anything about it. Well, I am doing something about it. Just don’t see the need to be in everybody’s faces yet, that’s all.

SANDRA I’m trying to get through to these people.

DARRIN Won’t happen.

SANDRA If we can get them to understand -

DARRIN Don’t waste your time. They don’t care. They never do.

SANDRA If you think that then why even come?

AUNT BEV We’re not here to get them to change their minds about us. They’ve already decided. Indians are fine as a sad memory. Easy to express regret about history as long as it stays in the past.

DARRIN “Oh those poor Indians, we did so many terrible things to them.” “That was 200 years ago, don’t you have casinos now?”

AUNT BEV They’ve already heard what we’ve had to say and they’re not interested.

SANDRA That’s why I organized this protest!

AUNT BEV No, you organized it so we can prevent the outsiders from taking more land from us.

SANDRA (Points to DARRIN.) He’s protecting the rez?

DARRIN Just don’t see the need to be all bitched out about it. While they’re friendly we can be friendly -

SANDRA This isn’t supposed to be friendly.

AUNT BEV Right now, we’re just talking. Save your energy for the real fight.

SANDRA Are you sure this isn’t because of the Apple?

DARRIN Apple ennit? (Mocking.) What do you know about Apples, you’re not even rez?

SANDRA I know more than you.

DARRIN From the internet.

AUNT BEV Shhh, Darrin! (To SANDRA.) Sandra why does Thomas bug you so much?

SANDRA Why are you giving him a pass? He’s raising arms against us.

AUNT BEV I’m not giving him a pass.

SANDRA He’s an Indian siding with the invaders!

AUNT BEV They are also our allies, dear -


AUNT BEV Treaties -

SANDRA They don’t respect treaties - how does that make them allies?

AUNT BEV Yep. They’re bad allies.

(THOMAS enters. He listens as AUNT BEV talks.)

AUNT BEV We honor the treaties. We’re Haudenosaunee - we are not victims. We’re here to protect the land as is our duty. We don’t need them to acknowledge the past or admit any wrongs. That’s not this fight. We just need them to move their highway bypass.

(BALDWIN enters. Sees AUNT BEV still in the same place. She makes a face at THOMAS and he nods. They both head for AUNT BEV.)

THOMAS Aunt Bev - I really need you to move now.

AUNT BEV Oh, I know. Likewise, dear.

THOMAS I have to follow orders. Even here.

AUNT BEV That’s okay, I know you’d do the right thing, if you could.

BALDWIN There’s rules, ma’am. Everyone has to follow them.

AUNT BEV Well, of course. That’s how it works in the military, right? You take orders and do what you’re told. Input from the troops is not needed.


AUNT BEV So different from Longhouse, huh Thomas? There everybody gets to voice their opinion.

THOMAS If the Captain decides to use force, I won’t be able to stop him.

BALDWIN We’ll probably have to help him.

(DARRIN hops off the table and steps up to face-off against THOMAS.)

DARRIN You know what’s gonna happen if you do, right Tommy boy?

AUNT BEV So sweet but I can take care of myself, Darrin. I’m sure Linda and Thomas both know that.

BALDWIN But, ma’am -

THOMAS Yes, ma’am.


(Beat. CAPTAIN HEWITT enters. He stops when he sees AUNT BEV, who gives him a friendly wave.)



BALDWIN Yes, sir!

(THOMAS and BALDWIN fall into formation in front of CAPTAIN HEWITT.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater, I asked you to get that woman to move, did I not?

THOMAS Yes, sir.

BALDWIN She won’t move, sir.


(He stalks over to AUNT BEV. DARRIN and SANDRA hover but she waves them off. She gives CAPTAIN HEWITT a bright smile. He doesn’t return the gesture. They face off for a moment in silence.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Ma’am, we need you to move your chair.

AUNT BEV Sago! Aren’t you something, with all those badges - what is your title exactly?


AUNT BEV Captain. That’s impressive!

CAPTAIN HEWITT Thank you, ma’am.

AUNT BEV Such a handsome man, and such fancy badges! You must have to beat the girls away with a stick.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I admire your strategic abilities, but you’ve played that harmless little old lady card a bit too much, now.

AUNT BEV Not so old –

CAPTAIN HEWITT And not so harmless - Do you know where I just came from, ma’am.

AUNT BEV The john?

CAPTAIN HEWITT No. The town. Folks had some interesting things to say.

AUNT BEV Oh, I don’t go to town much. The rez has everything I need.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I bet it does. I spoke with the local police chief - you know to make sure they had what they needed. Let them know we’re here -

AUNT BEV That’s very considerate of you.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Yeah. I happened to mention you.

(HEWITT puts a hand on Aunt Bev’s armrest. It’s a power play – THOMAS doesn’t like it.)


CAPTAIN HEWITT It’s our side of the border, we’re good.

THOMAS Let me handle it.

CAPTAIN HEWITT So far you haven’t. I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with.


CAPTAIN HEWITT This is YOUR protest, isn’t it? “Aunt” Bev.

SANDRA This is MY initiative.

CAPTAIN HEWITT (To AUNT BEV.) You let her think it was her idea? That was kind of you.

AUNT BEV I am kind, captain.

THOMAS What’s going on?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater, AUNT BEV is famous.

(As CAPTAIN HEWITT talks, the backdrop flashes with photos from different land disputes - photos with soldiers and police, protests, fires, and fighting from each of the uprisings mentioned by CAPTAIN HEWITT.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Caledonia/Six Nations land dispute in 2008, Akwesasne/Cornwall Bridge dispute in 2009, The Oka crisis in 1990 - (AUNT BEV just smiles.) But it doesn’t stop there - it goes back to Wounded Knee in ‘73 and Alcatraz in ‘69...

(Slides of the land conflicts flicker across the backdrop.)

AUNT BEV Keep going, captain.

CAPTAIN HEWITT There’s more? I shouldn’t be surprised. It seems, ma’am, wherever you go, MAJOR crises follow - sometimes even resulting in bloodshed -

AUNT BEV Understandable when one is fighting off occupying forces…

CAPTAIN HEWITT Occupying? It’s my country too. I’ve spent the better part of my life fighting to protect it. I’m not saying there isn’t a lot of bad - you and I both know our history has had its moments - but there’s a lot that’s great too. One of the greatest things in this country is that the people have the right to protest, peacefully.

AUNT BEV They do, don’t they.


AUNT BEV You’re welcome.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Pardon me, ma’am?

AUNT BEV Ever heard of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Great Law, captain?

CAPTAIN HEWITT I’m speaking about the Constitution.

AUNT BEV So am I -


AUNT BEV Oh I know, captain. Thomas knows too -

CAPTAIN HEWITT Oh yes he does. He swore allegiance to it.

(Beat. THOMAS stares forward, ignoring AUNT BEV as she tries to catch his eye.)

