
Abortion rights, decision restricting, 76

Abuse Prevention Act (1978, Mass.), 36

Adams, David, 89, 92

Adultery, 161; forced confessions of, 120

Advocacy for Women and Kids in Emergencies (AWAKE), 22829

Aggression, 108, 11011

AIDS, 87, 180

Alameida, Joaquim, 4445

Alcoholics Anonymous, 2, 110

Alcoholism, 1, 145, 161

Allen, Woody, 33

Almonor, Danielle, 144

Almonor, Max, 144

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 147

American Journal of Psychiatry, The, 179

American Medical Association (AMA), 145, 14748; Council on Scientific Affairs of, 22526; Journal, 146, 226

Amnesty International, 89, 92, 3994, 184

Anger: and aggression, 11011; in intimate relationships, 11113; venting of, 1089

Anthony, Ernest, 45

Anthony, Susan B., 13, 202

Antirape movement (1970s), 8

Anzalone, Sandra, 45

Arrests, in domestic assault cases, 15759, 160; mandatory, 142, 15859

Atwood, Margaret, 81

Balistreri, Jena, 4557, 70, 74

Balistreri v. Pacifica Police Department (1988), 4557, 59, 60, 62, 71, 74

Baltimore Sun, 120

Barber, Wayne, 75

Barnes, Bernadette, 104

Barthell, Helena, 178

Battered women’s movement, 12, 22, 82, 154, 159; achievements of, 715, 131; terminology adopted by, 83

“Battered women’s syndrome,” 1023

Battering, defined, 88, 93

Baumruk, Ken, 144

Baumruk, Mary, 144

Bayh, Evan, 44

Beauvoir, Simone de, 109; The Second Sex, 208

Bellevue Hospital (New York City), 171, 187

Benedict, Helen, Virgin or Vamp: How the Press Covers Sex Crimes, 245

Berk, Richard, 15758

Bianco, Lisa Marie, 2444, 119, 150

Biderman, Alfred D., 89

Bill of Rights, 18

Blackstone, William, 18

Blackwell, Henry, 202, 205

Bly, Robert, 98, 109; Iron John, 98

Bodily harm, freedom from, 8119, 80, 128, 196, 20910; and the law, 35, 36, 40, 48

Book-of-the-Month Club, 109, 114

Boston College, 136

Boston Globe, 29, 36, 79, 213

Boston Phoenix, 47

Bouza, Anthony, 141, 142

Bowker, Lee H., 249

Bowman, Cynthia Grant, 159, 161

Brainwashing, 89, 184, 186

Brennan, William J., 6465

Breslin, Jimmy, 168, 207

Britain, reaction of, to battery, 2021

Brockton (Mass.) District Court, 14344

Brooklyn (N.Y.) Family Court, 144

Brown, Mary Lee, 73

Browne, Angela, When Battered Women Kill, 245

Brownmiller, Susan, 176, 195; Against Our Will, 176

Bruno v. Codd (917), 2553, 78, 141

Burgos v. Camareno, 72

Burke, Kevin, 45

Burnham, Victor, 8586

Burning Bed, The, 1012, 134

Campbell, Jane, 47

Capitulation, 184

Carter, Jimmy, 82, 139

Cartier, Michael, 29, 46, 11920, 12728

Casolaro, Peter, 170

CBS, 129, 132

Celeste, Richard F., 1034

Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, 243

Centers for Disease Control, 87, 146

Child abuse, 4885, 180, 203, 211, 224, 228, 23032

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, 165, 211

Child protection agencies, recommendations for, 228

Children’s Hospital (Boston), AWAKE at, 228

Civil court, 8229, 30

Civil Rights Act (1871), 51

Clergy, see Religion

Close, Glenn, 126

Cobbe, Frances Power, 13, 17, 81, 86, 203

Co–Dependent No More, 164

Coercion, chart of, 9992, 93, 184

Coffman, Terry, 7475

Coffman decision, 75

Collins, Gail, 175

Comfort, Alex, The New Joy of Sex, 108, 115

Common law, 9220, 105

Concentration camp survivors, 89, 189

“Conflict Tactics Scale,” 15455

Congressional Record, 165

Constitution, U.S., 27, 70, 77; Thirteenth Amendment to, 78; Fourteenth Amendment to, 51, 5556, 6265, 68

