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“Abendländisches Lied” (Trakl)
Abinger Harvest (Forster)
Academy of American Poets
Adams, J. Donald
Adams,John F.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain)
Aeneid (Virgil)
“Afternoon” (Lorca)
Akamine, Sheri
“Alarm, The” (Wright)
Al-Gailani, Ghazi
Algren, Nelson
Allen, Frederick Lewis
“All the Beautiful Are Blameless” (Wright)
Ambrose, Saint
Amenities of Stone (Wright)
American Academy of Arts and Letters
American Poetry Review (APR)
American Poets in 1976 (Heyen, editor)
“American Twilights” (Wright)
Amis, Kingsley
Ammons, A. R.
“And All That Surrounds It” (Thurn)
Anderson, Sherwood
And Morning (Flint)
“Animals, The” (Wright)
Anonymous Lover, The (Logan)
Apollinaire, Guillaume
“Apples” (Swift)
Arnold, Matthew
Arrivistes, The (Simpson)
Art of Poetry, The (Valéry)
Ashman, Richard
Aspects of the Novel (Forster)
At the End of the Open Road (Simpson)
“At the Executed Murderer’s Grave” (Wright)
“At the Great Northern” (Wright)
Atlantic Monthly
“At Peace with the Ocean Off Misquamicut” (Wright)
“At the Slackening of the Tide” (Wright)
Auden, W H.
Augustus Caesar
“Aunt Leaf” (Oliver)
Austen, Jane
“Autumn” (Rilke)
“Autumnal” (Wright)
Avon Book of Modern Writing
Babel, Isaac
Bagehot, Walter
Baines, Jocelyn
Baldwin, James
“Ballad of John Cable and Three Gentlemen, The” (Merwin)
Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco (Il Guercino)
Bard College
Barnaby Rudge (Dickens)
Barnstone, Willis
Baudelaire, Charles
Bedford, Ed
Bedford, Zetta
Beethoven, Ludwig van
“Before the Cashier’s Window in a Department Store” (Wright)
Belitt, Ben
“Bells” (Wright)
Benn, Gottfried
Bentham, Jeremy
Berg, Steve
Berry, Wendell
Berryman, John
Bettelheim, Bruno
Bezat, Barbara
Bhagavad Gita, The
Bickerstaff Papers (Swift)
Bilderback, Carolyn
Bishop, John Peale
Black, Miriam
Blake, Patricia
Blake, William
Blanchot, Maurice
Blaugrund, Dr.
“Blind Beggar-Musician of Anatolia, A” (Barnstone)
Bloom, Harold
Bloy, Myron
Blue Estuaries, The (Bogan)
Blum, Morgan
Bly, Biddy
Bly, Carol; divorce of; in England; letters to ; in New York; Wright’s visits to farm of
Bly, Jim
Bly, Kathryn
Bly, Mary
Bly, Noah
Bly, Orrin
Bly, Robert ; divorce of; in England; Guggenheim Fellowship of; letters to ; in New York; poetry magazine edited by; Wright’s visits to farm of
Bly farm
Boehme, Jacob
Bogan, Louise
Bonnefoy, Yves
Booth, Philip
Borges, Jorge Luis
Boston University
Botteghe Oscure
Botticelli, Sandro
Bounoure, Gabriel
Bowers, Edgar
Branch Will Not Break, The (Wright)
Brandeis Award
Brandeis College
Bridges, Robert
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter (Rilke), see Letters to a Young Poet
Bright, Lorrie
Brontë, Emily
Brooke, Rupert
Brooks, Van Wyck
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky)
“Brother to Dragons” (Warren)
Brown, Dee
Brown, Malcolm
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Bucey, Clifford
Buch der Lieder, Das (Heine)
Büchner, Georg
Bueno, J. R. de la Torre
Burke, Edmund
Burning Heart, The (Rexroth)
Burns, Joan
Burns, Wayne
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown)
“Bus Ride, A” (Wright)
“But Only Mine” (Wright)
Butt, John
By Love Possessed (Cozzens)
Byron, Lord
Caesar, Julius
Caetani, Princess Marguerite
Campbell, Roy
Campion, Thomas
Camus, Albert
Candlin, Clara M.