AUNT BEV Just say what you need to say.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I believe that you know exactly what you are doing. I believe you are deliberately trying to provoke an incident.


CAPTAIN HEWITT I have a lot of respect for you, but I don’t underestimate you. You can play games with the rest of them, but I’m not afraid to be the bad guy if the situation requires it. You understand?

AUNT BEV Yes, captain.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Doxdater! Baldwin! You understand?

THOMAS Yes, sir.

BALDWIN Yes, sir, captain sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT Move your chair, ma’am or we’ll move it for you.

(AUNT BEV starts to pack up her totebag, putting all the snacks away – and then she pulls out a war club, and sets it in her lap.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Right that’s it! Baldwin! Doxdater! With me.

(He stalks over to stage right. BALDWIN and THOMAS follow.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT We’re taking her in.

THOMAS What? It’s a peaceful protest! Sir.

CAPTAIN HEWITT What’s that thing she pulled out of her bag? Doesn’t look peaceful to me.

THOMAS It’s an old war club. It’s symbolic.

CAPTAIN HEWITT War club? Yeah, I don’t think I’m misreading the situation. You were supposed to charm her, Doxdater.

THOMAS Well, if you didn’t come in and threaten her -


BALDWIN Captain! I agree with Doxdater - She’s not dangerous. She just wants you to know she won’t be intimidated, that’s all.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Oh yeah, Baldwin? You can handle her?

BALDWIN It’s her pride, sir. She’s a warrior - she told me the women of her tribe //

THOMAS Nation //

BALDWIN have always been warriors.

CAPTAIN HEWITT So you two are friendly -

BALDWIN I think we understand each other -

CAPTAIN HEWITT Fine, Baldwin. See if you can get through to her or at the very least, disarm her - Doxdater -

THOMAS Yes, sir?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Not impressed.

(He exits. BALDWIN unslings her rifle and hands it to THOMAS.)

BALWIN Respect goes a long way, Doxdater.

(She goes over to AUNT BEV.)

AUNT BEV Hello dear -

BALDWIN I admire you so much - strong women like you are my role models. Every time they get angry because I ask too many questions, I picture all the women in the past who’ve come before me - women who were annoying and pushed too hard and persevered. Meeting you in person - it’s a revelation! A culture that takes it for granted that women are leaders and warriors and are capable of anything. I want to know more!

AUNT BEV I’m happy to teach you - come visit anytime.

BALDWIN Thank you!

AUNT BEV I’ll be right here.

DARRIN Haudenosaunee Women...leaders, warriors and stubborn as hell.

BALDWIN Admirable - truly, but this kind of effort deserves to be about a bigger cause.

SANDRA Our home isn’t worth the effort? Is that what you’re saying?

THOMAS Baldwin, don’t start this conversation.

SANDRA Right, Apple - run away scared -


THOMAS Red on the outside, white on the inside.

BALDWIN Oh. Like Oreo? Not nice.


DARRIN (To SANDRA.) You’re one to talk.

SANDRA Because I’m not rez? I’m as Indian as you are. I belong here with the rest of you. I don’t know what else you want me to do.

DARRIN Geez Sandra! Say, So what? I’m a city NDN, get over it.

THOMAS Just be who you are.

SANDRA (To THOMAS.) Who are you, exactly? You’re here - in that uniform, trying to control us.

THOMAS I know my language, I know my clan. I go to Longhouse regularly. When’s the last time you went?

BALDWIN Aunt Bev, moving the chair isn’t giving up anything. We can still have the conversation.

AUNT BEV True, but we’re having a conversation now, aren’t we?

DARRIN (To SANDRA.) He’s the real deal, Sandra. He’s traditional.

SANDRA It’s traditional to turn against your people?

THOMAS I gave my word. When I signed up, when I put on this uniform, I made a commitment - I swore on my honor. A warrior’s honor is everything. My dad taught me that.

DARRIN Your dad’s the most honorable man I’ve ever known.

THOMAS Yeah, well that’s how he raised me. Captain Hewitt understands honor. Dad tried to teach you, too bad it didn’t take.

(Beat. DARRIN reacts.)

SANDRA The way of the warrior - very New Age of you.

AUNT BEV It’s not a joke, Sandra.

THOMAS It’s okay, Aunt Bev, I’ve been mocked before. “Hey Kemosabe, get out of the way and I’ll give you some nice shiny beads.”

BALDWIN There’s a lot of jerks in our unit.

THOMAS First time I’ve heard it from another NDN.

SANDRA Must be your first time being a traitor.

THOMAS I’m not a traitor. I’m honoring my family. I’m following a path that was my father’s and my grandfather’s -

SANDRA And you’re living the traditional way -

THOMAS Every day.

SANDRA As a National Guardsman.

AUNT BEV The two aren’t incompatible, dear.

SANDRA (To AUNT BEV.) Bullshit!

THOMAS See that? You don’t speak to elders that way.

SANDRA I didn’t - I didn’t mean -

AUNT BEV It’s fine. It’s a tough situation. It’s hard for our young people these days. How much do you compromise? How much do you give up to get along?

SANDRA He is standing here holding a gun on his own people -

THOMAS I’m not the first one here to do that.


DARRIN Wow, man. Right under the bus - I was wondering when it was coming.

THOMAS You talk about my dad. How honorable he is and how much you respect him - how much respect did you feel when you pulled a gun on him and my mom?

DARRIN It was a shitty thing to do.

THOMAS Yeah, you’re gonna tell me? You robbed my family.

DARRIN I was messed up. I’m clean now.

THOMAS So that makes a difference?

DARRIN Well, that’s what happens when you got nowhere to go and no way out, all right? You do stupid shit. You screw over the people who matter. And you spend the rest of your time regretting it and trying to find a way to make it right.

THOMAS You can’t make it right.

DARRIN I get that, okay?

THOMAS I found a way to fit.

DARRIN Yeah, you did. It’s good to see, man.

THOMAS Oh, we’re good now? Is that what you’re trying to get me to say? Because we’re not.

(Beat. DARRIN is silent.)

AUNT BEV (To THOMAS.) People make mistakes, big ones sometimes. But that doesn’t stop Darrin from caring about you - or being the same guy who saved you from that well.

DARRIN Don’t bother Aunt Bev. It’s okay.

AUNT BEV He was punished, he paid for it.

THOMAS Yes, ma’am.

SANDRA You know something - you might be traditional and know everything there is to know about our culture //

THOMAS I didn’t say that. //

SANDRA but that doesn’t stop you from being a complete asshole.

THOMAS You don’t know me.

SANDRA I don’t think I want to, thanks.

BALDWIN More going on here than just a little land dispute, huh?

SANDRA Little land dispute?!

BALDWIN I don’t see why it’s such a big fuss. They’re just running a road - there’s still lots of land here for you all.

DARRIN Lots, huh?

THOMAS Does this look like a lot of land to you, Baldwin?

BALDWIN I meant for the size of the population. You’re not even using this land - it’s just overgrown.

