500 Club, the, 205
Affleck, Ben, 208
Allies, Allied, 19, 29, 47, 53, 56, 59, 64, 112, 177
America. See also United States
airpower in World War II, 29
culture, 129, 133, 139, 146–47, 155, 199
fashion in, 160–74
Greenfield’s citizenship in, 133
Greenfield’s family in, 82–87
Greenfield’s first experiences in, 96, 98–107
Greenfield’s love of, 110, 113–14, 133, 145, 217–19
Greenfield’s voyage to, 87–96, 125–26, 135, 157
inmates in German camps, 46
Israel and, 81
liberation of Germany, 52–57, 82, 111–12
military power in World War II, 31, 49–50, 52–53, 60, 75
politicians in, 175–98
segregation in, 131
American Airlines, 125, 127–29
American Army, 52, 55, 112, 130, 198
American Film Institute, 145
Andretti, Mario, 169
Anthony, Carmelo, 210–11
Arbeit macht frei, 13
Arkansas, 182–83
Armani (brand), 165
Armani, Giorgio, 166
Arthur, 209
Auschwitz, 213
Greenfield at, 2, 5, 7–8, 13–14, 17–29, 46, 65, 73, 79, 88, 111, 136, 219
Bachelor in Paradise, 146
Baltimore, Maryland, 82–86, 90, 95, 97–100, 102, 104
Band of Outsiders, 171–73
Barkley, Alben, 111–13
Bar Mitzvah, 217–19
Bell, Lake, 174
Benedict XVI (pope), 214
Ben Maksik’s Town and Country, 134
Bergdorf Goodman, 166
Berger, Antonio (“Uncle Antonio”), 83, 123–27
Berger, Fischel, 3
Berger, Irving (“Uncle Irving”), 82–86, 90, 94–95, 98, 124
Berman, Barbara, 98
Berman, Natalie, 98
Berman, Rikki, 98–99
Berra, Yogi, 97
Biden, Joseph “Joe,” 193–94
Bismarck Tower, the, 49
Blacklist, The, 214–15
Bloomberg, Michael, 194–95
Boardwalk Empire, 147–48, 201–2, 211
Bradley, Omar, 54
Bradshaw, Terry, 211–12
Brand, Russell, 209
Bremerhaven, Germany, 87
Brihah, 80
Bronx, NY, 83, 86, 95–97, 140, 190, 198
celebrities from, 148, 171, 212–14
Greenfield living in, 104–5, 111, 119, 124, 131–32, 136, 144, 219
Martin Greenfield Clothiers factory in, 157, 169, 172, 178, 190, 195, 200–1, 207
Brooks, Albert, 215
Brooks Brothers, 162, 185–86, 191–92, 194–95, 201
Brown, James, 212
Bryant, Kobe, 209
Buchanan, Tom (character in The Great Gatsby), 200
Budapest, Hungary, 9, 11–13, 21, 63, 67, 70–72, 91, 217
hospital in, 26–28
Buna Works factory, 28–29
Burns, Ed, 215–216
Burton, Montague, 140
Cagney, James, 145
Capitol, the, 110
Carpathian Mountains, 3, 31, 125
Catholics, 214
Charlotte Hornets, 168–69
Chelsea, NY, 206
Chesterfield cigarettes, 120
Clinton, Bill, 180–85, 196, 211
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 180–81
Colgate Comedy Hour, The, 141
Columbian Club, the, 128–29
Columbia University, 176–77
Communists, Communism, 71, 74–75, 84, 108, 126, 159–60
components of a suit jacket, 158
Constitution, the, 110
Costume Institute Gala, 174, 210–11
Coty American Fashion Critics’ Awards, 165, 168
Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) prizes, 165–66, 172, 174
crematoria, 4, 17–18, 29, 46, 55
Cronkite, Walter, 159
Cy Martin’s, 142
Czech army, the, 65–67, 80–81, 175–76
Czechoslovakia, Czechs, 94, 102, 111, 129
Greenfield’s life in, 1, 3, 74, 76
Soviet takeover of, 74–75, 126
Dallas, TX, 125–27, 129–30, 132, 159–60
D’Amato, Paul “Skinny,” 205–6
Danny’s Hideaway, 109
Davis, Bette, 145
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 141–42, 204
Death March, the, 32–43, 46, 56, 68–69, 219
