The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body,
the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.
—Anthony Robbins
The first step to accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your needs is to have the energy to do so. Sometimes we lack energy and require some additional assistance. Whether you need energy to take the first step to accomplish a goal, to work, or just to increase your physical stamina, this grid will aid you in gaining the energy you seek.
The Grid
The grid is the Seed of Life—the ever-expanding design of growth.
The Focus Stone
In order to gain energy, you must have enthusiasm. When you are enthusiastic, you gain the drive and power to accomplish what you desire. Your Focus Stone will be a golden rutilated quartz pyramid. Its golden rays will attract the extraordinary energies of excitement, power, adventure, and enthusiasm.
The Way Stones
Your Way Stones will be prehnite. Its light green rays will bring strength of character to your quest. Its Enhancer structure will aid in your development of high energy.
The Desire Stones
You desire to gain more energy. Red is the color of drive, tenacity, and energy itself. Orange is the color of fulfillment. Fulfilling your need for high energy will be accomplished using the red/orange rays of the carnelian as your Desire Stones.
The grid should be placed in the south area of your home and should be accompanied by lush plants. Place the grid in an area where you can see it often. Place the golden rutilated quartz Focus Stone first. Place it with power and enthusiasm. Let it bring you the energies of adventure and excitement. Then place the prehnite Way Stones with motivation. Let them awaken your mind and spirit. Finally, place the carnelian Desire Stones. As you do this, feel the energy from the stones wash over your mind and give you a sense of drive and energize your spirit.
Whenever you pass by the grid, focus for a moment on the golden rutilated quartz Focus Stone and feel it give you the energy of enthusiasm. Feel a sense of adventure. Then focus on the prehnite Way Stones and feel awakened. Feel their energies bringing you a sense of motivation. Finally, turn your gaze to the carnelian Desire Stones. Feel their lively red/orange rays fill your mind and body with energy. Begin to feel more energetic than you have ever felt before.