AUNT BEV You mean it’s growing - the way the Creator intended it to?

DARRIN Why does everybody gotta cut up a piece of land when they see it?

BALDWIN The plants could be replanted -

AUNT BEV To other land that’s already over-cultivated?

SANDRA That’s the government solution for everything, huh? Move anything that gets in the way. Plants, people…

BALDWIN The highway expansion will help a lot of people.

AUNT BEV Not our people.

SANDRA This is how genocide works!

BALDWIN Don’t be so dramatic, genocide?

THOMAS Yeah, genocide. What do you know about it, Baldwin?

BALDWIN You’re still here - and you have your culture -

SANDRA Because we fight for it every day.

BALDWIN It’s not like you were slaves, you know?

SANDRA Yes, we were - read a history book some time.

BALDWIN I did and I remember you were slave-OWNERS -

DARRIN We were not.

BALDWIN On the Trail of Tears I heard you all had slaves carrying your stuff for you -

AUNT BEV A third of the nations that were driven onto the Trail of Tears, died during that walk.

DARRIN Right - we didn’t believe in owning land - but we believed in owning people - RIGHT.

AUNT BEV Some nations did own slaves. Not the best part of our history.

BALDWIN Ha! How do you like them - apples?

AUNT BEV The nations lost everything when the government tore them out of their homes and pushed them onto a new land. They adapted - not always in the best way.

BALDWIN Ma’am, I know it’s been bad for Indians. I’m not trying to say you haven’t had it rough, but at least you’ve still got your culture and your language - we don’t even have that.

AUNT BEV It’s not a competition, dear.

BALDWIN No offense - most of you aren’t even really Indians, you know// - you’re all so…mixed…

DARRIN Whoa, what?

THOMAS Sorry if we’re not Indian enough for YOU, Baldwin //

SANDRA We’re 1 percent of the population, what do you expect?

AUNT BEV Be careful dear, they like it when we fight each other. When the poor and the oppressed start seeing each other as the competition, they win. Don’t play along, Linda.

BALDWIN I’m not!

SANDRA Yes, you are. (To Thomas.) And you are too!


CAPTAIN HEWITT No success, Baldwin?

BALDWIN We’re talking, sir.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Right. Doxdater, get on the reservation side, Baldwin, get ready - on three we grab the chair.

THOMAS Wait - I can’t go on the rez.

CAPTAIN HEWITT If I relieve you of duty, you can. Get over there and grab the chair.

THOMAS Wait - what?

SANDRA Well, there it is. You heard him, Thomas.


CAPTAIN HEWITT (To THOMAS.) Strategy. A good soldier exploits every advantage he has.

SANDRA Exploits - yeah.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Grab the chair!

BALDWIN Come ON Thomas!

CAPTAIN HEWITT That was a direct order, kid.

THOMAS You relieved me of duty, didn’t you?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Are you giving me attitude? You forget your place, private!

THOMAS She’s an elder. You can’t just drag her away when she hasn’t done anything.

CAPTAIN HEWITT We’re just moving the damn chair!

AUNT BEV Over my dead body.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Can be arranged!


CAPTAIN HEWITT I told you, ma’am. Push me to the point where I HAVE TO take action - I will do so. Doxdater!

(Beat. THOMAS doesn’t move. BALDWIN crouches down beside AUNT BEV’s chair.)

BALDWIN I’m sorry, Aunt Bev -

CAPTAIN HEWITT Move, Doxdater!

SANDRA So what are you gonna do Thomas? You feel so good about who you are now?


THOMAS No Sir - and neither are you.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Private Doxdater, you’re insubordinate.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT grabs AUNT BEV’s chair and pulls. A loud click as THOMAS arms his rifle and raises it, aims at HEWITT.)

THOMAS Sir - you need to step back. Now!

CAPTAIN HEWITT Drop that weapon, Private!

(CAPTAIN HEWITT steps forward, ready to disarm THOMAS.)

THOMAS Don’t, sir! You’re trespassing on the Sovereign Territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. I’m within my rights to shoot if I so chose -

CAPTAIN HEWITT And I’m within my rights to beat you with that rifle, if I so choose.

(AUNT BEV jumps behind her chair and holds up her hand.)

AUNT BEV Um, not really, captain - as you’ve so clearly pointed out, there’s a border here. Thomas is on Indian land. But you can still have the chair if you want it.

DARRIN Fuck that!

(DARRIN grabs the back legs of the chair and drags it back over the border.)

AUNT BEV So, as you see Captain, you are not legally allowed to touch any of us. No chair, no custody, no knocking guns around. Nothing.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Right. Of course, ma’am, you know that your security will only last until I get the okay from Albany, right?

BALDWIN You raised your gun against your CO. Are you crazy?

DARRIN One craaaazyyy NDN!

AUNT BEV You can put that down now, Thomas - you made your point.

THOMAS I don’t think so -

AUNT BEV We don’t like guns.

THOMAS Grandma always says we’re adaptive. Me, I like my gun -

CAPTAIN HEWITT This means Leavenworth - you realize that?

THOMAS Yes. If my government decides to give me up to yours.

(THOMAS tears off his insignia, throws it on the ground beside HEWITT. CAPTAIN HEWITT steps forward to face THOMAS.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT You’re gonna regret that.

AUNT BEV Now, now, captain - no need to be a sore loser.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I hope you’re satisfied. He just destroyed his life. He’s done.

THOMAS Or maybe I’m finally figuring things out.

(SANDRA grabs THOMAS and drags him offstage DARRIN exits next, waving the chair in triumph. AUNT BEV is left alone, facing the guardsmen.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT We’ll be back. Be ready.

(CAPTAIN HEWITT and BALDWIN exit. Lights down on AUNT BEV watching them leave.)




AUNT BEV stands in front of a large projection of the Two-Row Wampum.

AUNT BEV One of our first treaties was with the Dutch. They wanted to do business with us. Trade. They consulted with their governor and came back with an offer and just like on T.V., the offer started with the phrase “the Great White Father.” We had to stop them right there and then. You say that you are our father and I am your son. We say, we will not be like father and son, but like brothers. This wampum belt confirms our words. These two rows will symbolize two paths or two vessels, traveling down the same river together. One, a birch bark canoe, will be for the Indian people, their laws, their customs and their ways. The other, a ship, will be for the other people and their laws, their customs and their ways. We shall each travel the river together, side by side, but each in our own boats. Neither of us will make compulsory laws nor interfere in the internal affairs of the other. Neither of us will try to steer the other’s vessel.

Scene 1

AUNT BEV’s house. Immediately after the act break. There is a sofa covered in a Hudson’s Bay Blanket, and quilt work pillows and a coffee table. A wooden dining chair is stage left. DARRIN, SANDRA and THOMAS all rush in first - AUNT BEV follows. DARRIN rushes in with the chair, he puts it in place like a trophy.