democracy, democratic government, 74–75, 84
Depp, Johnny, 201
DeRosa, Stephen, 147
Diamonds, 157
DiMaggio, Joe, 97
displaced persons (DP) camps, 64–65, 75–76, 79–80, 83, 89
Dole, Bob, 192–93
Dole, Elizabeth “Liddy,” 193
Doral Hotel, 109
“Dumber They Come, the Better I Like ’em, The,” 141
Durante, Jimmy, 139
Eddie Cantor Camp Committee, 140
Edgerton, Joel, 200
Eisenhower, Dwight D. “Ike”
as general, 53–55, 84, 91, 110, 112
as president of Columbia, 176–77
as president of the United States, 177–78, 183
Elka (“Aunt Elka”), 83, 87, 95–97, 125
Ellis, Perry, 171
England, English, 46, 152, 158, 173
English (language), 94, 98–99, 101–5, 107, 109–10, 113–14, 166
ESPY Awards, 209
Exodus 1947, 87
Fields, W. C., 139
Final Solution, the, 45
Fontainebleau Hotel, 148
Ford, Gerald, 179
Ford, Glenn, 145
Fox Football, 211
France, French, 80, 87, 123, 177
Fromme, Lynette “Squeaky,” 180
Gabersee DP camp, 75–76, 79–80, 86, 89, 124
Garner, Jennifer, 208
at the concentration camps, 5–9, 13–15, 20–28, 31–32, 35, 37–38, 42, 48–52, 59–60, 68
surrender of the, 64
Germany, Germans, 43, 45–46, 55, 63–65, 79, 87–88, 140, 197
American occupation of, 75
American politicians and, 111–12
postwar suicides in, 76–77
Gestapo officers, 4–5
GGG, 100
celebrity customers of, 140–44, 147, 176–80, 204–5
Kalvin’s job at, 101–4
Martin Greenfield Clothiers at factory of, 203
Martin’s career at, 106–9, 115–22, 133–36, 138, 142–47, 154–59, 175
Gilda, 145
GIs, 53–54
Gleiwitz camp, 32, 34, 42, 46, 56, 65, 219
Goco, Zaldy, 206–7
Greenfield’s questioning of, 56, 76, 197–98
sense of humor of, 15
work in Greenfield’s life by, 21, 28–29, 31, 38–39, 52–53, 76–77, 198, 218–19
Golden Fleece collection, the, 162
Goldman, Abe, 117
Goldman, Ikram, 187
Goldman, Mannie, 99, 117, 177–78
Eddie Cantor and, 139–43
Goldman, William P., 99
biological son of, 155–56
role in Martin’s life, 105, 115, 117–19, 121, 123, 135–36, 147, 151–57, 176–78, 204–6
Good Morning America, 210
Gotha, Germany, 54
Gotham, 215
Grand Central Station, 132, 186
Great Debaters, The, 203
Great Gatsby, The, 200–2
Greece, 80
Greenfield, Amy, 218
Greenfield, Arlene (née Bergen), 134–38, 143, 151, 186, 196–98, 218, 222, 224
Greenfield, Bonnie, 218
Greenfield, Cheryl, 218
Greenfield, David, 218
Greenfield, Jay
birth of, 136–38
wife of, 218
work with Martin Greenfield Clothiers, 147, 162–63, 172, 180, 187–89, 200, 203, 206–7, 210–11, 213
Greenfield, Martin
bar mitzvah of, 217–19
move to New York, 104–5
name change, 100–3
time at GGG, 105–57. See also names of specific clients
time at Martin Greenfield Clothiers, 157–216. See also names of specific clients
Greenfield, Rachel, 218
Greenfield, Sofia, 218
Greenfield, Tod
birth of, 138
wife of, 218
work with Martin Greenfield Clothiers, 147, 163, 169, 172, 187, 203, 211, 218
Gretzky, Wayne, 209–10
Grünfeld, Abraham, 3–5, 39, 57
Grünfeld family, the, 2–3, 203
Grünfeld, Joseph (“Father”), 2, 7–14, 24, 57, 65, 67–68, 74, 79–80, 86, 88, 139, 156
Grünfeld, Maximilian “Max,” 2, 68, 83, 95. See also Greenfield, Martin
name change, 100–3
time in concentration camps, 2, 13–53. See also specific camps
time in Hungary, 9–12
voyage to America. See under America
