As usual, this book reflects more than my own limited expertise; friends, family, and acquaintances all had useful suggestions and vital information. Some preferred not to be named here.

Thanks are due to David, Richard, Susan, Julia, Selina, Joshua, Laura, Ellen, and Sean, all of whom made innumerable helpful comments. Also the economist I met on a flight to Tulsa, and whose name I never knew …

David R. Watson deserves particular thanks for his expertise with archery and his willingness to help choreograph fight scenes.

Anne McCaffrey, with a lift of the eyebrows, solved a problem I was having when I talked to her about it. Her words were wise, but the lift of the eyebrows had already done the trick.

The regulars on the news group, with their encouragement, helped me over the rough spots. So did the SFWA Musketeers and Musketeer Auxiliary.

The Florence High School faculty and staff (especially the special education folks) had a part in this toward the end, by doing such a great job of easing our son into high school.

Mistakes and omissions are all mine.