Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
—Thomas Merton
Happiness can be achieved only if there is balance and harmony between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. You must balance out your life in order for things to fall into place. If you have a hectic lifestyle, don’t seem to have enough time for yourself or others, or just feel overwhelmed, this grid will aid you in finding balance in your life. Its energies will help you focus on achieving control and organization so you can calm your emotions. The aspects of your life will fall into place.
The Grid
The grid is the Borromean rings—the design of balance and stability.
The Focus Stone
In order to achieve stability in your life, you must have control. You must attain authority so you can be successful at creating order. A golden quartz pyramid will be your Focus Stone. Its deep golden rays will expand your energies of authority and confidence and aid you in organizing and balancing your affairs.
The Way Stones
Mahogany obsidian will serve as your Way Stones. They will bring the energy you need to regain composure, relax in life, and reconnect with the natural world. While obsidian does not have a crystalline structure, being volcanic glass, it provides a soothing color for this grid.
The Desire Stones
You desire balance, order, and stability. With its tranquil turquoise rays, amazonite will serve as your Desire Stones. These will provide you with the energies of calmness and flexibility. Amazonite is a Barrier crystal. On this grid it serves to keep out the chaos that often upsets our balance.
Place the grid in an open and quiet area of your home. A form of water should be placed near the grid as well. Expand your authority and place the golden quartz Focus Stone first. Focus on being in control of your life. Then place the obsidian Way Stones. Finally, place the amazonite Desire Stones. Feel their power in keeping you free of excesses. Take a deep breath as you feel your life coming into harmony and allowing you to achieve happiness.
Whenever you pass by the grid, focus a moment on the golden quartz Focus Stone. Remind yourself that you are the only one in control of your life and you make the decisions. Gain the control you need in order to take the next step in achieving balance. Then take a moment and look at each of the obsidian Way Stones. Decide how much attention each of the aspects of your life will get and how you will organize them to be more in order. Finally, look at each of the amazonite Desire Stones in turn. Close your eyes and see the rhythm of your life come into balance as the chaos is kept at bay. You will have the time to accomplish what you need as well as the time to accomplish what you want. You have achieved not only a successful form of balance, but also a better state of happiness.