Climbing the World Tree:
The Ogham as a Spiritual Quest
Now that we have considered each of the ogham trees in detail, we can see that each tree leads to the next in an evolving stream of consciousness that takes us from a single point of awareness and perspective to a point of universal awareness and communion. The ogham as a whole therefore represents a map to lead us through an evolutionary spiral up and around the World Tree, from birth to death and beyond, or on a smaller scale, through the process of manifestation for all creative projects and processes.
The following shamanic journeying exercise can be performed as a whole, or in four sessions, each time working through a complete aicme (tribe) in order. Please note that this is intense, and you will need to allow enough time to see it through. You may wish to record the following description, or hold the details in your memory before proceeding.
First prepare your sacred space as you wish, and raise some energy from the earth, or in a way that suits you best. Then take several deep breaths, and when you are ready, visualise an oak doorway or gateway to the great forest ahead of you. Take a few moments to acknowledge this place and moment as the beginning of your journey. Pass through into the forest, seeing clearly a distinct shimmering path of pale stone before you, winding its way through the trees ahead. As you pass through the oak doorway, you are met by your tree spirit ally, and together you progress to your sacred inner grove. Call upon all your allies and the great forest itself to assist you and guide your way. Follow the path.
When you come to your grove, you see a bright light at its centre. As you focus upon it, you see that it shifts and changes form into many different types of trees—sometimes it is an oak, sometimes an ash, and sometimes a yew tree. The very air about it shimmers with sacredness and power. Take a moment to consider this.
At the great tree’s base, you see the guardian of the grove, and as you draw closer, you see the light is in fact a tall being that appears to be part of the tree and then separate from it by turns. The air is full of whispers, and all the trees of the grove are shaken in a gentle breeze. This is a being of particular power. When you are ready, approach and meet the guardian and the being of light.
“Hail to Ogma!” calls the guardian. Immediately all the trees grow silent, and you see that at this being’s feet, silver serpents coil and rise out of the earth.
Allow time here for your communion with Ogma in this hallowed, sacred place of power. He may have words or visions to show you, or you may simply have a feeling or sensation. Do not analyse it; allow it to be as it is, a mystery teaching from the god himself.
When the time is right, either Ogma or the guardian will hand you a wooden staff. It is plain and unadorned but as you move to take it, they suddenly thrust it into the earth between you. Immediately it begins to grow into a giant tree, carrying you with it in its branches. The tree grows so quickly and into such a vast, incalculable size that the branch before you and under your feet becomes a path, and each twig and leaf coming from it becomes a huge forest all around.
Before you on the path is a slender young birch tree. Its trunk is straight and white and its delicate leaves shimmer. Out from the tree steps a being, the spirit of the birch. This being stares into your eyes and says:
All beginnings necessitate a period of cleansing and careful preparation with rectification from the past where necessary, and a guarding of boundaries to keep the new life safe from intrusions and pollution.
Reaching out with a bunch of birch twigs, it scatters water around you, waving and shaking the twigs around you briskly, as if sweeping away any old and stagnant energy. Pause to reflect on this, and gain your own insights from the birch spirit.
When it is time, the birch spirit returns to the tree and you continue along the path. Ahead you see a rowan tree, its leaves a deep, vibrant green against its rich red berries. As you approach, the rowan spirit steps out from the tree, and stares into your eyes. It says:
As the new spirit grows, so does the need for greater awareness and protection.
With this, the rowan spirit anoints your eyelids, granting you greater vision. Again, pause to reflect on this and allow the rowan spirit to share any other insights with you that it chooses.
When it is time, the rowan spirit also returns to its tree, and you continue along the path until you reach an alder tree. Its whole form is shielded from view by its rounded leaves. The alder spirit steps from the tree and stares not at your eyes, but your heart. It says:
When awareness is achieved, it is possible to move forward, shield raised to defend and protect whilst in motion.
With this the alder spirit reaches out and places a leaf against your chest, like a tiny shield, but you sense its power. Pause to reflect on this, and any other message the alder spirit gives to you, before it returns to its tree, and you continue along the path to the willow tree which stands near.
The willow tree waves its branches gently as you approach, and its spirit steps forth.
We travel the World Tree, in a quest to seek the soul’s vision, drawing it from the otherworld, across the deep waters of the heart.
The willow spirit touches your heart, and a feeling of ease and harmony comes to you. Allow time to pause here, and reflect on this, and the presence of the willow tree, in your own way.
When it is time, the willow recedes into the tree, and you continue to the ash tree you see ahead. It stands tall and straight before you.
When we have vision, we learn how to reach an objective and grow strong, how to negotiate the interaction between spirit and the manifest world. No one can do this for you; you must learn this lesson yourself, by experience.
The ash spirit lays a hand upon your shoulder, and you stand straighter and feel greater strength up your spine. Allow time here to commune with the ash spirit as it directs. In time, it returns to the tree, and you remain alone upon the path.
This completes the first circle of learning, the first branches of the tree. From here you may continue on the path or return the way you came. Go past the trees, stepping lightly into the grove, through the forest, and back to your body to return another day.
Should you wish to continue, follow the path until you see a hawthorn tree. Its shape is a mass of flowers and thorns. The hawthorn spirit speaks to you:
If you would grow to maturity, you must learn the challenge of the heart. Will you rise to the test?
Here you must answer truthfully. Allow space for the hawthorn spirit to speak to you as it chooses. If you pass the test, it places a leaf upon your breast.
When it is time to go, the tree spirit recedes and you continue along the path until you reach a mighty oak tree.