“Captain Hoyt” (Hall)
“Carentan” (Simpson)
Carleton College
Carossa, Hans
Carpaccio, Vittore
Carroll, Paul
Carruth, Hayden
Carruth, Rose Marie
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Rosalynn
Caruso, Enrico
Cather, Willa
Ceremony (Silko)
Cervantes, Miguel de
Chandler, Raymond
Char, René
Chatterton, Thomas
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chelsea Review
Chessid, Herman
Chicago, University of
“Child in Armor, The” (Dickey)
Chopin, Frédéric
“Christi Hölenfahrt” (Rilke)
“Christmas Is Coming” (Hecht)
“Christ’s Descent into Hell” (Rilke)
Christ Stopped at Eboli (Levi)
“City of Evenings, The” (Wright)
City University of New York
Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)
Claire, William
Clark, Ethelwyn
Clark, Jim
Cleveland, John
Cloud of Unknowing, The (anonymous)
Coffin, Charles
Cold Comfort Farm (Gibbons)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collected Poems (Wright)
Collins, Wilkie
Colossus of Maroussi (Miller)
Columbia University; English Institute
“Complaint” (Wright)
Connecticut, University of
Connor, Rod
Coolidge, Charles
Cooper, Jane
Couplets (Mezey)
“Court Martial” (Warren)
Cowley, Abraham
Cowley, Malcolm
Cozzens, James Gould
Crane, Hart
Crane, R. S.
Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
Crome, Nicholas
Cronin, Vincent
Crusack, Cyril
Cuddihy, Michael
Cummings, E. E.
Cunningham, J. V
Curran, Keelin
Darker (Strand)
Dark Houses, The (Hall)
Davies, Sarah
Davies, W H.
Dean, Dizzy
DeFrees, Madeline
Delacroix, Eugène
de la Mare, Walter
Delaware, University of
Democratic Party
Dempsey, Jack
Denver, University of
D’Hoont, Pieter
“Dialogue of Self and Soul, A” (Yeats)
“Diamond Cutters, The” (Bilderback)
Diario de Poetay Mar (Jiménez)
di Capua, Michael
Dickens, Charles
Dickensian, The
Dickey, James; letters to
Dickey, Maxine
Dickey, William
Dickinson, Emily
di Giovanni, Norman
“Disappearance” (Barnstone)
Doctorow, E. L.
Doheny, John
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Donne, John
“Doors, The” (Wright)
Dostoevsky, Feodor
Doty, George
“Double Image, The” (Sexton)
“Dover: Believing in Kings” (Dickey)
Drapier’s Letters, The (Swift)
“Dream of Charles Coffin’s Voice, A” (Wright)
Dream of Governors, A (Simpson)
“Dream of the American Frontier, The” (Wright)
Dreiser, Theodore
Dryad Press
Dryden, John
Duffy, William
Dunbar, William
Dupré, Marcel
Durrell, Lawrence
“Dusk Near a Mental Hospital” (Mezey)
Dylan, Bob
“Earth: a True Romance, The” (Wright)
East, Karin
“Eating the Pig” (Hall)
Eberhart, Richard
Eckhart, Meister
Eclogues (Virgil)
Egan, Pierce
Ekelof, Gunnar
“Elegies” (Wright)
“Elegy for Jane” (Roethke)
“Elegy for My Father” (Strand)
Eliot, T. S.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
“Empty Mill Field at Aetnaville, Ohio, The” (Wright)
Enscoe, Jerry
Epes, Morgan
“Espergesia” (Vallejo)
Essays of Three Decades (Mann)
Esterly, Elizabeth Willerton
Esterly, Henry
Ethics (Spinoza)
Ewart, Gavin
Ewing, Chatham
Exile’s Return (Cowley)
Exiles and Marriages (Hall)
Eyman, Hubie
“Fable of the Mermaid and the Drunks” (Neruda)
“Face, The” (Levine)
“Falling Leaves, The” (Hall)
Faries, Olive
“Farmer, The” (Wright)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
“Father” (Wright)
Fauchereau, Serge
Faust (Goethe)
Fifties, The
Finnigans Wake (Joyce)
“Fire of Despair Has Been Our Saviour” (Bly)
“First Lesson” (Booth)
“First Morning of Cancer, The” (Dickey)
“Fit Against the Country, A” (Wright)
Flannery, Nina
“Flat One, A” (Snodgrass)
Flint, Roland
Flint, Rosalind
Florentine Renaissance, The (Cronin)
Fogelman, Betsy
Foley, Martha
Foothills College
Ford, Ford Madox
Forster, E. M.
