Chapter Ten

Bridge Command

Three weeks after Commander Hoskins allowed Jake to join the Patrol Team, he was in the process of completing his bridge command training. The assessment stage was nearing completion and Jake had proven his competence in all three main bridge stations. His final assessment was underway; three hours in the command seat.

The assessment provided for several simulated activities, including a jump to and from Stellar speed, the launch of Jump Ships and their return, deployment of plasma cannons and a set of complex battle type maneuvers. All was conducted under the watchful eye of the ships XO, Commander Jacques.

“Okay Bridge Commander. Take us to sub light velocity and set a course for Veluvero 17”

Jake had been waiting for this. The command from the XO was a teaser. Veluvero 17 was beyond the seventh corridor; currently at the very furthest reaches of the known galaxy. This course was just not possible, especially at sub light.

“Please verify course. The destination is beyond economical reach.”

“Maintain current course, but keep an eye on scanners. We have incoming on long range.”

This was a simulated attack and the second in two hours. The assessment proved quite intense.

“Shields up. Identify?”

“Enemy fighters to starboard, sir. There are at least twelve.”

“Clarify…let’s have them up on the screen and magnify.”

“Thirteen in total. Can’t identify at present.”

“Launch one Rapier Group and bring us around in front of them. Deploy plasma cannons.”

“Rapiers launched. They are on us now. We are under attack. Incoming plasma fire to weapons banks.”

“Bolster shields.”

“Comms. Open a”

“No response. Damage reported to Rapier Group, sir. Two losses reported. Portal shields down to thirty-five percent.”

“Compensate. Launch one Rapier and one Sabre group.”

The simulation suddenly ended and signs of the enemy disappeared from the data screens. The XO had ended the assessment.

“The test is now over. You have the con. I shall be in the ready room.”

Twenty minutes later, Jake was summoned.

“Well done, Lieutenant Carter. Your final actions in this latest simulation probably saved the ship from some potentially nasty enemy vessels. It was also good to see that you picked up on the Veluvero ruse. The intensity at the end of the assessment is designed to ensure you could cope in a battle situation. Only one real issue, which was your failure to make contact with either the CO or the XO during the entire assessment. There were several occasions where it would have been appropriate, not least the final simulation. I would also have brought out Sabres with your first deployment of Rapiers. Remember the job of the bridge commander is emergency cover and not as a replacement for the executive officers.

“Notwithstanding these minor issues, I can confirm you have successfully negotiated the final assessment and I am happy to award you bridge command status. Well done! You can stand down now, for the rest of the shift.”

It was good to get off early, particularly after such a stressful end to his simulation. So now, he had bridge command status and theoretically he could be handed the con at any stage, while he was still on board the Halo 7. That was a pretty mean feat, at the age of twenty-three. He could concentrate on his Patrol Ship Command training, due to commence in less than a week. He would celebrate tonight, but with his shift finishing early, he would take some time for himself.

He just finished a new comm message to Carla. He had started with the news about his bridge command status, but the message fell short because he ran out of things to say. All he did was fill his messages with the same content…“I miss you.”, “I can’t wait to see you again” or “keep safe.” He kept returning to that night with Maria; he felt guilty and regretful and knew that he had to get off the Halo 7 and fast. But, it was still four weeks until his Patrol Training completed and even then, there was no guarantee he would actually be selected. It was not that he minded Maria’s company; far from it. She was fun, effervescent and he and his colleagues enjoyed her company. The trouble was she was always there at the end; when the others had retired for the evening; it would just be Jake and Maria. He had not let himself down again since that night, but temptation was a powerful enemy and with a little too much alcohol, the chance of it happening again was very real. She knew it too. She had no inhibitions about coming forward; no doubts about what she sought from their relationship. He just had to remain strong. As for Carla, well he hadn’t told her of his indiscretion. Not that it would have made a difference anyway because all of his messages were stored in a databank, pending delivery, when security allowed. This had to be done face-to-face. He just hoped she would forgive him.

* * * *

Jonathan Hoskins was troubled. Three Alpha Cruisers had gone missing in free space and had not been heard from, for over three weeks. The Rapier Group sent by Commander Jacques located an area where significant weapons fire had taken place and there was wreckage of at least two ships. They concluded all three were destroyed, together with the thousand or so crew who served aboard them. The biggest issue came from the forensic assessment at the scene, which showed clearly that the Alpha vessels had been engaged by the Kryl.

“So, are they now following us?”

“They could be. Perhaps we should try a barium sweep?”