The oak spirit stands before you and reaches out, directly touching your heart. In a deep voice it says:
To those who pass the challenge of the heart comes inner sovereignty.
With this, the oak spirit touches you between the eyes, and you feel a crown of light encircle your brow.
Pause and reflect upon this, allowing space for the oak spirit to guide you as it chooses. When it is time to continue, the oak spirit returns to the tree. Ahead you find a holly tree, deep green and full of shadows.
The holly spirit speaks:
It is one thing to gain inner sovereignty, and another to maintain it, through all adversities.
And with this, the holly spirit also touches your brow. Allow time here to reflect on how it feels and any other wisdom it shares with you at this time. When this is done, the holly spirit returns to its tree. You continue onwards to the hazel.
The hazel tree and its spirit are light and fast moving, shimmering before you. The hazel spirit bows before you and says:
When sovereignty and endurance are achieved, we may gain access to divine inspiration.
And with this, the hazel spirit breathes gently upon you. Allow a pause here again to be open to any wisdom the hazel chooses to share. When ready, it turns away, back into the tree. Ahead you see an apple tree, full of fruit.
The apple tree spirit smiles as you approach, and says:
Access to divine knowledge leads to healing and communion with the soul and the gods within you.
And with this, the apple spirit touches your brow and then your heart. You feel your whole being soften and grow whole. Pause here to reflect upon this, and spend time with the apple spirit as it directs.
This completes the second circle of learning, the second set of branches. From here you may continue on the path or return the way you came. Go past the trees, stepping lightly into the grove, through the forest, and back to your body to return another day.
Should you wish to continue, go ahead along the path until you come across a blackberry thicket. The blackberry spirit speaks with many voices:
To take your gifts into the outer world, you must apply strength appropriately so that it may become tenacity and manifestation.
Pause here, and allow the blackberry to guide you as it will. When you are ready, continue along the path. Eventually you see a tree covered in ivy.
The ivy also speaks with the voice of many:
We must give as we receive to flourish in the world, joining with others in blessing and embracing what we find.
Once more, allow space so the ivy spirit can advise you as it chooses. When it is time, you continue until you see a patch of broom.
The broom spirit speaks:
On every quest, we must learn to make course corrections and resolve difficulties; we must learn what to keep and what to surrender.
Again, allow time so that the broom spirit may share what it will. You then continue on to the next ogham tree, the blackthorn.
The blackthorn spirit is crowned with white flowers. It speaks:
In surrendering we discover hidden knowledge.
Bow to the blackthorn in silence and heed its wisdom. When it is time, the blackthorn spirit recedes. Ahead on the path you meet the elder tree, richly perfumed. The elder tree speaks with a voice as old as the world:
Maintaining a balance with all things leads to the wisdom of elderhood. The heart’s willingness to sacrifice the self for the well-being of others and the future is its greatest gift.
Pause to reflect upon this and any other wisdom you may receive.
This completes the third circle of learning, the third set of branches upon the tree. From here you may continue on the path, or return the way you came. Go past the trees, stepping lightly into the grove, through the forest, and back to your body to return another day.
Should you feel it is right for you to continue on to this final stretch of the path, you carry on along the path until you reach the scots pine towering above you with its red trunk and deep green needles. The scots pine speaks with the voice of the wind:
Elderhood leads to a widening and far-reaching perspective, where all things may find a place in your heart and in your vision, that you find your way according to the roads of spirit, the great web that connects us all.
Pause to reflect on this, allowing time for the scots pine spirit to share what it will.
When you are ready, you see a gorse bush ahead. The gorse is covered with yellow flowers and shines with its own light. The gorse spirit steps forth with a golden mane that flows and blows about it like flame.
Encompassing the All, we find the vivifying currents of life itself … so that we are ever renewed.
With this, it places a yellow gorse flower to your lips, and you taste its nectar, rich and warm. Delight fills you. Allow time to feel this, and benefit from the gorse spirit’s presence.
Next you are drawn to a patch of purple and white heather ahead. The heather spirit steps forth, a beautiful woman with kind eyes.
The cycles of life and death all turn within the heart of the earth
goddess, and all receive her love and care unconditionally.
With this, she touches your heart, and a single tear falls down your cheek, as something long held in your heart is released at last.
Stay with this as long as you need, sharing with the heather spirit as she directs.
When it is time to leave, ahead you see the shivering branches of the aspen tree, blowing in a wind you cannot feel. The aspen spirit steps forth.
I show the way, and mediate between the worlds. On one hand, the living. On the other, what lies beyond.
Listen to the aspen spirit, as it speaks for those beyond in all their forms.
When it is time at last, far ahead you see a yew tree. Its trunk is huge and wide; its branches bow to the earth and others spring up from where it touches. As you approach, you see that beneath it and in gaps within its trunk, stars and darkness can be seen. You feel its spirit but it cannot be seen, although the air seems to vibrate to an endless intonation.
Take time here and look deep into the branches and the space in its trunk. The darkness enfolds you and the stars reel overhead, spiralling into infinity …
We may dwell here in communion, or when we choose, re-embark into creation and rebirth via the birch. Thus the tree is climbed and descended into the mortal world, at will.
In time, the vision fades and you are back in your sacred inner grove. Ogma has gone, but the guardian remains and you still hold the staff in your hands, only now it is marked with each ogham sigil inscribed in light, rising along its length.
Rest here as long as you need before thanking the guardian and your allies. Return along the path through the trees, through the oak door, and back to your body.
When you are ready, flex your fingers and toes. Feel yourself fully back in the here and now. Eat and drink to ground yourself, and record your experiences in your journal.