AUNT BEV Language, Thomas!

SANDRA What happened to “you don’t speak that way to elders?”

THOMAS Sorry, Aunt Bev.

DARRIN That was AWESOME, man!

AUNT BEV Shhh! Everyone - satnyeh! Calm down and let me think.

THOMAS I turned my gun on my CO.

AUNT BEV I was there, hon - I saw.

DARRIN That was classic - that was OUTLAW!

SANDRA That was insane.

THOMAS Oh yeah? Because I thought you wanted me to stand with you?

SANDRA Of course I did but //

THOMAS because for me to do that I had to stop Captain Hewitt and Baldwin from advancing! (To AUNT BEV.) Because that’s what they were doing. You get that, don’t you?

AUNT BEV I don’t like guns.

THOMAS Aunt Bev?

DARRIN No worries, Tommy - Aunt Bev will handle it.

AUNT BEV What’s gonna happen next, Thomas?

THOMAS Probably - call it in - contact the governor.


THOMAS They need to get permission to come in and get me.

SANDRA They’re gonna invade!

DARRIN No way!

THOMAS I’m AWOL, I broke rank and disobeyed a direct order - they’re coming alright.

SANDRA They can’t just do that!

AUNT BEV Yeah, they can.

SANDRA What do we do?

DARRIN What would A.I.M do! (He raises a “red power” fist.)

AUNT BEV Quiet, Darrin. (To THOMAS.) I’ll go to the council. If they’re gonna come - they’ll have to go through them first.

SANDRA Right. Let them face the council! Tribal people protect each other - it’s what we do!

AUNT BEV Sandra - why don’t you head back to the protest site? Keep an eye open for any updates.

SANDRA Got it!

(SANDRA exits.)

AUNT BEV Darrin - Keep Thomas company. Watch his back.

DARRIN Yes, ma’am!

THOMAS Ma’am, it would be better if I went with you. They could move on me at any time.

AUNT BEV Better to keep your head down. If you hear anything, see anything, you head to Sandra’s. It’s only a mile and a half away. Darrin knows where it is.

DARRIN Oh, yeah, I do. (He nods at THOMAS - guy code for “yeah, I nailed that.”) Not forgetting that one.


AUNT BEV I’ll see you soon.

(AUNT BEV exits. THOMAS and DARRIN are alone.)

DARRIN Have no fear, Darrin is here! It’s you and me against the world, buddy!


Scene 2

Spotlight, The Protest Site –a press conference. SANDRA is front and center. There are clicks and flashes of cameras as she reads a prepared statement. (Can be in the black or with photos on video display)

SANDRA (Reading.) “Whereas the confederation of the original Thirteen Colonies into one Republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself…...the original framers of the Constitution, including, most notably, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, are known to have greatly admired the concepts of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy…The Congress also hereby reaffirms the constitutionally recognized government-to-government relationshipwith Indian tribes which has been the cornerstone of this Nation’s official Indian policy;” This is from the Concurrent Resolution 331*, which was passed by the 100th Congress, second session in 1988. It confirms our existence and status as a sovereign government. Therefore Eminent Domain does not apply. This time it’s some greedy developers who want our land, and we say NO MORE! (Pauses for a “question.”) I’m not saying that is why Private Doxdater did what he did, but you have to understand - the provocation is extreme. (Pauses for another “question.”) He won’t be coming forward at this time, no. We are waiting to meet with tribal leaders first. (Pauses for another “question.”) No… I don’t really know - but that’s his commanding officer, feel free to ask him.

(Spotlight up on CAPTAIN HEWITT, flanked by BALDWIN. Cameras flash.)


(Lights up on protest site. SANDRA is on the rez side of the border. HEWITT faces off against her, still flanked by BALDWIN.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT That was a bad move.

SANDRA I don’t know, so far, I’m pretty happy with the result.


SANDRA I’m sorry - am I in uniform? I don’t have to answer your questions.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Look Sweetheart, I don’t think you understand the seriousness of this situation. I’m trying to help you all out, here.

SANDRA Well, sweetheart - I appreciate it, but I think we’ve got it covered.

(BALDWIN snorts a laugh, but covers it with a cough when HEWITT glares.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Thanks to you, the whole world knows that Private Doxdater is AWOL and insubordinate!

SANDRA You mean he finally remembered who he was and where his true loyalty lies?

CAPTAIN HEWITT His loyalty, just like YOURS, should be to this country and its constitution.

SANDRA Our loyalty is to our people.

CAPTAIN HEWITT We all live in the United States, which makes me your people.

SANDRA Your people break treaties like toothpicks and Thomas – he really believed you chose him for this mission on merit.


SANDRA Right. And it was just convenient that you could “relieve him of duty” when you needed to bend the rules.

CAPTAIN HEWITT A good officer -

SANDRA Exploits opportunities. You were threatening and manhandling an elder. Are you really surprised this happened? Don’t be surprised if it starts happening more.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Fine words, darlin’ - do you really want me to escalate this?

SANDRA Oooooh! The big bad military machine taking on the Indians. That’s okay, we’re used to it! Do your worst.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Right. Baldwin!

BALDWIN Yes, sir!


BALDWIN Yes, sir!

(HEWITT exits.)

BALDWIN That was really stupid.

SANDRA Thanks G.I. Jane, but I’m good.

BALDWIN Hewitt is trying to protect Thomas.


BALDWIN He’s Hewitt’s protégée. He practically adopted him the moment he showed up.

SANDRA (Sarcastic.) Right - the little NDN kid?

BALDWIN The little warrior kid. Thomas is all about honor and serving people and so is Hewitt.

SANDRA That guy?

BALDWIN He did two tours in Afghanistan before he was switched to the guard. Thomas respects the hell out of him.

SANDRA You don’t?

BALDWIN I have ovaries.

SANDRA So, I’m not wrong, Hewitt is an asshole.

BALDWIN I don’t think you realize how serious this is. Thomas just bought himself ten years in Leavenworth //

SANDRA Ten years? //

BALDWIN if he’s lucky. AWOL isn’t good but turning your gun against your CO, that’s major. The powers that be won’t forgive – but if Thomas turns himself in, Hewitt could claim it was an emotional breakdown.

SANDRA He wants Thomas to say he’s crazy? No way.

BALDWIN I know you don’t trust me or Hewitt, but this is the only way.

SANDRA Why do you care?

BALDWIN He’s my friend.

SANDRA Sure he is.

BALDWIN Yeah he is. He’s a pain in my, well you know - but we are friends. I wouldn’t have made it through basic without him. And this is major.

SANDRA You really think it will work?

BALDWIN It’s the only option.

Scene 3

AUNT BEV’S house. DARRIN sits on the sofa as THOMAS paces.

DARRIN Tommy, sit down! Relax. You’re stressing me out.

THOMAS Yeah? They could be knocking down the door at any minute. Go ahead and stress out.

