There are always people without whom a book would not have been written. In this case, however, there are several without whom the book could not have been written, beginning with Jacques de Spoelberch, my literary agent, golf companion, and friend. A month or so after I began to write, I awoke one morning in a cold sweat, convinced I was wasting my time. I sent what I had written to Jacques, with instructions not to spare my feelings. I asked him to tell this sportscaster he had no business trying to write a novel in three distinct female voices. To my astonishment, he called the next day and said: “Mike, I think you have it, keep going.” That was the beginning. And every day, from that one until this, he has been a tireless champion of this project and of Heidi’s Angels. Jacques is the best friend and agent you could ever ask for, and Lou Oppenheim of Headline Media Management and Peter Benedek from United Talent Agency are exactly the sort of agents you dream of having, the kind who care more about your happiness than anything else. I am very lucky to have Jacques, Lou, and Peter on my side.

This book could also not have been written without Dr. Richard Zelkowitz from the Whittingham Cancer Center in Norwalk, Connecticut; he was Heidi’s doctor. The last months of Heidi’s life were difficult, but Dr. Z made them better, as much better as they could possibly be. He is a doctor in the way we all imagine we want our doctors to be; he treats his patients the way he would treat his family. When I began to write I knew I needed Dr. Z to help me get the medical parts right. Anything I did get right is thanks to him.

This book next found its way to the hands of a yoga instructor named Sarah McGrath and an artist named Elaine de Spoelberch, who, along with my wife, Stacy, read it when I was halfway through and showed me all the parts I had gotten wrong. Elaine told me: “Forget the men; I want to read about the women.” And Sarah, quite bluntly, told me that no twenty-eight-year-old woman would use the word “blouse.” They also wrote the ending for me with their ideas, even if they didn’t mean to. I adore them both; thank you, ladies.

As for Kate Nintzel from William Morrow, there aren’t words. Or, if there are, I don’t know them. From the instant we met she understood what this book meant to me and she knew how to make it the best it could be. You can’t do a job any better than Kate edited this novel, and you can’t do it with a cheerier disposition, either. Thank you, Kate, you are the reason this happened.

Thanks, too, to Richard Koenigsberg of Spielman Koenigsberg & Parker, Mark and Jason Bradburn of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, and Michael Prevett of the Gotham Group for their valued counsel, assistance, and friendship.

I would like to thank my colleagues at ESPN, all of whom work so hard to support the V Foundation, and especially my partner of fourteen years, Mike Golic, who has taught me more than he’ll ever know. I am very proud to have had the seat next to Mike’s for all these years, and forever proud to have the letters ESPN attached to my name.

Finally, I should explain that I invented the phrase “Heidi’s Angels” with no celestial connotation in mind. The nickname was derived from the show Charlie’s Angels and Heidi loved it. I used it to describe the three friends who came together for her in a way I had never seen before and would never have believed possible had I not seen it for myself. The unconditional love these women demonstrated was worth writing a book about. This is not that book, I couldn’t write that book. All I can say is that I will live the rest of my life in awe of the way three women rallied around their friend and never wavered, no matter how hard it became. And so, again, this book is dedicated to them, and to all the other angels everywhere.