Foster, Dick
“Foundations of American Industry, The” (Hall)
Fountainhead, The (Rand)
Fowler, David
“France: An Ode” (Coleridge)
Frank, Anne
Franklin and Marshall College
Freud, Sigmund
From Snow and Rock, from Chaos (Carruth)
Froment, Edith Hoyt
Frost, Robert
Fulbright Scholarship
Furniss, Jack
Galassi, Jonathan
Galler, David
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Gardner, Isabella
Gardner, Susan
Gattuccio, Nicholas
Gellens, Jay
Genitron Press
Georgia Review, The
Getty, J. Paul, III
“Ghost, The” (Wright)
Ghost in the Machine, The (Koestler)
“Ghost with the Silver Lyre, The” (Wright)
Gibbons, Stella
Gibson, Richard
Gielgud, John
Ginsberg, Allen
“Girl Walking into a Shadow, A” (Wright)
Giroux, Robert
Gissing, George
Gitanjali (Tagore)
Goering, Hermann
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gogol, Nikolai
Goldhurst, Richard
Goldhurst, William
Goodbody, Roland
Good News of Death (Simpson)
Gordon, Wendy
Gorky, Maxim
Göttingen, University of
Graham, Billy
Graham, Susan Lamb
Graham, W S.
Graves, Robert
Graywolf Press
Green, Laurence
“Green Leaf, A” (Storm)
Green Wall, The (Wright)
Grimm brothers
“Grodek” (Trakl)
Gross, Harvey
Groth, D.
Grove Press
Guardian Angel, The (Il Guercino)
Guard of Honor (Cozzens)
Guest, Edgar A.
Guggenheim Fellowships
Guggenheim Museum
Guillén, Jorge
“Guilty Man, The” (Kunitz)
Gullans, Charles
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)
Gunn, Thom
Gwyllam, Dafydd ap
Haislip, John
Hall, Andrew
Hall, Donald ; anthology edited by; at Bly’s farm; in England; letters to
Hall, Jane, see Kenyon, Jane
Hall, Joe
Hall, Kirby
Hamburger, Michael
Handbook for Boys
Hanfman, Andre
Hanson, Ken
Harding, Warren G.
Hardy, Thomas
Hargis, Dr.
Harper, Michael S.
Harper & Brothers
Harper and Row
Harper’s Magazine
Harrison, John
Harvard University
Harvey, Edward
Hass, Robert
Hass, Willie
“Hatred of Men with Black Hair” (Bly)
Hauptmann, Gerhard
Hawaii, University of
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hays, H. R.
Heart’s Needle (Snodgrass)
Hecht, Anthony
Hecht, Roger
Heilman, Robert
Hein, Fred
Heine, Heinrich
Hemingway, Ernest
Henricksen, Bruce
“Her Becoming” (Roethke)
Herbert, George
“Herbst” (Rilke)
“Heritage” (Wright)
“Her Kind” (Sexton)
Hernández, Miguel
Herrick, Robert
Herzing, Albert
Hesperides (Herrick)
Hesse, Hermann
Heyen, William
Heym, Georg
Higgins, Robert William
Hill, Geoffrey
Hine, William Daryl
“His Farewell to Poetry” (Wright)
Hispanic Institute
“His Prayer to the True Muse” (Wright)
History as a System (Ortega y Gasset)
History of English Literature (Taine)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbes, Thomas
Hodge, Thomas
Hölderlin, Friedrich
Holms, John
Holton, W Milne
“Homage to Mistress Bradstreet” (Berryman)
Hopkins, Gerald Manley
Hornberger, Theodore
Horrell, Joseph
Housman, A. E.