Control skills, 89

Court of Appeals: Third Circuit, 60; Fifth Circuit, 65, 66; Seventh Circuit, 63, 73; Ninth Circuit, 54, 56, 70; Tenth Circuit, 58

Cranston, Alan, 164

“Creation of danger,” concept of, 74

Criminal justice system, recommendations for, 21925

Criminologists, on domestic violence, 15660

Crisis intervention techniques, 14041

Croff, Elizabeth, 41, 42, 47

Croff, William, 41

Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story, 49

Culture, popular, 99, 100

Currie, Elliott, Confronting Crime: An American Challenge, 156, 157

Dahmer, Jeffrey, 118

Daily News, 175, 176

DeLeon, Delfina, 45, 47

Dependence, 95, 135, 166

DeShaney, Joshua, 6264

DeShaney, Melody, 63

DeShaney, Randy, 6263

DeShaney v. Winnebago County Dep’t of Social Servs. (1989), 49, 2665, 69–78 passim

Diaz, Madelyn, 132, 134

Dickens, Charles, 24, 81

DiGirolamo, Karla, 165

Dilleywackers Motorcycle Club, 151

Dinkins, David, 206

Ditter, David, 40

Ditter, Lynn, 40, 42

Dixon, Herbert, Jr., 33, 34

Dobash, R. Emerson, 155, 216; Violence Against Wives (with R. P. Dobash), 245

Dobash, Russell P., 156, 216; Violence Against Wives (with R. E. Dobash), 245

Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, 21920

Domestic Violence Act, 16465; New Jersey, 106; proposed, 82

Donnerstein, Edward, 11617

Doogan, James, 40

Dostoevsky, Fëdor, 81

Doublespeak, 113, 114, 122

Douglas, David, 178

Douglas, Michael, 126

Dowd, Michael, 132, 133, 134

Drug addiction, 1

Dudosh, Kathleen, 2773, 74

Due process clause, 73, 74, 75, 80; and Balistreri case, 5657; and DeShaney case, 4665, 70, 72; and Hynson case, 5960

Dukakis, Michael, 36, 44, 219

Duluth (Minn.) Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP), 99, 149, 219, 220

Dunn, Pamela Nigro, 3536

Dunn, Paul, 36

Eagan, Margery, 46

Eldridge, Ronnie, 165,

Elkhart (Ind.) Women’s Shelter, 43

Elliott, William, 42

Ellis, Havelock, 1078

Emerge (Boston), 88, 89, 92, 227

Entitlement, male sense of, 9698

Eppler, Amy, 5152

Equality, principle of perfect, 209

Equal protection clause, 1552, 58, 61, 5776, 80; and Balistreri case, 55, 5657; and DeShaney case, 70, 72; and Hynson case, 5960; and McKee case, 65, 67