Grünfeld, Sruel Baer, 2, 6–7, 57
Grünfeld, Tzyvia (“Mother”), 2–3, 6–8, 11, 57, 83, 95, 98, 124, 139
Gussie (Martin Greenfield’s aunt), 98
Gypsies, 46
Hampton Synagogue, 217
Hart Schaffner Marx, 188
Hayworth, Rita, 145
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 65, 67, 70
heder (religious school), 3–4
Hickey Freeman, 188
Hillcrest Country Club, 143–45, 147
Hinkle, Billy, 200
Hollywood, 129, 138–39, 142–45, 147, 169, 194, 199, 210
Holocaust, the, 80–81, 87, 136, 144, 197, 203, 218. See also Shoah
Holocaust Museum, 197–98
Holyfield, Evander, 209–10
Holy See, the, 214
homosexuals, 46
Hope, Bob, 146
Hotel Adolphus, the, 127–29
Hotel Brickman, 125
Hungary, Hungarians, 2–3, 9–13, 67, 96, 102, 107, 137
IG Farben, 25–26
Isaac, Oscar, 215
Iskowitz, Edward Israel. See Cantor, Eddie
Italy, Italians, 64, 80, 82, 192
suits and, 108, 115, 158, 166, 168, 188, 207, 212
Jackson, Michael, 206–8
Jedem das Seine, 45
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 46
Jewish World, 218
Jews, Jewish
faith of, 55, 76. See also Judaism
life in Pavlovo, 2–3
John Paul II (pope), 213–14
Johnson, Jimmy, 212
Judaism, 142. See also Jews, Jewish
Julian, Alexander “Alex,” 167–70
Kantrowitz, Esther, 139
kapos (supervisors), 15, 18, 26
Karan, Donna, 164–67, 170–71, 180, 182–83, 185, 211–12
Kenneth, Malcolm, 154
Key Largo, 145
kibbutz, 76
Klein, Calvin, 170–71
Knick, The, 215
Krakow Philharmonic, 213
Lansky, Meyer, 147
Late Night, 212
Levine, Gilbert, 213–14
Lewis, Jerry, 205–6
liberation, 29, 31, 49, 53, 55–57, 68–69, 92, 111, 198
Life magazine, 76–77
Lincoln, Abraham, 110
Lincoln Memorial, the, 110
Little Caesar, 145
“Little Camp” of Buchenwald, 47
London, England, 151
Long, Howie, 211–12
Los Angeles, CA, 142–44, 172, 207, 212
Louie (“Uncle Louie”), 96
Lucky Strike cigarettes, 120
Luhrmann, Baz, 200–1
Madden, John, 212
Magda (Greenfield’s friend), 74
Maguire, Tobey, 200
“Makin’ Whoopee,” 141
Manson, Charles, 180
Marcus, Stanley, 159–62
Martel, Ned, 187
Martin, Catherine, 200–1
Martin Greenfield Clothiers, 147, 157, 159, 163, 173, 186, 203, 215
Martino, Renato Raffaele, 214
Mendel (Grünfeld family friend), 67–69
Menswear Designer of the Year Award, 165–67, 172, 174
mentally disabled persons, 46
Mermelstein, Kalvin, 86, 90, 94–95, 99–102, 104
as Martin’s roommate, 106, 109–13, 119–20, 124–25, 132, 187–88, 199
Mermelstein, Yitzhak, 9–11
Met Ball, the, 173–74, 201, 211
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 174, 210–11
Miller, Ben, 99–104
Mizrahi, Isaac, 171
Monowitz camp, 25. See also Buna camp
Moore, Sara Jane, 180
Most Violent Year, A, 215
Muselmann inspections, 25
My Life Is in Your Hands, 139
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 177
National Design Museum, 167
Nazis, 84, 107, 137–38, 140, 164, 192, 197–98
concentration camps and, 1, 4–5, 17–27, 34, 42, 45–52, 57, 68, 112
suicides of, 76
Neiman Marcus, 157–62
Newman, Paul, 169–70
Newman’s Own, 170
New York City, NY, 84, 125, 129–30, 195, 216
fashion in, 142, 162, 166–67, 171, 194
Greenfield’s journey to, 87–93
Greenfield’s life in, 100, 104, 109
New York Giants, 210
New York Knicks, 210
Obama, Barack, 186–89
Obama, Malia, 189
Obama, Michelle, 189
Obama, Sasha, 189
