The Dealing with Melancholy Crystal Grid

Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.
—Kahlil Gibran


Emptiness and sadness are feelings we experience from time to time, and it’s not easy to pull ourselves away from them. The loss of a loved one, a breakup, an argument, or any bad experience can easily put us in a melancholy state of mind. This grid will aid you greatly in banishing those negative emotions and attracting good fortune.

The Grid

The grid is the Star of David—the design of discovery and simplicity.

The Focus Stone

In order to overcome melancholy, you must start by taming your emotions. A scarlet Lemurian quartz crystal will serve as your Focus Stone. Lemurian crystals are quartz crystals now being found in Brazil. Some believe them to contain the wisdom of an ancient civilization in Lemuria. Their deep scarlet rays bring you the energies of strength and vitality, both physically and spiritually.

The Way Stones

You must be ready to handle and create new beginnings. That is the key to moving on. Your Way Stones will be Atlantisite. Its green color will serve you with the energies of renewal, confidence, and safety in order to open your mind to new perspectives.

The Desire Stones

With its vibrant and calming light golden rays bringing you the energies of confidence and satisfaction, yellow jasper will serve as your Desire Stones. These will aid you greatly in taming and silencing the melancholy you desire to be rid of. Their light golden color rays will allow you to see all that is good and wonderful in the world.


The grid should be placed in the center of your bedroom or home in order to bring balance to the space it occupies. Place the scarlet Lemurian Focus Stone first. Inhale deeply and focus on the one emotion that you wish to tame as you set it down. Then place the Atlantisite Way Stones and imagine a bright new path ahead of you. Feel a sense of safety and renewal. Finally, place the jasper Desire Stones with a sense of power, and remind yourself that your old feelings are disappearing. Focus on optimism and tranquility as you see the path behind you slowly disappearing and the one before you shining ever so brightly.


Whenever you pass by the grid, focus for a moment on the scarlet Lemurian Focus Stone. Feel a sense of spiritual development as you become more in tune with your emotions. You are capable of bringing positivity to any situation. Then look at each of the Atlantisite Way Stones. Allow them to serve you with the energy of renewal. Tell yourself, “I will move on.” Begin to open your mind to new and positive perspectives. Finally, look at each of the jasper Desire Stones in turn. Feel the sense of melancholy beginning to be silenced as it slowly fades away. Allow your mind to be filled with the warm energies of happiness, belonging, good fortune, and optimism. You are now able to let go of any negativity and warmly welcome in the good. The path before you is bright.