
Various people have played a role in bringing this book to life. It’s been a long road to publication and I wouldn’t have made it without their help.

Thank you first and foremost to my family for believing in me without question. Thanks for reading the earliest of drafts, being there for all my queries and anxieties, and allowing me the freedom to achieve my dream. Claudia, Kirsten, Mum, Dad and Lindsay, you’re all amazing.

Next I must thank my literary agent, Pat Lomax. You’ve been brilliant at guiding me through this process from start to finish. You believed in the book right away. You saw what others didn’t and have been fighting my corner ever since. All your hard work and support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to the wonderful team at Avon/HarperCollins – particularly Lydia Vassar-Smith, Katy Loftus, Eleanor Dryden and Kate Ellis – who made the editing process a pleasure. I doubt there’s a friendlier place to learn the ropes of being a published author.

Before I had an agent or publisher, a few friends were kind enough to read and give feedback on early drafts of this novel. I’m grateful Mervyn Kay, Tim Smith and Nick Coligan. You’re all stars.

I must also mention Maurice Cohen, Rosie Kaye and Hillary Shaw. Your help was invaluable.

And lastly, thanks to you, the reader. You’re the reason I write.