In this chapter we will apply the concepts of the previous chapters and bring all the theories to life. Let’s build some grids. First we will build a grid for Beth, who is starting a new job and wants to make sure she is successful. Then we shall develop a grid for Kylie, who is seeking help in dealing with a recent breakup. Next we will help Stefano with a grid to aid him in getting a good night’s sleep. Finally, we will build a grid to bless and protect Angelo’s new home. Each of these examples will illustrate the steps to build a successful grid.
Selecting a Grid for a New Career
Our first client is Beth. She is starting a new job in a few days and really wants to get off on the right foot. She knows this job is the first step in her career, and she has worked hard in school for this chance. A great beginning is important on any journey to career and financial success, so Beth has decided that she wants a grid that will bring her the energy and focus she needs to do well as she begins her career.
With that focus, her grid will be designed with this goal: “Begin a successful career.”
Step one is done. With the objective of the grid set, we know we need a grid that will bring us a path to success in a new endeavor. In reviewing the different designs, we come upon the Borromean rings. It prompts a question: Is Beth concerned about doing the job well, or is she concerned about fitting in with a new company in a new city? It seems the latter is her real concern, so we further refine the objective to this: “Begin a successful career by fitting in with the people at my job.”
Okay, that tells us that the Borromean rings design may be a good candidate for her grid. This design is the basis of grids focused on inclusiveness, joining, and belonging. This is the grid formation that brings the energy of family, community, and friends together. It also brings us the energy of bonding and integration. That seems to resonate with Beth.
So now we have completed step two. We have a Borromean rings grid. On to step three.
We need a visual for the base of the grid. In this case, we consult Beth. She selects a picture of her new company’s building and adds an affirmation to it: “ I am going to excel from the first day.” On to step four.
We need a Focus Stone. This is a personal decision. Beth cannot seem to decide on a color for this stone, so we use a clear polished quartz crystal to gather and focus the universal life force. We’re ready to move on to step five.
We need our Way Stones next. In our discussions with Beth, we determine that she is interested first in fitting in to facilitate her success in her new job. We know that she already fits in within her current social and work circles, but she desires to enhance that by expanding her circles. We need an Enhancer crystal or stone.
When we are building a crystal grid to improve or enhance some part of our lives, we need to use the crystals from the isometric crystal system—the Enhancers. Browsing through the uses of the various colors presented in the first chapter, we find, “Yellow crystals give us the power to solidify new interests and new relationships. They help us see things in new ways and become enlightened. They bring clarity to our thoughts. Yellow crystals add zest and optimism to our lives, relationships, and ideas.” Perfect. A good yellow crystal that forms in the isometric crystal system will provide the Enhancer energy we need.
Referencing the lists of stones by crystal structure at the end of this book, we find a perfect candidate: sulfur. It is not expensive and it brings a powerful yellow ray of new relationship energy. We add sulfur crystals to our grid as our Way Stones.
For step six we need the Desire Stones. We know that what Beth desires is a successful new beginning. She desires something that she does not yet have. This is a job for a Seeker. The crystals that form in the hexagonal arrangement help us seek out what we desire.
The next step is to find the color ray of influence we need. Browsing through the uses of the different colors, we find this: “Crystals of pure green are potent aids in nurturing, whether of fledgling family relationships or new business ventures. They are the symbols of new life in all its manifestations.” Perfect. We can use a green Seeker crystal or stone for our Desire Stones. Checking the list, we see that we have a number of great options. Quartz forms in the hexagonal crystal system, so it is a Seeker. Since agates and jaspers are quartz, we can use any green agates or jaspers. These are not expensive and are readily available.
Our grid design is done. We have selected the Borromean rings grid design, bringing us the energy paths of community. We have a Focus Stone of clear quartz, Way Stones of sulfur, and Desire Stones of green agate. Beth can now continue the steps by finding a suitable place for her grid, preparing her crystals for use, and assembling the grid. It will then be ready for her to activate and use.
