The Mental Clarity Crystal Grid
Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future.
Concentrate the mind on the present moment.
When life hits us, it can hit hard. Sometimes a serious issue erupts in our lives and we just can’t seem to handle it. We overthink things, overreact, or just aren’t capable of fixing it. It feels as though we need some extra assistance. If you have too much on your mind, there is a stressful situation you can’t seem to resolve, or there is even something you wish not to think about anymore, this grid will give you the mental clarity you seek.
The Grid
The grid is the square—the balanced design of comprehension and stability.
The Focus Stone
In order to bring clarity to your troubled thoughts, you must accept them. You must realize that they exist before you can take the next step in healing them. An aqua aura quartz crystal will be your Focus Stone, bringing the energies of purification and acceptance with its blue rays.
The Way Stones
Your Way Stones will be amazonite, which will aid you with its energies of understanding, serenity, and peace. You must be at peace with yourself to have a clear mind. Amazonite will serve as a barrier from any negativity.
The Desire Stones
Your mind is troubled and you desire to ease it. Citrine will serve as your Desire Stones, bringing the energies of clarity, awareness, warmth, and consciousness.
Place the grid in your bedroom near a window. The grid’s energies will help you think clearly throughout the day, even when your mind is at rest. Place the aqua aura Focus Stone first. As you do this, think about the issues you wish to have clarity on and accept that they are there. Then place the amazonite Way Stones. Place them gently as they bring a sense of warmth and peacefulness to your mind and soul. Finally, place the citrine Desire Stones and remind yourself that only you have control over your mind. Feel relieved as you gain the mental clarity you seek.
Whenever you pass by the grid, focus for a moment on the aqua aura Focus Stone. Take charge of your thoughts and accept that they are troubling you. Then look at each of the amazonite Way Stones. Understand why those thoughts are there and begin to make peace with them. Clear your mind as you begin to feel a sense of serenity. Finally, look at each of the citrine Desire Stones in turn. Allow them to fill your thoughts with clarity and warmth. Life isn’t perfect and problems will always arise. Now you can put them to rest more easily and see the positivity in life with your new sense of mental clarity.