Ohrdruf camp, 54
Osborn, Derrill “The Doctor,” 162
Oscars, 166
Owen, Clive, 215
partisans, 22–25
Passover, 2
Pavlovo, Czechoslovakia, 1, 3, 12, 14, 19–20, 39, 67, 71, 73, 94 102, 106, 110–11, 124, 126, 217
Pentagon, the, 186
Perchacio, Frank, 108–9
physically disabled persons, 46
Pister, Hermann, 50–51
Pocketful of Miracles, 145
Poconos, the, 131–32
Polcsa, Juliet, 215
Prague, 64–65, 69, 72, 89, 106
Pressman, Freddy, 166
prisoners of war (POWs), 46, 52
prisoner underground resistance groups, 46, 50–52, 80
Public Morals, 215–16
Rat Pack, the, 204–5
Recht oder Unrecht mein Vaterland, 45
Reddington, Raymond “Red” (character on The Blacklist), 214
Reese, Pee Wee, 97
Rizzuto, Phil, 97
Road to Perdition, 170
Robinson, Edward G., 145
Robinson, Jackie, 97, 114, 131
Rogers, Will, 139
roll call, 17–18, 21, 24, 27, 47, 50
Rosenberg, Adolph, 106–9, 115–16, 141
Rosenberg, Sam, 107, 142, 144, 146, 157
Ruff, Charles, 196
Rumsfeld, Donald, 191–92
Rumsfeld, Joyce, 192
Russia, Russians, 139, 160, 190, 196–97
soldiers from, 66, 71–74, 82–83
in World War II, 31, 36, 42, 46, 62
Saks Fifth Avenue, 162
Scent of a Woman, 208
Schacter, Herschel, 56, 76, 197–98
Schneier, Marc, 217–18
Scorsese, Marin, 147–48, 202–3, 215
Secret Service, the, 179–80
Selbstmord. See suicide
September 11, 2001, attacks, 148, 185–86
Shoah, the, 42, 55, 67, 70, 73, 86, 100. See also Holocaust
Skull and Bones, 200–1
slave labor, 21, 26, 46, 55, 60
Snider, Duke, 97
Socialists, 108
Somers, Hilda, 140
Sopranos, The, 202
Spader, James, 214
Spielberg, Steven, 215–16
SS, the, 14, 21–22, 24, 26, 47–48, 51–53, 55, 59–62
Death March and, 32–34, 37–39, 42
SS Ernie Pyle, 87–89, 93, 126, 135
reactions during bombing raids, 29
Stars of David, 11
Statue of Liberty, the, 125–26
Stephanopoulos, George, 184
St. Louis, MO, 130–31
Stolen Life, A, 145
Strahan, Michael, 210
Suez Canal Crisis, 177–78, 183
Summerall, Pat, 211–12
Surprise Lake Camp, 139–40
Target, 171
Taub (U.S. Army officer), 81–86, 91
That Reminds Me (Barkley), 112
Thompson, Enoch “Nucky,” 148–49, 211
Trump, Donald, 195
Turner, Lana, 146
Twin Towers, the, 186
“undesirables,” 46
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 71, 75, 196–97
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 80–81
United States, 91, 111, 157. See also America, Americans
Greenfield’s family in, 82, 84, 86, 90
Greenfield’s love of, 133
Greenfield’s migration to, 85–86, 94
politicians of, 181–82, 193, 211
U.S. Army, 52, 55, 112, 130, 197–98
U.S. Marine Corps, 145
Vitalis, Maria, 120–21
Vogue, 201
Wainwright, Marcus, 171–74, 212
Washington, DC, 84, 109–10, 180, 185–88, 191, 193, 195
Washington, Denzel, 203
Washington Post, the, 187
Wasserberg, Germany, 75
Weimar, Germany, 45, 47–48, 59–64, 76–77
Weiss, Stephan, 165
Wernick, Joe, 95
West, Jacqueline, 208
Wiesel, Elie, 53
William P. Goldman & Brothers Foundation, 117
Windows on the World, 186
Winter, Terence, 202
Wintour, Anna, 201
Wolf of Wall Street, The, 202–3
World Series, the, 97, 105, 131
World War II, 64, 66, 76, 111, 145, 176–77, 179, 192–93
World War II Memorial, 193
Yale, 200
Yiddish, 3, 10, 56, 59, 82, 85, 94–96, 98–99, 102, 106–7, 137, 190
Your Hit Parade, 120
Zyklon B gas, 26