Houston, University of
Houvet, Étienne
“How Annandale Went Out” (Robinson)
Howard, Richard
Howard, Willie
Howe, Irving
Howells, William Dean
“How Spring Arrives” (Wright)
Hudson Review, The
Huff, Robert
Hughes, Mary Margaret
Hugo, Richard
Hugo, Victor
Hunter College
Huxley, Aldous
Hyman, Stanley Edgar
Hypnos Waking (Char)
“I Am Freed” (Vallejo)
Ibsen, Henrik
“Idiot Boy, The” (Wordsworth)
Ignatow, David
Ignatow, Yaedi
Iketani, Toshitada
“Illiterate, The” (Kunitz)
“In a Warm Chicken House” (Wright)
“In Fear of Harvests” (Wright)
Ingram Merrill Foundation
“In Response to a Rumor That the Oldest Whorehouse in Wheeling, West Virginia, Has Been Condemned” (Wright)
“In Shame and Humiliation” (Wright)
Inside the Blood Factory (Wakoski)
“In Terror of Hospital Bills” (Wright)
“In the Environs of the Funeral Home” (Mezey)
“In the Hard Sun” (Wright)
Into the Stone (Dickey)
Isherwood, Christopher
“I Wish to Go Out but Encounter Rain” (Lu Yu)
Jackson, Jesse
Jaessuraparp, Sichart
James, Henry
James, Stuart
James, William
Jarrell, Randall
Jellema, Rod
Jenyns, Soame
Jiménez, Juan Ramón
Joan of Arc
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Dave
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Roger
Jonson, Ben
Joyce, James
Jung, Carl
Kafka, Franz
Kappus, Franz
Kardules, Liberty, see Kovacs, Liberty Kardules Wright
Keats, John
Kelly, Robert
Kennedy, X. J.
Kenyon, Jane
Kenyon College ; Alumni Bulletin; Robert Frost Poetry Prize
Kenyon Review, The; Poetry Fellowship
Kessler, Jascha
Kicking the Leaves (Hall)
“Killers, The” (Hemingway)
“Kin” (Harper)
Kinnell, Galway
Kinnell, Ines
Kirkup, James
Kizer, Carolyn
“Klage” (Trakl)
Kleist, Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von
Knight, Etheridge
Knoepfle, John
Knopf, Alfred A.
Knott, Bill
Knudsen, Dan
Koestler, Arthur
Korg, Jacob
Kovacs, Liberty Kardules Wright (first wife) ; birth of children of; conflicts with; divorce from; letters to; marriage to; nervous breakdown of; remarriage of
Kovacs, Miklos
Kray, Elizabeth
Kreuzer Sonata, The (Tolstoy)
Krieger, Murray
Kunitz, Stanley
La Fountaine, Jean de
Laguna Woman (Silko)
“Lambs on the Boulder, The” (Wright)
“Lament: Fishing with Richard Hugo” (Wright)
“Lament for My Brother on a Hayrake” (Wright)
Lamartine, Alphonse de
Lamentation of Saint Judas, The (Wright), see Saint Judas
Lamb, Susan, see Graham, Susan Lamb
Landor, Walter Savage
Lane, Charlotte
Lannum, Pete
Lardner, Ring
Laski, Harold
Laslo, John
Late Hour, The (Mark)
Lathrop, Alan
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, Elizabeth
Lawrence, Larry
Leahy, Jack
Lee, Jane, see Runk, Jane
Lee, Laura
Leeds, University of
LeFever, Frank
Leffler, Merrill
“Legend of My Child’s Awakening, A” (Wright)
Leggett, Glenn
Lehmann College
Leonardo da Vinci
“Lesson of the Master, The” (Wright)
Letters to a Young Poet (Rilke)
Levertov, Denise
Levi, Carlo
Levine, Fran
Levine, Philip
Lewis, Alun
Lewis, C. Day
Lewis, Sinclair
Library of Congress
Life of Po Chü-i (Waley)
“Limpet in Otranto, The” (Wright)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindenberger, Herbert
Lion’s Tail and Eyes, The (Wright, Bly, and Duffy)
Lippi, Fra Lippo
“Listening to Fats Waller in Late Night” (Ruark)
“Litanies” (Strand)
Livingston, Ray
Lockwood, Willard
Loeb, H.
Logan, John
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longmans Publishers
Longview Foundation
Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe)
“Looking Back on the Spanish War” (Orwell)
Lorca, Federico García
Lord, George deF.