DARRIN Eat something. Have some tea. Don’t worry about anything until there’s something to worry about.

THOMAS Yeah, that’s you isn’t it? “Don’t worry – it’s all fine!” Well, people who take responsibility - worry.

DARRIN It’s a waste – Everything always works out in the end. You never get more than you can handle.

THOMAS You think that because someone always steps in to solve it for you. Well not me. I save me - I don’t wait for other people to do it.

DARRIN Yeah? - Aunt Bev’s off saving you right now, ain’t she?

THOMAS (To himself.) What am I doing?

DARRIN Being an asshole -

THOMAS Hewitt believed in me.

DARRIN The guy who brought you here to stand against us?

THOMAS We weren’t. We were here to keep the peace.

DARRIN If that’s what you say.

(AUNT BEV enters.)

THOMAS Hey Aunt Bev, what’s the news?

AUNT BEV I saw Bertha Silversmith, one of the clan mothers. They’re pretty upset. There’s already been trouble. People are being harassed when they buy groceries, when they try to see the doctor and three cars were set on fire.

THOMAS How did they find out? It just happened.

AUNT BEV Moccasin Telegraph. And it’s twice as fast now with Facebook. Heck, some of the clan mothers even do the Twitter.

THOMAS That’s it, isn’t it? They’re not gonna support me.

AUNT BEV We don’t know for sure.

THOMAS Can’t you speak for me, Aunt Bev? Make my case? (Beat.) I’m on my own.

DARRIN Naw - tell him, Aunt Bev.

AUNT BEV You got yourself into this situation.

THOMAS I was protecting you.

AUNT BEV Thomas -

THOMAS If someone put their hands on my grandmother the way the captain was gonna - I’d lose it. I started thinking of all the grandmothers, all the elders and the children who’d been pushed aside and dragged away and my gun was up and it felt right.

AUNT BEV You can’t get so swept up in the past, Thomas. It will never stop.

THOMAS I thought you wanted me to join your protest?

AUNT BEV I wanted you to put down your gun and refuse to take any further action. A peaceful protest.

THOMAS Right. Because that’s worked so well before.

AUNT BEV Peace is how our nations came together in the first place.

THOMAS That may have been how we came together, but that’s not how it works now. You’ve been peacefully fighting this bypass for how long? What’s it got you?

AUNT BEV I’m trying my best to help you.

THOMAS The captain was trying to help me. He said I was a natural soldier.

AUNT BEV You might’ve been a good soldier this morning but when you turned your gun on your captain, you became the redskin who can’t be trusted.

THOMAS What am I gonna do?

AUNT BEV Well, you can stick it out here, on the rez - and wait for official word from the council.


AUNT BEV You could go north. Our reservations run straight up through Canada.

THOMAS Like a coward.

AUNT BEV Who cares? It doesn’t matter.

THOMAS Yes, it does.

DARRIN Everyone will understand.

AUNT BEV What else can you do? Your captain is probably gathering reinforcements while we speak. Darrin’s still on parole. What will happen if you fight it out here?

DARRIN Doesn’t matter - I got your back kid.

AUNT BEV And Sandra - she’s in charge of this protest, will she be arrested for helping you?

THOMAS There’s gotta be other options -

AUNT BEV Well, the council hasn’t met - Bertha is gonna try and intervene with the clan mothers. We can wait if you really want to -

THOMAS I want to.

AUNT BEV Fine, but I think we should prepare, just in case.

THOMAS Okay, Aunt Bev.

AUNT BEV We’ve done it before. We can run you from rez to rez, like we did for A.I.M. It’s not that hard.

(AUNT BEV exits.)

THOMAS I don’t want to go to Canada.

(SANDRA enters.)


THOMAS Chi’wen Sandra.

SANDRA Is Aunt Bev here?


SANDRA How’s it looking?

THOMAS Not good. The clan mothers are worried. All sorts of stuff is happening in town. Bad stuff.

DARRIN Aunt Bev wants us to A.I.M. him up into Canada.

SANDRA They’re not gonna support you?

THOMAS We don’t know but - she thinks we need to prepare.

SANDRA What if I said I had another possibility?

DARRIN Well, speak up for crap’s sake.

SANDRA You need to go.

DARRIN That’s nice.

(DARRINS heads for exit. SANDRA grabs his arm.)

SANDRA Wait - (She whispers in his ear.)

THOMAS Do you guys need a moment alone? Because it’s no problem -

SANDRA The short answer would be NO. No way in hell.

DARRIN See? Every day she breaks my heart. (SANDRA rolls her eyes.) I’m gonna head over to the protest site. You two talk.

(He exits.)

THOMAS What were you two whispering about?

SANDRA So…Baldwin…is she trustworthy?


SANDRA Well, we may have a solution.

(SANDRA leads THOMAS as they exit.)

Scene 4

Midnight. The protest site. CAPTAIN HEWITT is waiting. DARRIN enters.

DARRIN Just you, right, Sarge?


DARRIN Whatever, bud.


DARRIN (Signaling THOMAS.) Ca-Caw! Ca-Caw!

(THOMAS enters cautiously.)

THOMAS Hey, cap. (He salutes. HEWITT doesn’t react.) No, huh?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Your idiot friend asked me to come.

DARRIN That’s not cool, man –

(THOMAS drags DARRIN over to the side, DARRIN takes a “lookout” position.)

THOMAS Thanks for coming.

CAPTAIN HEWITT What the hell do you want, Doxdater? Because right now, I’m thinking that if I stand here and raise my gun and shoot - I’m not breaking any law.


CAPTAIN HEWITT You drew on me, you little shit!

THOMAS I know! I’m sorry.

CAPTAIN HEWITT After everything I’ve done for you! What the hell, kid?


CAPTAIN HEWITT We were on the same team.

THOMAS I’m sorry.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I thought we saw eye to eye. I thought you were somebody I could trust. You know - Torres asked me why I was pushing you for O.C.S. and I told him - Doxdater’s solid. He’s the one guy who’d go to hell and back //


CAPTAIN HEWITT Not today. I asked you if you were okay, didn’t I?


CAPTAIN HEWITT You were all “I’m fine - it’s fine, it’s not my rez.”

THOMAS I know.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I trusted you! On your word. I gave you that respect. And then when you were struggling, I gave you an out.

THOMAS I know you did.

CAPTAIN HEWITT So why didn’t you take it?

THOMAS I didn’t want to disappoint you.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Well, good job, kid.

THOMAS I love the job. You know I do. I finally found a place where I fit or at least I thought I did. It shouldn’t have gone down the way it did. I know you would’ve shot anyone else who did that to you. It was just today -

CAPTAIN HEWITT What the hell did I do? I wasn’t gonna take the old lady in.

THOMAS No. But you were gonna pick her up and toss her aside like she was a sack of garbage.

CAPTAIN HEWITT So that’s it? That’s all? You threw away your career – both our careers - for that?

