ARCHER DROVE BACK INTO TOWN and dropped the film off from the previous night with the same guy, and asked for another rush job. Then he checked with the private lab where Dash had taken the powder samples for analysis.
A stern-looking man in a white lab coat confirmed to Archer that they were indeed heroin.
Archer took the certified lab report with him and headed across town to Green and Ransome. Both name partners were in today, so he took Cecily Ransome first.
She was dressed in navy blue slacks and an oversize dark green sweater that covered her narrow hips. She had on a black beret and an uncomfortable look as she sat at her desk with a pen in hand and a film script set in front of her. She laid her pen aside. “So, what do you have to report?”
“I brought a partner up here to work with me.”
“He got shot last night in Chinatown. I almost did, too.”
Ransome jerked forward. “What! Is he going to be okay?”
“Yes, but not for lack of trying by the guys doing the shooting.”
“Does this have to do with Ellie?”
“I think it does, yes.”
“Tell me what you know.”
“Strange things going on in Malibu. Trucks come and trucks go. And dope crates and people in hoods go with them.”
Ransome flushed so deeply Archer thought she might collapse. “P-people in h-hoods?”
“Smugglers, Miss Ransome. A slavery ring. It’s a business. Just a really nasty one.”
“Do you think Ellie found out about this and that’s why she’s gone missing?”
“Could be, yes.”
“Do you know who’s involved?”
“Chinatown is involved, that’s for sure.”
“The Jade Lion you mentioned?”
“I believe so, yes.”
Ransome looked down at the document in front of her, with her brow furrowed. “Then you may want to look at this.”
“What is it?”
She spun it around. “Ellie left this script for me about two weeks ago. She wasn’t paid to write it, she did it on her own.”
He read over a couple pages. “Just give me the shorthand of what the story’s about.”
Ransome’s voice trembled. “Chinatown, the mob, dope dealers, and…other things. Like…a slavery ring. It…it must be a coincidence.”
“I don’t believe in coincidences. Tell me more.”
“It’s dark and violent. Very different from what I normally see from Ellie. Right on the edge, and it has a remarkable feeling of authenticity. Like she knows that world intimately. And it has a terrific female lead. I mean, this might have Oscar written all over it.”
“Why would she give the script to you?”
“Because she wants me to direct the film. And I think I might want to.”
“So the question becomes: How does she know that world intimately?”
“You said you found Jade Lion matchbooks in her desk. She might have gone there, for research.”
Archer looked dubiously at her. “I don’t see that happening. The guy who runs the place doesn’t really like folks snooping around. I can personally attest to that.” But something else occurred to him. “Does she have a star in mind for the film?”
“Yes. She left a note about casting.” Ransome rummaged around and picked up a piece of paper. Before she could say anything, Archer spoke.
“Is the lead actress, by chance, Samantha Lourdes?”
Fear flitted through Ransome’s features as she looked down at the paper she held. “Yes. What is going on, Archer?”
“A little piece of the puzzle just fell into place, but there’s a lot more to go.”