Lord Weary’s Castle (Lowell)
Lost Faces, The (Jellema)
Louis, Joe
Love in the Western World (Rougement)
Lowell, Robert
Loyola University
Luce, Henry
Lux, Tom
Lu Yu
Lynes, George
Lynes, Russell
Lyons, Elizabeth
Macalester College
MacBeth, George
MacDiarmid, Hugh
MacDonald, Dwight
Machado, Antonio
Macmillan Publishers
Mailer, Norman
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Man Who Shook Hands, The (Wakoski)
Mandelbaum, Alan
Manfred, Fred
Manfred, Freya
Mann, Thomas
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens)
Marvell, Andrew
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Karl
Matchett, William
Maryland, University of
Mathews, Jackson
Mathiessen, F. O.
Matthews, William
Maud, Ralph
Mazzaro, Jerome
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
McClatchy, J. D.
McClelland, Sherry
McCreight, James L.
McKenna, Siobhan
McKuen, Rod
Medici, Cosimo di
Meistersinger, Die (Wagner)
Melville, Herman
Melville Cane Award
Ménard, René
Mencken, H. L.
“Men’s Room in the College Chapel, The” (Snodgrass)
Mercian Hymns (Hill)
Meredith, William
Merwin, W S.
“Mexico: Avenue of San Juan” (Barnstone)
Mezey, Robert
Michaux, Henri
Michigan, University of
Middlebury College
“Midnight Sassafras” (Wright)
Miller, Henry
Miller, Vassar
Milton, John
“Milton by Firelight” (Snyder)
Minnesota, University of; Elmer L. Andersen Library; Press
Minnesota Review
“Mission to Linz” (Hugo)
Miss Lonelyhearts (West)
“Miss Twye” (Ewart)
Mitchell, Jeff
Modern Poetry Studies
“Moments in Rome” (Wright)
Moments of the Italian Summer (Wright)
Montag, Alma
Montale, Eugenio
Moore, Henry
Moore, Julia A.
Moore, Marianne
Moorhead State College
Morgan, Fred
Morgan, J. P
Morley, Christopher
“Morning Hymn to a Dark Girl” (Wright)
“Morning Song” (Wright)
Mounin, Georges
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muir, Edwin
Muse’s Library
Musset, Alfred de
Mussolini, Benito
Myers, Jack
“My Father’s Lullabies to Me in 1932” (Wright)
Naipaul, V S.
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer)
“Name and Nature of Poetry, The” (Housman)
Napoleon (Cronin)
Narcissus (Zweig)
Nation, The
National Book Awards
National Institute of Arts and Letters
Natural Numbers (Rexroth)
“Natur und Kunst” (Goethe)
Nemerov, Howard
Neruda, Pablo; translations of
“Neruda” (Wright)
Nerval, Gerard de
New American Library
New and Selected Poems (Wagoner)
New Anthology of the Great Poems in the English Language
New Directions
New Hampshire, University of, Library
New Orleans Poetry Journal, The
New Poems (Wright)
New Poets of England and America (Hall, Pack, and Simpson)
New Republic, The
New World Writing
New York, State University of, at Buffalo
New Yorker, The
New York Quarterly
New York Times, The; Book Review
New York University
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens)
Nietzsche, Friedrich
“Night Clerk in Pennsylvania, The” (Wright)
Nightfishing, The (Graham)
Nightmare Begins Responsibility (Harper)
Nims, John Frederick
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prize
“Note Left in Jimmy Leonard’s Shack, A” (Wright)
Nugent, Robert
Oberlin College
“O Cheese” (Hall)
O’Connor, William Van
“Ode on a Grecian Urn, The” (Keats)
“Ode to a Nightingale” (Keats)
“Ode to Lesbia’s Pet Sparrow” (Wright)
“Ode to Walt Whitman” (Lorca)
“Offenbarung und Untergang” (Trakl)
Of Time and the River (Wolfe)
O’Hara, John
Ohio Review, The
Ohio University
Old Curiosity Shop, The (Dickens)
Oliver, Mary
Oliver Twist (Dickens)
Olson, Elder
One Hundred Poems from the Chinese (Rexroth)
“One Word More” (Browning)
Only Yesterday (Allen)
“On Minding One’s Own Business” (Wright)
“On the Skeleton of a Hound” (Wright)
Open House (Roethke)
“Opening of the Wm. Dinsmore Briggs Reading Room, The” (Winters)
Ord & Bild
Ortega y Gasset, José
