I want to thank:

Everyone who has ever written to me and shared your stories of transformation; your struggles, challenges, and pitfalls; and your joys, triumphs, and victories. Each and every letter I receive informs the work I do and impacts those who are touched by it.

My mom and dad for supporting me even when I wasn’t so joyful.

My biggest champion, my husband David.

My furry little gifts, Charlie and Michiko.

My besties, Kristie, Melissa, Greg, and Tim.

My sisters and brothers, Kenda, Susie, Deb, Milena, Donna L., Donna F., Lori, Cathleen, Tim, Ellen, Diane, Amanda, Devin, Michael S., Michael C., and Alex.

My helpers and allies, Danielle, Raitis, Florian, Michelle, and Hannah. My partners, Brighde and Seb.

My angels, Alex, David, and Morgan.

My editor, Leah, whose keen insight, perception, and sensitivity made The Joyful Vegan a better book.

My inspiration, the animals.

My teachers. (Yes, that means you.)