THOMAS Why’d you have to go and put your hands on her? After I told you? I WARNED you. You brought me here because I know NDN people, well did you forget I was one? Shit, captain - do you even know what you did? We’ve been pushed and grabbed and dragged away from our families and then you were gonna grab her too, like she was nothing. An ELDER. Right in front of me.

CAPTAIN HEWITT She was trying to provoke an incident!

THOMAS No, you provoked the incident. I was fine. They all questioned me – judged me for following orders and I was fine – because I knew you were a man of your word, a man of honor.


THOMAS Not today! You weren’t honorable today.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Well, I’m the asshole.

DARRIN Yeah, you are.

THOMAS Shut up, Darrin!


THOMAS I guess I’m not that honorable either. Baldwin said you wanted me to turn myself in.

CAPTAIN HEWITT She did, huh?

THOMAS She said it was your idea. That you could make a case for emotional distress or something.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Were you distressed, Thomas?


CAPTAIN HEWITT She’s right it could work. I could say that the shock of standing against your own people was too much and you couldn’t take it anymore.

THOMAS I couldn’t take it anymore.

CAPTAIN HEWITT So all you have to do is agree that you snapped and we can take you in. I think the press will lose interest once they hear it’s psychological.

THOMAS The press?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Your friend didn’t tell you? She called a huge press conference right over there. Seems like I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t honorable today.

THOMAS Aunt Bev?

CAPTAIN HEWITT No, the mouthy one. The one who was in your face as much as she was mine.

THOMAS Sandra.

DARRIN Bullshit.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Are you gonna turn yourself in?

THOMAS Would you?

CAPTAIN HEWITT Probably not, but I wouldn’t use me a role model. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me, after all. If you’re gonna turn yourself in, you should do it now. No one’s around – easier to keep it low profile.

THOMAS I don’t want a cover-up!

CAPTAIN HEWITT You just embarrassed the National Guard and the U.S. Army. Yeah, we cover it up. You get a medical discharge and we all calm down. Business as usual.

THOMAS I don’t want business as usual.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Don’t let one mistake blow up your life.

THOMAS And everything that happened today will be for nothing.

CAPTAIN HEWITT They got some press for their protest. It’s not all lost.

THOMAS I’m not crazy.


THOMAS What you did was wrong - and what you were about to do was even worse.

CAPTAIN HEWITT You overreacted.

THOMAS No. I didn’t.

(THOMAS stands at attention.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Don’t listen to me kid, I’m tired. I’m not thinking clearly. We can work it out in morning. (THOMAS doesn’t move.) You stupid shit.


DARRIN (Shouts after him.) Dick!

THOMAS Canada, here I come.

Scene 5

Later. AUNT BEV’S house. THOMAS packs up. SANDRA is curled up in the armchair, searching the web.

SANDRA I don’t understand. What happened with Baldwin’s plan?


SANDRA We still haven’t heard from the council -

THOMAS Do me a favor - don’t call the press until I’ve actually left the rez, okay?

SANDRA What are you talking about?

THOMAS The captain told me - you had a nice turnout.

SANDRA I’m sorry.


SANDRA I thought it would benefit you and the protest. I thought - if people could hear your side -

THOMAS You didn’t ask my side.

SANDRA Didn’t have time. It was too good of an opportunity.

THOMAS To make sure everyone knew what happened.

SANDRA Well yeah, isn’t that what you wanted?

THOMAS They were advancing on Aunt Bev. I wasn’t making a stand.

SANDRA Yes you were. They were about to do something wrong and you said “no.” That is taking a stand.

THOMAS People are calling me a traitor.

SANDRA To this government? So, what?

THOMAS I’m not a traitor.

SANDRA You were protecting your people.

THOMAS I gave my word as a warrior and I broke it.

SANDRA More of the “Warrior Code.”

THOMAS It’s not a joke. Bet you had a nice cushy job in the city.

SANDRA I came back here, okay?

(DARRIN enters with some road maps. THOMAS and SANDRA don’t notice.)

THOMAS Did you ever hear that an Indian man is three times more likely to go to jail than to college? We heard it every day. “Watch out, you don’t wanna end up in jail.” Because every family has one - guys like Darrin, who screw up over and over again. So they numb themselves and derail because they can’t find a way to fit. Because everything in this world we live in now is set up to crush who we are. But I found my place - or I thought I did.

(DARRIN exits upset.)

SANDRA Hey, at least you know who you are. For the longest time, I tried to forget I was Indian. I was tired of explaining myself. Tired of the stupid questions. Do you speak Indian? What’s a sweat lodge like? Tired of being judged by TV standards, and movie standards - to these douche-bags, you’re not Indian if you don’t act like an extra from Dances With Wolves. Well, hello - that’s Western people. We were 500 different nations - NATIONS - as in different languages and traditions - and no, I don’t know what happens in a Hopi sundance because, I’m Haudenosaunee, Mohawk specifically and sorry if I like to wear high heels occasionally. I got so tired of validating who I was to them, and tired of their presumption that their opinion mattered. Like they had the right to question us about who we are. So I stopped being Indian. I got so tired of it, I finally decided to learn Spanish, just to shut everybody up.

THOMAS Well, you solved it, then.

SANDRA I thought so - then, one day the mayor said something incredibly stupid and, I thought - racist and I couldn’t get anyone to care. It felt like a punch - like a slap out of nowhere, and I didn’t - even realize it, but I’d started crying. So I told “my people” in the city - my friends, my ex - and they all laughed. Like it was a joke. I guess it was my fault because I’d always made jokes and laughed along in the past, because hey, “I have a sense of humor”.

THOMAS You do?

SANDRA I did then - until I realized that nobody cared what was happening with us. I had a good job, a job that was all about selling things, making people believe things and I couldn’t get anyone to buy the idea that what he said was wrong. I realized then that my job was pretty useless - who I was, was pretty useless. So I came here, and dammit if I wasn’t gonna find a way to be useful. That’s why I came back and that’s why I started this protest - because I’ve played the game and ignored shit and have gone along to get along and I ended up pretty screwed. I’m allowed to be angry here. People know what I’m talking about here.

THOMAS I’ll be honest - I’m kinda 50/50.


THOMAS Hey, it’s the rez. We tease because we care.

SANDRA Well, thanks.

(AUNT BEV enters with DARRIN.)

AUNT BEV Sandra.

SANDRA Yes, Aunt Bev?

AUNT BEV Get out of my chair.

(SANDRA jumps up as AUNT BEV sits down.)

AUNT BEV So, Darrin, what’s the rundown?

DARRIN We’ve got a huge crowd down at the site! There’s a long lineup, Powlesses are there, Maracles, and the Longboats brought six hundred and forty-three of their closest cousins.

AUNT BEV We’re a success.

THOMAS Congratulations.

DARRIN People have heard about Tommy and what he did. They figure the least they can do is show up.

THOMAS Good. I’m glad it wasn’t for nothing.

