The person most closely associated with chronicling the Siegfried Line campaign was Charles MacDonald, a young company commander at the time and later a US Army historian. He was the author not only of the official US Army “Green Book” history of the campaign, but also the author of the classic account of the Hürtgen fighting, as well as the chapter in the US Army special study that covered the fighting of the 28th Division at Schmidt. Another essential account is the more recent book by Robert Rush, which provides an insightful look at one of the regiments of the US 4th Infantry Division in the Hürtgen as well as its German opponents. The German perspective on the campaign can be found in reports prepared by German officers for the US Army Office of Military History as part of the Foreign Military Studies effort, and these can be found at the US Army Military History Institute at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Although it does not cover the section of the Westwall covered in this book, the French Army study by Capt De Beaurepaire À l’assaut de la Ligne Siegfried is an exceptional study of the construction of a section of the Westwall in the Palatinate and also covers the tactics used by US and French units of the 6th Army Group to assault it on March 18–25, 1945.

US Army Foreign Military Studies

Bork, Max The 47th Volksgrenadier Division in the West (B-602).

Denkert, Walter The 3rd Pz Gren Div in the Battle of Aachen October 1944 (A-979).

Engel, Gerhard First Battle of Aachen 16–22 September 1944 (A-971).

Engel, Gerhard The 12th Infantry Div in the 3rd Battle of Aachen, 16 November–3 December 1944 (B-764).

Gersdorff, Rudolf The Battle of the Hürtgen Forest, November–December 1944 (A-891).

Köchling, Friedrich The Battle of the Aachen Sector (A-989 to A-998).

Schack, Friedrich LXXXI Corps, 4–21 September 1944 (B-816).

Straube, Erich The 74th Corps from September to December 1944 (C-016).

Toppe, Alfred Units Opposing the 28th Division in the Hürtgen forest (C-089).

US Army Studies

V Corps: V Corps Operations in the ETO: 6 January 1942-9 May 1945 (1945).

XIX Corps: Breaching the Siegfried Line/XIX Corps 2 October 1944 (1945).

US Army Armored School: Armor in the Attack of Fortified Positions (1950).

US Army Armored School: Hell on Wheels in the Drive to the Roer: The Employment of the 2nd Armored Division in a Limited Objective Attack (date unknown).

Gabel, Christopher “Knock ‘em All Down: The Reduction of Aachen, October 1944,” in Block by Block: The Challenge of Urban Operations (US Army Command and General Staff College, 2003).

Heichler, Lucian The Germans opposite VII Corps in September 1944 (OCMH, 1952).

Published accounts

3rd Armored Division: Spearhead in the West: The Third Armored Division (1945; Battery Press reprint, 1980).

28th Infantry Division: 28th Infantry Division in World War II (1945; Battery Press reprint, 2000).

Astor, Gerald The Bloody Forest: Battle for the Huertgen (Presidio, 2000).

Corlett, Charles Cowboy Pete: The Autobiography of Maj. Gen. Charles Corlett (Sleeping Fox, 1974).

Christoffel, Edgar Krieg am Westwall 1944/45 (Interbook, 1989).

Egersdorfer, R. H. Stolberg: Penetrating the Westwall (26th Infantry Regiment Association, 1999)

Fuhrmeister, Jorg Der Westwall: Geschichte und Gegenwart (Motorbuch, 2003).

Gross, Mannfred et al Der Westwall: Vom Denkmalwert des Unerfreulichen (Rheinland-Verlag, 1997).

Guderian, Heinz Günther From Normandy to the Ruhr with the 116th Panzer Division in WWII (Aberjona, 2001).

Haasler, Timm Den Westwall halten oder mit dem Westwall untergehen: Die Geschichte der Panzerbrigade 105 (Schneider, 2005).

Hansen, Hans-Josef Auf den Spuren des Westwalls (Helios, 2005).

Hogan, David A Command Post at War: First Army HQ in Europe 1943–45 (US Army, 2000).

Hohenstein, Adolf and Trees, Wolfgang Hölle im Hürtgenwald (Triangel, 1981).

Kramp, Hans Rurfront 1944/45 (self-published, 1981).

Kurowski, Franz Hitler’s Last Bastion: The Final Battle for the Reich 1944–45 (Schiffer, 1998).

MacDonald, Charles The Battle of the Huertgen Forest (Lippincott, 1963).

MacDonald, Charles The Siegfried Line Campaign (US Army, 1963).

MacDonald, Charles and Mathews, Sidney Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt (US Army, 1952).

Miller, Edward A Dark and Bloody Ground: The Hürtgen Forest and the Roer River Dams 1944-45 (Texas A&M, 1995).

Rush, Robert Hell in the Hürtgen Forest: The Ordeal and Triumph of an American Infantry Regiment (University of Kansas Press, 2001).

Yeide, Harry The Longest Battle: September 1944 to February 1945 (Zenith, 2005).