Orwell, George
“Our Daily Bread” (Vallejo)
“Out of Childhood” (Rilke)
“O Western Wind” (Carruth)
Oxford Book of German Verse
Oxford University
Pack, Robert
Palmer, John
Palmer, Mary
Parade of Ghosts, A (Hecht)
“Paragraphs” (Carruth)
Paris Review, The
Parks, Gege
Parks, Howard
Parks, Lloyd
Parotti, Philip
Partisan Review
Pasternak, Boris
Perloff, Marjorie
Personae (Pound)
Philo, Mary
“Photographs of China” (Hall)
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens)
Picon, Gaetan
“Pilgrimage” (Vallejo)
Platen, August Graf von
Poe, Edgar Allan
“Poem after Leopardi” (Strand)
“Poema para ser leido y cantado” (Vallejo)
“Poem Called George, Sometimes” (Flint)
“Poem to Commemorate General Eisenhower’s Visit to Generalissimo Franco in December, 1959” (Wright)
Poet in New York, The (Lorca)
Poetry Center
Poetry Northwest
Poetry Society of America (PSA); Melville Cane citation
Poetry of Vision, The (Zweig)
Poetry Workshop of Iowa
Poets Against the War in Vietnam
Pollack, Felix
“Politics” (Nerval)
“Politics and the English Language” (Orwell)
Pope, Alexander
Portland State University
Pound, Ezra
Prabhavananda, Swami
“Prayer for Several Kind Women” (Wright)
“Problems of Poetry” (Valéry)
Pugatch, Eugene
Pugh, Katherine
Pulitzer Prize
Pushkin, Alexander
Quarterly Review of Literature
Quasimodo, Salvatore
Quinn, Bernetta
Rago, Henry
Ramakrishna, Sri
“Rampart of Twigs, The” (Char)
Ramsey, Paul
Random House
Ransom, John Crowe (“Pappy”)
Ráshed, Sheila
Ray, David
Ray, Johnny
Read, Herbert
Reason and Energy: Studies in German Literature (Hamburger)
“Red Bow, The” (Dickey)
Redwings and the Secret of Light (Wright)
Reed College
Rembrandt van Rijn
Reminiscences of Tolstoy (Gorky)
Republican Party
Revolt of the Masses, The (Ortega y Gasset)
Rexroth, Kenneth
Reynolds, Tim
Rice, Harvey
Rice, Philip Blair
Richards, I. A.
Richer, Miss
Rider on the White Horse, The (Storm)
Rilke, Rainer Maria; translations of works of
Rimbaud, Arthur
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” (Coleridge)
Ripon College
Rizzardi, Alfredo
Robbin, Harvey
“Robert Burns of Ayreshire” (Mezey)
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Robinson, Sugar Ray
Rockefeller Foundation
Rodin, Auguste
Roethke, Beatrice
Roethke, Theodore; letters to; studies with
Roof of Tiger Lilies, A (Hall)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roots and Wings (St. Martin)
“Rosebushes” (Jiménez)
Rosenberg, Harold
Rosenthal, M. L.
Rothberg, Winterset
Rougemont, Denis de
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences
Ruark, Gibbons
Ruark, Kay
Runk, Edith Anne, see Wright, Anne
Runk, Jane
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin
Saint Judas (Wright)
“Saint Judas” (Wright)
St. Martin, Hardie
St. Scholastic, College of
Salamanca, J. R.
Sanfedele, Ann
Sanity of Art, The (Shaw)
Santayana, George
Sarah Lawrence College
Sarton, May
“Schlaf, Der” (Trakl)
Schlussnuss, Heinrich
Schmitt, John
Schneider, Barbara
Schneider, Franz
Schubert, David
Schubert, Franz
Schulman, Grace
Scribner’s Publishers
“Searching for the Ox” (Simpson)
Seeker & Warburg
“Secret of Light, The” (Wright)
Seeing Is Believing (Tomlinson)
Seferis, Georgios
Self and Other, The (Ortega y Gasset)
Sewanee Review
Sexton, Anne
Shakespeare, William
Shall We Gather at the River (Wright)
Shapiro, Karl
Shaw, Dick
Shaw, George Bernard
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sheriff, Helen McNeely
Sidney, Philip
Silkin, Jon
Silko, Leslie Marmon
Silver, Dr. Irving
Simon, John
Simpson, Annie
Simpson, Dorothy
Simpson, Louis ; anthology edited by; at Bly’s farm; letters to
Sir George Williams University
Sisley, Alfred
Sixties, The
Sixties Press
Sleepers Joining Hands (Bly)
Small Song (Mezey)
Smith, Dave
Smith, H. Allen
Smith, William
“Snow” (Quasimodo)
Snodgrass, W. D.