DARRIN It wasn’t.

(AUNT BEV’S phone rings.)

AUNT BEV (Answers the phone.) Hello. Yes? Okay...right...I’ll be there...I don’t know Bertha, give me a break, okay? Okay - we’ll be there soon.

THOMAS What’s happening?

AUNT BEV I’m gonna speak at the council.

SANDRA Can I come? I want to explain about the -

AUNT BEV Press conference? (SANDRA reacts.) Yeah, you should come.

THOMAS That’s alright. You go ahead. I’ll finish preparing for the trip.

AUNT BEV Darrin, watch out for Thomas.

THOMAS Thomas will watch out for Thomas.

DARRIN Relax kid, I’m just back-up.

SANDRA Well, okay - let’s go to the council.

(AUNT BEV and SANDRA exit.)

DARRIN I know you’re still pissed at me.

THOMAS I don’t wanna talk about it.

DARRIN I heard what you said about me.

THOMAS Lurking? Why am I surprised.

DARRIN I didn’t plan to, but then I heard your mouth.

THOMAS I didn’t lie. You derail, it’s what you do.

DARRIN It’s not because I don’t fit, kid. It’s because I didn’t trust myself. You grew up with people believing in you, relying on you. I didn’t have that.

THOMAS My parents trusted you. I did too. Until you broke it.

DARRIN Yeah, but that was only two years. Two years can’t undo fourteen years of scrambling to survive by any means necessary.

THOMAS Okay. You had a hard life. I accept your apology. You’re forgiven. Is that what you want, because I’m busy.

DARRIN You know your captain is right - you are a little shit.

THOMAS Well, what do you want, Darrin?

DARRIN Don’t ever again say that this world is designed to crush us. The Creator made us and we are what we’re supposed to be. Yeah, sure dumbasses like me screw up sometimes, but that doesn’t condemn all our people. We fit.

THOMAS I know.

DARRIN You just forgot is that it? That’s how they beat you, Tommy.

THOMAS Yeah? I have no idea what I’m doing, Darrin. I’m out of my depth.

DARRIN It’s okay.

THOMAS No, it’s not. I dragged all of you into this with me and I have no idea. No plan. No strategy.

DARRIN That’s everyone, most of the time. It’s FINE.

Scene 6

Aunt Bev’s house. AUNT BEV and SANDRA are outside.

AUNT BEV He was too impulsive.

SANDRA He’s young and emotional - he got carried away. Why can’t they cut him some slack for that.

AUNT BEV He didn’t need to react like that.

SANDRA So you’re with them?

AUNT BEV Thomas is one of us - ONE. The council and the clan mothers have to think of everyone.

SANDRA So we just throw him to the wolves.

AUNT BEV And you didn’t?

SANDRA I called them for the protest -

AUNT BEV And you didn’t mention Thomas at all, huh?

SANDRA I wanted to get us a little more publicity. These things usually fall by the wayside. I wanted us to have an impact.

AUNT BEV You managed that, alright.

SANDRA I was trying to help the community.

AUNT BEV You wanted to be the hero. You should’ve asked. We could’ve told you that the press is a tricky thing – it can be a friend and it can bite you on your butt.

SANDRA I know that - I was prepared for that.

AUNT BEV But it didn’t bite you, did it? It bit Thomas.

SANDRA I’m sorry.

AUNT BEV Tell Thomas, don’t tell me.

SANDRA You know it’s not your fault, right?

AUNT BEV Pardon?

SANDRA You didn’t do this. Thomas has a mind of his own.

AUNT BEV He did it to protect me.

SANDRA He reacted the only way he could. He was raised as a warrior, isn’t he? It’s part of his job.

AUNT BEV I suppose. Well, what’s done is done.

SANDRA Canada, here we come. I hope Thomas likes maple syrup.

AUNT BEV We’ll need to distract those guardsmen.

(They enter Aunt Bev’s. THOMAS and DARRIN enter from the bedroom.)

AUNT BEV Okay Thomas. I think it’s time you went on a trip.

THOMAS I’m all set.

DARRIN (Pulls keys out of his pocket.) I’m ready - the Charger just had a tune-up.

AUNT BEV That’s great - Bertha can be a little heavy on the pedal.

SANDRA Bertha Silversmith? The clan mother?

DARRIN Whoa – no, you don’t. I’m driving.

SANDRA Noooo, you’re not.

AUNT BEV You’re still on parole, Darrin - why don’t you guard the house?

DARRIN It’s my car!

SANDRA You need to keep your nose clean. You should probably stay away from the site, too. Lots of press there. I can handle distraction.

(She exits.)

THOMAS I appreciate it, buddy - I really do. But Aunt Bev’s right - I gotta go. Take care of yourself.

AUNT BEV Wait, Thomas!

(AUNT BEV helps Thomas remove his gun and jacket.)

AUNT BEV You’ve got to leave all this stuff behind - especially the gun. Don’t argue with me - we don’t wanna draw attention to ourselves. (To DARRIN.) We’ll call you. As soon as Bertha and I get him across the border.

DARRIN Come on - you’ve gotta let me help!

THOMAS Get rid of that stuff, D. If they come on the rez, I don’t want you to get into trouble for helping me.

DARRIN I’m a good driver - we won’t get caught.

THOMAS We’re cool. Don’t worry. Take care of yourself.

(AUNT BEV exits – THOMAS follows close behind, stopping to wave at DARRIN on their way out.)


Scene 7

A photo of a rez gas station with an elaborately “tricked out” DODGE CHARGER is projected on the screens. THOMAS paces as AUNT BEV enters, triumphantly brandishing the keys over her head.

AUNT BEV Bertha’s almost done paying for the gas. Ready for our adventure?

THOMAS She likes cars, doesn’t she?

AUNT BEV Once a wheel girl, always a wheel girl!

THOMAS I thought she was gonna do a cartwheel when she saw this one.

AUNT BEV Her first car was a Charger, I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist it.

THOMAS She going to be able to drive with the walker?

AUNT BEV Her legs are a little wobbly but her feet are fine. She’ll get you where you’re going.

THOMAS Aunt Bev - did you just hear yourself?

AUNT BEV We’re old Thomas, we’re not dead.

THOMAS What kind of warrior puts clan mothers - grandmothers at risk, just to cover his six.

AUNT BEV Hey, we’re happy to help. We’ve done this many times for many people.

THOMAS How recently?

AUNT BEV It’s really not a big deal.

THOMAS How recently?

AUNT BEV About twenty-five years ago but //

THOMAS Give me the keys. //

AUNT BEV You can’t.

THOMAS Yes, I can. I’m finally thinking clearly.

AUNT BEV This was my fault – you wanted to protect me and instead //

THOMAS I did what I was trained to do. It’s my duty to protect you. I’m not gonna put you at risk now.

AUNT BEV You have to let me help you.