Selecting a Grid for Healing Heartbreak
Our second client is Kylie. She is suffering from a recent heartbreak. The person she loved walked out of her life. Kylie understands it was for a positive reason, but she is unable to cope with the emotions of her broken heart and cannot seem to let go. She feels as though she is no longer in harmony with her happiness and is constantly dispirited. These emotions are holding her back from enjoying her social life. So Kylie has decided that she wants a grid that will bring her the energies to renew her broken heart and allow her to move on in her romantic life. With that focus, her grid will be designed to heal a broken heart.
Step two is finding the right design for this grid. Kylie needs to bring her emotions into harmony. Understanding this, we find that the vesica piscis is the perfect candidate. It is a powerful design of harmony. It is used to bridge differences and support new ventures and new lives. Its geometric design is a symbol of creation and harmony. This is what Kylie desires: harmony and support for a new life with a healed heart. Step two is complete.
Next we need a good visual for her grid. We consult with Kylie. She wants to see the beauty in the world, so we select a scene of a peaceful mountain valley filled with wildflowers. Kylie tells us it is soothing.
The next step consists of finding the Focus Stone. What is the focus of Kylie’s journey? First Kylie is going to need to be ready to accept what has happened and allow new energies to come into her life. She needs to understand that her recent love has come to an end, and she needs to focus on the energies of a positive new beginning. We find that crystals with a dark green color bring the energies of new beginnings and renewal, so we will use a dark green malachite heart as the Focus Stone. It is a Guardian crystal, and Kylie needs to guard her heart against despair. The crystal will symbolize Kylie’s heart becoming whole and pure again, while bringing the energies of new beginnings and renewal with its vibrant green rays. It will allow the energy of new beginnings to flow into her life and bring positive energies along with it.
We have found our Focus Stone, so next we need our Way Stones. Now that Kylie has accepted that she needs a new beginning, she needs to recover a strong sense of compassion. Many of her emotions have been destroyed through this heartbreak, and she needs to retrieve them in order to successfully mend her heart and move on. We need crystals with energies that will give Kylie the strength of compassion and a sense of tenderness for her heart. Lapis lazuli will be perfect for her Way Stones. We will use these Enhancer crystals for her grid design. Lapis lazuli is a powerful crystal that brings calm and loving communication to a person. Its blue rays bring the energies of recovery, grace, acceptance, and compassion itself.
Next we must find our Desire Stones. These stones will help Kylie seek what she desires but does not yet possess. Kylie is looking to soothe her emotions and stimulate a positive good-bye to her old love. She wants to let go and heal her broken heart. Knowing this, rose quartz seems like the perfect candidate for her Desire Stones. Its Seeker energy and vibrant pink rays bring out the energies of acceptance and neutralization while also stimulating love. These stones are excellent for amplifying the energies of the other stones in the grid as well. We will use rose quartz crystals for our Desire Stones.
Our grid design is done. We have selected the vesica piscis grid design to bring Kylie the harmony she seeks. We have the malachite heart Focus Stone to bring the energies of new beginnings and renewal. We have chosen lapis lazuli for her Way Stones to give her the strength of compassion and a sense of tenderness for her heart, and we have chosen rose quartz to be Kylie’s Desire Stones to soothe her emotions and stimulate a positive goodbye to her old love. Using this grid, Kylie will now be able to successfully and positively mend and renew her broken heart.
Selecting a Grid for Sleeping Well
Our third client is Stefano. He recently started a new job that he enjoys, but he has been unable to get a good night’s rest. At night he struggles to find the sense of comfort and serenity needed to fall asleep. He needs to have a well-rested mind in order to be successful at his new workplace. Stefano has decided that he wants a grid that will aid him in easing his mind at night and allow him to get a healthy night’s rest. With that focus, this grid will be designed to aid him in getting a good night’s sleep.
Now we need to find a grid design that ensures his safety and security. For him to be able to experience a sense of tranquility at night, Stefano needs to have the protection that only a circle can provide. It will allow him to achieve the sleep that he needs.