Snyder, Gary
“Sole Arabian Bird, The” (Wilmot)
Solomon, Richard
Something Tugging at the Line (Jellema)
Sommers, Hollis
Song of God, The (Prabhavananda and Isherwood)
“Song of Myself” (Whitman)
“Sonnet—Peace” (Wright)
Sonnets from the Portuguese (Browning)
Southern Review
Spears, Monroe
Spender, Stephen
Spillane, Mickey
Spinoza, Baruch
Springs of Silence (DeFrees)
Springsteen, Bruce
“Springtime Salvation” (Guillén)
Stafford, William
Stange, Bob
Stein, Arnold
Sterne, Laurence
Stevens, Cat
Stevens, Wallace
Stevenson, Adlai
Stevenson, David
“Still, Citizen Sparrow” (Wilbur)
Stitt, Peter
Stoneburner, Tony
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (Frost)
Storck, John
Storm, Emil
Storm, Theodor
“Storyteller” (Silko)
Strand, Mark
Strauss, Johann
Strindberg, August
String Too Short to Be Saved (Hall)
Summoning of Stones, A (Hecht)
“Supermarket in California, A” (Ginsberg)
Surtees, Robert Smith
Susini, Professor
Suspect in Poetry, The (Dickey)
Sutcliffe, Denham
Swift, Jonathan
Swinburne, Algernon
Tagore, Rabindranath
Taine, Hippolyte
Tanks, Annie
“Tarde” (Lorca)
Tate, Allen
Tate, Helen
Taylor, Elizabeth
Teapot Dome Scandal
Teasdale, Sara
Tenney, Tom
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
This Journey (Wright)
Thomas, Debra
Thomas, Dylan
Thomas, Edward
Thoreau, Henry David
Thorpe, Jim
“Three Husbands” (Wright)
Thurn, Janice
Tillotson, Kathleen
Timberlake, Philip
To a Blossoming Pear Tree (Wright)
“To a Girl Heavy with Child” (Wright)
“To Build a Sonnet” (Wright)
“To Evan” (Eberhart)
“To Flood Stage Again” (Wright)
“To Keats” (Wright)
Tolstoy, Leo
Tomlinson, Charles
“To My Infant Daughter” (Winters)
Torres, Ines Delgado de
“To the Snake” (Levertov)
“To Wayne Burns: On the Appearance of a New Edition of Swift’s Poems” (Wright)
“Toy Bone, The” (Hall)
Trakl, Georg; translations of works of
Tranströmer, Tomas
Treasure Island (Stevenson)
Tree of Wooden Clogs, The (movie)
“Trees in Minnesota, The” (Wright)
Trilce (Vallejo)
“Tristan” (Platen)
Tristram Shandy (Sterne)
“Triumph of Life, The” (Shelley)
“Troubador Removed, A” (Hugo)
Truesdale, C. W “Bill”
“True Voice, A” (Wright)
“True Weather for Women, The” (Simpson)
Truman, Harry S.
