The Confidence Crystal Grid

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.
With confidence, you have won before you have started.
—Marcus Tullius Cicero


In life, confidence is key. If you do not believe in yourself, then no one else will either. Self-confidence is the confidence in one’s self and in one’s powers and abilities. This grid will support you with the positive energies you need to achieve great confidence. It will allow you to develop great faith in yourself so you can accomplish your goals.

The Grid

The grid is the triangle—the powerful design of enhancement and growth.

The Focus Stone

The first step in gaining confidence is to develop a great sense of self-worth. A rhodonite crystal will be your Focus Stone. Its pink rays will support you with the energy of commitment. Rhodonite will serve as a barrier from the negative energies associated with how you may feel about yourself.

The Way Stones

Your Way Stones will be stichtite. Its vibrant violet color brings the energies of virtue, wisdom, and dignity. In order to gain confidence, you must have a sense of dignity. This Seeker crystal will make your path to confidence easier to travel.

The Desire Stones

You seek confidence, so your Desire Stones will be tiger’s eye. Its golden rays are the color of power, satisfaction, happiness, and confidence itself. Tiger’s eye is a powerful stone for achieving great satisfaction in life.


The grid should be placed in a bright, sun-filled area of your home or office. The best locations in which to place the grid are the north, northeast, southwest, and south areas of your home. Place the rhodonite Focus Stone first. Place it at the top of the triangle. Place it with meaning and feel a sense of self-worth fill you. Then place the stichtite Way Stones with dignity. Place them two to a side on the lines running down from the apex of the triangle. As you do this, think about all of the reasons that you honor and respect yourself. Finally, place the three tiger’s eye Desire Stones on the bottom of the triangle. Place them gently but with confidence. Allow them to give you a boldness of spirit. Feel their golden rays fill you with assurance.


Whenever you pass by the grid, focus for a moment on the rhodonite Focus Stone and feel the energy of love as you feel more worthy about yourself. Then turn your gaze to the stichtite Way Stones. Let their violet rays fill you with a sense of virtue and dignity. Finally, look at each of the tiger’s eye Desire Stones. Let their energies wash over your mind and give you the confidence you seek. Tell yourself, “I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.” Take a deep breath as you bring the confident and positive energies into your spirit.