THOMAS You have. You helped me clear my head. What they were doing was wrong. I still believe that. If I run - all this is for nothing.

AUNT BEV I enjoyed pushing you - pushing your captain. I wanted to win. I told myself it was to protect you but I didn’t realize -

THOMAS You’re an elder. You’re supposed to speak up. I’m a warrior. I’m supposed to be looking out for you. Right now, I do that by turning myself in.

AUNT BEV They’re gonna arrest you.

THOMAS Well, good - I bet there’s still reporters there. Let them arrest me. I have a story to tell and now they’ll listen.

AUNT BEV Thomas, I really don’t think this is a good idea.

THOMAS Tell Bertha sorry, but I get to drive. I’m not gonna be driving for a while and this is one sweet ride. She can take it for a spin when I’m gone.

AUNT BEV Thomas -

THOMAS Give me the keys, Aunt Bev.

Scene 8

The protest site. The backdrop flickers with pictures of protesters, from all over. Cameras flash. SANDRA stands on the picnic table with her bullhorn. HEWITT is on point upstage. Right, BALDWIN patrols the border, weapon drawn.

SANDRA (Through the bullhorn.) Honor your treaties! Honor the Mother! Move the highway bypass! (To BALDWIN.) A rifle? Seriously?

BALDWIN (Patrolling past SANDRA.) We are on alert, ma’am. The powers that be are concerned about trouble, since someone leaked Thomas’ story.

SANDRA We’re not alone anymore.

BALDWIN No you’re not. Hope Thomas is fine with that.


BALDWIN (Salutes.) Yes, sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT Lock it down!

BALDWIN Roger that, sir!

CAPTAIN HEWITT (To SANDRA.) Is there a reason you’re harassing my people?

SANDRA So much for trying to help Thomas.

CAPTAIN HEWITT I gave him a chance. He passed. He’d rather sink us all.

SANDRA Yeah? Good for him.

(He shrugs. DARRIN enters. He is wearing Thomas’ uniform jacket and his cap is pulled down low, and the rifle is raised over his head.)


CAPTAIN HEWITT Drop your weapon!

(HEWITT pulls out a pistol and aims, BALDWIN drops into place behind him rifle shouldered, ready to fire.)

SANDRA Oh DON’T! Don’t shoot!

(DARRIN raises the rifle higher over his head and steps closer.)

CAPTAIN HEWITT Stop the advance or I will shoot!

SANDRA Darrin! Stop it!

(DARRIN stops. He drops to his knees beside the border, in front of HEWITT.)

DARRIN I’d like to offer you my unconditional surrender, sir.

SANDRA Are you out of your mind?

CAPTAIN HEWITT You’re kidding me.

DARRIN I, Private First Class Thomas Lee Doxdater -

(Flashbulbs go off.)

BALDWIN It’s not gonna work.

SANDRA Stop it, Darrin!


(THOMAS and AUNT BEV enter. THOMAS runs forward.)

THOMAS Are you out of your mind?!

SANDRA Yes, he’s insane!

DARRIN (To the Guardsmen.) I, Thomas Lee Doxdater, Private First Class –

(THOMAS walks over to DARRIN and grabs the rifle.)

DARRIN (Stage whisper.) Get outta here, man, you’re gonna wreck it!

THOMAS This is my old unit, Darrin. They all know what I look like.

(Beat. DARRIN lowers his arms and nods at HEWITT.)

DARRIN I figured - they’re your friends, they’d go for it and these reporters would have their story.

THOMAS They could’ve shot you, you dumbass. Why would you do something so stupid?

DARRIN Because you don’t know where you fit - I do.

THOMAS Darrin -

DARRIN You got a future - a real future. You can’t be rotting in a jail cell.

THOMAS This is the only way anything means anything. I could’ve let captain Hewitt save me, but no one would know anything happened. Same if I run to Canada. If I turn myself in, I can fight back in with their laws and prove that I’m not a criminal - that it’s not a crime for an Indian to stand up for his people. I’m gonna fight the beast from the inside out - and I can’t do that from Canada.

DARRIN Why can’t you just live your life? That’s fighting too.

THOMAS Someone’s gotta take a stand first.

(Moving with purpose he grabs the cap from DARRIN’S head and stretches out his hand for the jacket. DARRIN removes it and hands it to him. THOMAS is back in full uniform.)

THOMAS Aunt Bev, it was a real honor.

AUNT BEV Was it?

THOMAS I made the choice. It’s okay. Sandra -

SANDRA You’ve got a lot of guts, Apple.

THOMAS Thanks, City NDN.

SANDRA I’m sorry.

THOMAS Naw, it’s good. I’m famous now! No cover ups.

BALDWIN Come on, Thomas.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Give him a minute.

(THOMAS nods to the captain –turns back to the protestors.)

THOMAS I really appreciate what you did -

DARRIN Did nothing but fail.

THOMAS No. It was honorable. Thank you.

(He hugs DARRIN.)

AUNT BEV What am I gonna say to Essie?

THOMAS A warrior faces his fears.

(THOMAS spins in a military quarter turn, arms raised, gun above his head.)

THOMAS Private Thomas Lee Doxdater requesting permission to surrender.

CAPTAIN HEWITT Permission granted. Step forward Doxdater.

(THOMAS steps forward and HEWITT steps over to meet him. Flashbulbs pop as the HEWITT snaps the cuffs on his wrists. The protesters all watch in silence. lights down except for a spotlight on AUNT BEV.)


AUNT BEV “In all of your deliberations...self-interest shall be cast into oblivion. Look and listen for the welfare of the whole people and have always in view not only the present but also the coming generations, even those whose faces are yet beneath the surface of the ground - the unborn of the future Nation.” - The Great Law


Concurrent Resolution 331(*)

100th Congress 2nd Session, Concurrent Resolution 331 Passed October 21, 1988 RECOGNIZING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED STATES by the IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY AND OTHER INDIAN NATIONS -

Whereas the original framers of the Constitution, including, most notably, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, are known to have greatly admired the concepts of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy;

Whereas the confederation of the original Thirteen Colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself; and -

Whereas, since the formation of the United States, the Congress has recognized the sovereign status of Indian tribes and has dealt with Indian tribes on a government-to-government basis and has entered into three hundred and seventy treaties with Indian tribal Nations; …

Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That—

  1. the Congress, on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution, acknowledges the contribution made by the Iroquois Confederacy and other Indian Nations to the formation and development of the United States;

  2. the Congress also hereby reaffirms the constitutionally recognized government-to-government relationship with Indian tribes which has been the cornerstone of this Nation’s official Indian policy;

  3. the Congress also acknowledges the need to exercise the utmost good faith in upholding its treaties with the various tribes, as the tribes understood them to be, and the duty of a great Nation to uphold its legal and moral obligations for the benefit of allof its citizens so that they and their posterity may also continue to enjoy the rights they have enshrined in the United States Constitution for time immemorial.

Agreed to October 21, 1988.