“In what area? You know as well as I do that they could be a long way back. I am not sure what to do about this Jean-Luc.”

“Perhaps…at the very least we should send out JS Groups, with random Barium Sweeps. We may not pick up on anything, but we may get lucky?”

“Yes, make it so. Is the forensic evidence conclusive? Can we rule out the possibility that one or some of our ships survived?”

“Not a hundred percent. What are you suggesting?”

“We need to get a Patrol ship out there. How is the training going?”

“They have not even started yet. There is no way any of the crews are ready. Perhaps we should just send a cruiser?”

“No. Too many lives have been lost already. There must be an Ex PS Commander somewhere in this fleet. One of your trainees could act up as XO. Perhaps Jake Carter?”

“You seem keen to get him off the ship.”

“No, just don’t want to be seen to hold him back. I think we all recognize his potential and he knows the Kryl better than anyone.”

“I’ll make enquiries about those with relevant experience and yes, I agree Jake could be the perfect XO in this regard.”

“Go straight ahead with the arrangements, once you have located a suitable person. I want that Patrol ship out there quickly. This is top priority, Number One.”

* * * *

Two hours later, Jean-Luc Jacques was in the Ready Room. Jake Carter had just joined him.

“Hi Jake. Take a seat. I have some good news for you. We have a need to get a Patrol Ship out there quickly. By quick I mean departing tomorrow, to head back to our position two to three weeks ago. We have lost some cruisers and the suspicion is that the Kryl are involved.”

He paused as Jake shifted forward on his seat, clearly now showing considerable interest.

“Now, I can’t offer you the Patrol Command post obviously. You have not had the training. But I do want you to act up as XO on this mission. Apart from the CO and the Chief Engineer, all of the other crew would be inexperienced, including you…but this does look like a superb opportunity and one in which the idea and endorsement came from the CO.”

“What about the Earth mission?”

“It will go ahead after this mission—assuming you have acted in accordance with your executive role.”

“And my post here?”

“With bridge officer status, you are a valuable commodity. You look a little uncertain. Are you still keen to take a Patrol ship position?”

“Yes, of course, sir. It’s just a little faster than I was expecting. My bridge command training will not have benefited anyone…other than myself.”

“Oh, it will—in due course. Look Jake, I would grab this with both hands. To have your first executive post at your age, even if it is only a Patrol Ship, is good going.”

“I know, sir. I am grateful and happy to accept.”

* * * *

Eighteen hours later, Jake Carter boarded the Patrol Ship HR87 and met his new CO for the first time.

“Lieutenant Jake Carter, sir; reporting for duty.”

“At ease, Jake. This is a patrol ship and we go for a little softer command structure, at least between you and me. I’m Bill Chadwick and I have the honor of piloting this little boat.”

Jake was uncertain how to respond. He decided the best response was to find a balance between relaxed and formal.”Good to meet you, sir. I am looking forward to serving under your command. I presume you have a great deal of experience.”

“As I said…” Chadwick snapped his response back before resuming a more conciliatory tone.

“Let’s keep things informal. Yes, I commanded a few patrol vessels earlier in my career. All crew are on board and manifests have been signed over, so please prepare the ship for departure.”

“Er…yes, Bill.” Jake opted now for the informal. I need to familiarize myself with the ship, if I may, perhaps ten minutes.”

“Might have been pertinent for you to have arrived early, so we could have done this already. Get yourself organized and meet me on the bridge in half an hour. I will get us underway in the meantime.”

Jake was taken aback by the change of character. Chadwick had asked for the informal and yet, when it came down to it.

“No, that’s fine…Bill. I can join you on the bridge now.”

“Excellent. You are beginning to understand the way I work. When we are in the office, we will keep it more formal.” With that, he turned about and gestured Jake to follow him as he marched purposefully up the main ships corridor towards the bridge. As he entered the bridge, the four officers in attendance, stood to attention and saluted.

“At ease. I am Lieutenant William Chadwick, Patrol Ship CO; Lieutenant Jake Carter, here, is your XO. Please prepare the ship for departure and get me a fast window. Mister Carter, take a seat at the con and move us out as quickly as possible. Make the jump to light speed as soon as we are clear. I will be in my quarters.”

Jake hardly had time to respond before he was gone. After a quick familiarization of the controls and displays surrounding him, he gave the orders to pull out, following clearance from fleet. He set a heading for the coordinates provided by the Rapier Group and once in free space gave the command to jump to light speed. The Patrol Ships Stellar Drive growled into action. Jake had now taken them out as instructed, but it felt a bit more like his first command, rather than someone else’s.