Thanks the team at Midnight Ink—acquisitions editor Terri Bischoff, an able shepherd for Lola along her journey; production editor Sandy Sullivan, for smoothing the stumbles from the manuscript; publicist Jake-Ryan Kent; cover designer Ellen Lawson; interior designer Bob Gaul; and copywriter Alisha Bjorklund. And thanks to my agent, Barbara Braun. Two wonderful critique groups, the Badass Women Writers and the Creel crew, gave invaluable suggestions on the novel, and Stephen Paul Dark in particular helped with some Salt Lake City details. If mistakes remain, they are mine. Nguyen Ngoc Lan proved such a wonderful guide to Vietnam that I can’t wait to return. And speaking of wishing I could return, Willapa Bay AiR provided a month of near-solitude between ocean and bay where I drafted this book. Finally, profound gratitude to Scott for shouldering household duties when I went back to work full-time in the middle of writing it. Every writer should have such support.