In this section of the book, you will find complete instructions for assembling and using twenty-nine crystal grids. Each grid design is focused on a specific human want or desire. The grid design, the crystals, and the visuals are all provided to allow you to quickly build and use a crystal grid for a particular need. But remember, just as with any cooking recipe, there are always options and enhancements that you can make. Use these grids as they are presented or modify them as you find necessary. The grids are all designed using the information contained in previous chapters. However, like any designs, they draw on the guidance and then adapt it based on available materials and the desires and feelings of the designer. Grid design is science tempered and modified by personal choice. These grid designs are the product of a human mind and a human heart. You will notice that some are similar to the examples in the previous chapter and some are quite different. Many of these grids or variations of them by different designers are available for sale at
Better Sleep
Conquering Fear
Controlling Anger
Dealing with Melancholy
Dispel Negative Energy
Good Decision Making
Good Health
Good Luck
Heal a Broken Heart
Home Blessing
Long Life
Mental Clarity
Overcoming Anxiety
Peace of Mind
Notes on the Grids
The grids in this book are purposely made from common crystals available online and at most good rock or mineral stores. The lists of stones by crystal structure at the end of this book is provided to allow for easy substitution or use of the materials you may have at hand. The list gives common materials in each of the crystal structures. You can easily substitute one for another within the same crystal structure. Additionally, a clear quartz crystal can be the Focus Stone for almost any grid.
As for color, often a color that is of a nearby hue in the rainbow will work if a stone of the color needed is not available. You can usually use a green, turquoise, or blue stone as a substitute for one of those you don’t have. Similarly, gold, yellow, or orange stones can usually be substituted for one another.
Also, please understand that different people will likely design completely different grids for the same purpose. The grid designs and stones have properties that are general enough that many solutions are available. Understanding the grid designs and the properties of the stones will enable you to build grids with available materials and be confident of their efficacy. The grids provided here were designed using materials available to the authors, which were easily obtained. They are photographed in color and available for sale at