Tufts University
Tu Fu
Turner, Lisa Kayan
Turpin, Randy
Twain, Mark
Twelve Moons (Oliver)
Twelve Spanish American Poets (Hays)
Twenty-Seven Poems (Hecht)
Two Cheers for Democracy (Forster)
Two Citizens (Wright)
Ulysses (Joyce)
“Unborn Child” (Hall)
“Und dann und wann ein weisser Elephant” (Rilke)
“Under a Streetlight” (Wright)
“Under the Canals” (Wright)
University of Kansas City Review
Urseth, Sonjia
Ussachevsky, Vladimir
Utah State University
“Vain Season, The” (Wright)
Valentine, Jean
Valéry, Paul
Vallejo, César
“Verdict” (Vallejo)
Verlaine, Paul
Vermeer, Jan
Victor, Tom
Vienna, University of
Viereck, Peter
Villon, François
Virginia Quarterly
“Visit to the Earth, A” (Wright)
Volonte, Gian Maria
Wagner, Richard
Wagoner, David
Wagoner, Patt
Wahlverwandschaten, Die (Goethe)
“Waking, The” (Roethke)
Wakoski, Diane
Waldrup, Keith
Waley, Arthur
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis)
“Walking Around” (Neruda)
Walt Whitman International Poetry Center
Wandering (Hesse)
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Warren, Austin
Warren, Robert Penn
Washington, University of
Washington University, Department of Special Collections
“Way to Death, The” (Hall)
Wayne State University
Weiss, Theodore
Weissman, Sy
Welch, Jim
Welch, Raquel
“Wendung” (Rilke)
Wesleyan University Press
West, Nathanael
West, Ray B.,Jr.
Western Review
West of Childhood (Gardner)
Westigan Review, The
“What a Man Can Stand” (Wright), see “Winter Day in Ohio, A”
What Thou Lovest Well Remains American (Hugo)
Wheelock, John Hall
Wheelock College
Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight? (Wagoner)
“Wherever Home Is” (Wright)
“Whisper to the Ghost Who Woke Me, A” (Wright)
“White Buildings” (Crane)
Whitman, Walt
Whittemore, Reed
Whyte, L. L.
Wilbur, Richard
Wilde, Oscar
Wilderness Stair (Belitt)
Wilkinson, Connie
Willerton, Elizabeth, see Esterly, Elizabeth Willerton
Williams, C. K.
Williams, Oscar
Williams, William Carlos
Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester
Wilson, Woodrow
“Winter Day in Ohio, A” (Wright)
“Winter Night” (Trakl)
Winters, Jonathan
Winters, Yvor
Wisconsin, University of: Library, Marvin Sukov Little Magazine Collection; at Milwaukee
“Witches Waken the Natural World in Spring” (Wright)
“With a Sliver of Marble from Carrara” (Wright)
With Ignorance (Williams)
Wolfe, Thomas
Woman in White, The (Collins)
“Woman Too Well Remembered, A” (Simpson)
Wood, Frank
Woodlanders, The (Hardy)
Woods, John
Woolman, Russell J.
Words for the Wind (Roethke)
Wordsworth, William
“Work of Art, The” (Dickey)
“Work of Our Hands, The” (Jellema)
Wormwood Review
Wozzeck (Berg)
Wright, Anne (second wife) ; European travels of ; in Hawaii; letters to; marriage to
Wright, Dianna (Theodore Jr.’s wife)
Wright, Dudley (father)
Wright, Franz (son); birth of; in Europe; letters to; at Oberlin College
Wright, Helen (sister-in-law)
Wright, Jack (brother)
Wright, James: Army service of; awards and honors of; birth of; birth of sons of; Bly farm visits of ; breakup of first marriage; childhood and adolescence in Martins Ferry, Ohio; doctoral dissertation of ; emotional illnesses of ; European travels of ; final illness and death of; Fulbright Scholarship to Vienna of; graduate studies and teaching at University of Washington; Guggenheim Fellowships of; at Kenyon College; Macalester College guest professorship of; marries Anne; marries Liberty; New York City life and teaching of ; and parents’ deaths; on University of Minnesota faculty
Wright, Jessie Lyons (mother)
Wright, Liberty Kardules, see Kovacs, Liberty Kardules Wright
Wright, Marge (sister)
Wright, Marshall (son); birth of; letters to; on trip to Europe
Wright, Richard
Wright, Theodore (brother)
Wright, Theodore, Jr. (nephew)
“Written on a Big Cheap Postcard from Verona” (Wright)
“Written on a Bus in Central Ohio” (Wright)
Wyatt, Thomas
Yaddo Artists’ Colony
Yale Review, The
Yale University Press
“Year Changes in the City” (Wright)
Yeats, William Butler
You Can’t Go Home Again (Wolfe)
Youngblood, Sarah
Zea, Carlo de Francisco
Zulauf, Sander
Zweig, Paul