AFV Armored fighting vehicle.
Army Allied formation consisting of several corps.
Army Group Formation consisting of several armies.
CC Combat command of a US armored division; CCA, CCB or CCR.
Corps Formation consisting of several divisions.
ETO European Theater of Operations.
Gen General.
GFM Generalfeldmarschall (field marshal).
GR Grenadier regiment.
IR Infanterie regiment.
Lt Lieutenant.
Maj Major.
PGD Panzergrenadier division.
PGR Panzergrenadier regiment.
PzAA Panzer Aufklärungs Abteilung (armored reconnaissance regiment).
s.Pz.Abt. schwere Panzer Abteilung (heavy tank regiment).
TF Task Force; sub-formation of a US combat command.
VGD Volksgrenadier Division.