We have found our grid design. Next we need a good visual for Stefano’s grid. In consulting with him, we learn that he wants to awaken refreshed and to appreciate the sunrise again. So a beautiful sunrise might be a good visual for Stefano’s grid.
Now we need to choose the Focus Stone for this grid. Stefano will need to have a clear mind before he goes to bed. He will also need to unblock his emotions so there is nothing holding him back from being fully relaxed. Since he just started a new job, Stefano has many different things racing through his mind. A spirit quartz crystal will aid in easing his troubled mind with its soothing violet rays of color.
Next we need to choose the Way Stones. After becoming mentally relaxed, Stefano will need to feel physically relaxed. He needs to be soothed naturally and not force himself to be comfortable. Our Way Stones will be mahogany obsidian. Its dark brown rays will bring comfort and relaxation to Stefano. Brown is a very comfortable color for humans. It is the relaxation color, the color of being grounded and at rest. Deep brown obsidian will work to surround Stefano in calm and serene energies. Obsidian does not have a crystal structure, being volcanic glass, but its soothing energy from its flowing brown color will be perfect here.
The next step is to find our Desire Stones. Stefano desires to have a full night’s rest. He will need the energies of serenity, calmness, and peace in order to fall asleep successfully. Turquoise seems like a perfect candidate for the color of our Desire Stones. Turquoise-colored crystals soothe us, relieve stress, neutralize extremes, and help us relax, so we will use chrysocolla for our Desire Stones. Its vibrant turquoise rays will surround Stefano in a deep sense of serenity before he goes to bed, and its Guardian crystal structure will keep stresses away.
Stefano’s grid design is now complete. We selected the circle to be the design of the grid. It will serve as the symbol of unity for Stefano’s daytime work and nightly relaxation. We have chosen spirit quartz to be his Focus Stone to aid in easing a troubled mind. We have the obsidian Way Stones to surround Stefano in calm and serene energies, and we selected the chrysocolla Desire Stones to bring comfort and relaxation to Stefano and allow him to fall asleep with ease. Stefano will rest easier and better than ever before, and each morning he will awaken revitalized.
Selecting a Grid for Blessing a Home
Our final client is Angelo. He has just settled into a new house with his wife and newborn son. Angelo knows that this is where he and his family will spend a great deal of time, and he wants to make sure that they will feel safe, protected, comfortable, and loved in it. Angelo has decided that he wants a grid that will serve as a protection for his new home to ensure that his family can grow peacefully and securely. With that focus, his grid will be designed to bless and protect a home.
Next we need to find the right design for this grid. We will use the hexagon design, which is reflected in nature in the hexagon pattern of honeybee hives and sunflowers. It serves as a great grid design to protect physical objects and places. These energies are exactly what Angelo desires to bring into his home. We will use the powerful design of the hexagon as the grid layout to bring a sense of physical security to Angelo’s new environment.
The visual is easy: Angelo has given us a good photo of his new home. Perfect.
Next we need to choose what Angelo’s Focus Stone will be. Angelo is seeking security, so a citrine crystal would be a good choice. Yellow crystals are particularly useful for grids designed for success in new adventures and new efforts.
The next step is to choose our Way Stones. We need protection stones. We will use azurite. It is a powerful Guardian and brings the blue rays of trust and spiritual protection. We will use it for our Way Stones.
Next we will find our Desire Stones. Angelo desires to bless and protect his new home so his family can live a flourishing life. We will use powerful malachite as the Desire Stones for this grid. Malachite is also a natural Guardian crystal. It will stand guard over his home even when he and his family are not there.
Angelo’s grid design is now complete. We chose the hexagon design to bring the energies of security and safety to the grid. We selected a citrine Focus Stone to bring the universal life force into the home. We have our two powerful Barriers—the azurite Way Stones and the malachite Desire Stones—to keep constant guard over Angelo’s home. By placing this grid in the center of their new home, Angelo’s family will now and always be blessed and protected.