Equal Rights Amendmen, 209

Evans, Deborah, 106, 142, 143

Experts, 163; studies by, 15262 passim

Fairness doctrine, 162

Faludi, Susan, 165; Backlash, 16

Falwell, Jerry, 164

Family courts, 28, 30

“Family Ideal,” 164

Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, 165, 211

Farrow, Mia, 33

Fatal Attraction, 126

Fathers’ Rights movement, 32

Fawcett, Farrah, 101, 102

FBI, 41, 6777, 94, 105, 140; Uniform Crime Reports, 15657

Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, 105

Feliciano, Lidia, 2067, 210

Femicide, 6

Feminism, 7, 83; backlash from, 165

Feminization of poverty, 201

Foretich, Eric, 3334

“48 Hours,” 129, 132

Frankfurter, Felix, 56, 64

Franklin, Benjamin, 144

French, Marilyn, 177, 200; The War Against Women, 16

Freud, Sigmund, 110, 111

Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique, 8

Friend, Mytokia, 104

“Frontline,” 37, 39

Gandy, Jamil, 59, 70

Gardner, Richard A., 33

Gelles, Richard, 154, 155; Intimate Violence (with M. Straus), 139, 162

Geto Boys, The, 11819

Gilligan, Carol, 25

Givens, Robin, 12325, 128

Goldberg, Irving L., 6668

Gomez, Nekeya, 45

Gonzalez, Julio, 2067

Gordon, Linda, 6997, 98, 99

Grabowski, Felix, 106, 142

Grimm, Charmaine, 47

Grohoski, Joseph, 41

Grohoski, Lydia, 41, 42, 47

Guenther, David, 7339, 40, 46

Guenther, Pamela, 7339, 40, 46

Hamill, Pete, 168, 173

Happy Land Social Club, 2067

Hardy, Thomas, 81

Harlow, Harry, 110

Healey, J. Dennis, 45

Health care for battered women, 14549, recommendations for, 22530

Hearst, Patty, 189

Heffernan, Paul P., 3536

Helmreich, William B., 174

Helplessness, 103, 152, 166

Herbert, Bob, 176

Herman, Judith Lewis, 82, 7888, 94, 174, 186

Hilberman, Elaine, 17980

HIV, 87

Hoffman, Jan, 47

Homicide: figures, 67; “self-help,” 101; women charged with, 1025

Homosexual violence, 8384

Hooker, Cameron, 18990

Horton, Willie, 44

Hostages, 89, 94, 174, 189, 192; compared with battered women, 19091

Hotlines, emergency, 6, 9, 241, 247

Households, female-headed, 99, 100

How to Be an Assertive (Not Aggressive) Woman in Life, in Love, and on the Job (J. Baer), 111

Hughes, Francine, 1012, 103, 105, 134

Hughes, James “Mickey,” 102

Human rights, 78, 210, 211

Humphrey, Gordon, 165

Hunter, Blonde Cole, 47

Hydraulic theory of human behavior, 208

Hynson, Alesia, 9660, 61, 0771, 74

Hynson case, 60, 61, 62, 71, 74, 75

Iannatto, Glenn, 19394, 197

Individual action, recommendations for, 25560

Injuries to women, physical, 87, 14546

Institutional change, recommendations for, 21119

International Association of Chiefs of Police, 141

Intimate Enemy, The (G. R. Bach and P. Wyden), 109, 110, 113

Irons, Carol, 15052

Jenson, Jim, 13233, 135, 136, 166

Johnson, Joyce, 195

Johnson, Louis, Jr., 45

Jones, Ann, 133, 134; When Love Goes Wrong (with S. Schechter), 256

Journal of Marriage and the Family, 8

Journal of the American Medical Association, 146, 226

Judges: attitudes of, toward domestic violence, 6227, 32, 143, 145; biases of, 4335, 36; recommendations for, 22123

Justice, Department of, 153

Kansas City, Kans., police department of, 7558, 59

Kaplan, Kathleen, 100101, 105

Kaplan, Morton (Jack), 100101

Katz, Marvin, 7075

Keen, Monte, 167

Kempton, Murray, 175, 195

Keniston, Kenneth, 197

Kern, Denise, 12021

Kern, Kevin Lee, 12021, 124

Key, Felix, 125

Killing of batterers by women, 1015, 132

Kimmel, Michael, 116

King, Anne Marie, 178

King, Paul H., 36

Kinsey, Alfred, 116

Kistler, Darci, 115

Koop, C. Everett, 13, 147, 148

Kudelycz, Carol, 42

Ku Klux Klan, 51

Lardner, Kristin, 29, 46, 47, 11920, 127

LaSalata, Anthony, 41

LaSalata, April, 41, 42, 47

Launders, Michele, 175

Lawrence, D. H., 81

Lawyers, abused women’s need for, 22425

Lay advocates, 220

Leaving, 95, 13536; and blaming the victim, 13132, 145

Legislation and policies, new, 24748

Lerner, Harriet Goldhor, The Dance of Anger, 111, 112

Lessing, Doris, 81

Lindsey, Michael, 39

Linz, Daniel, 11617

Lockett, Janet, 7374

Losinski, Donald, 73

Losinski, Julie, 73, 74

Lovering, Beth, 45

Lowery, Shirley, 144

Luster, Eddie, 71

Lutgen, Carol, 32

Lutgen, James, 32

Lying low, 95

Ly Thi Dang, 29

McCusker, John, 173

Macho justice, 24

McKee, Gayla, 6569

McKee case, 5669, 71, 72

McKenzie, Clifton, 106

MacKinnon, Catherine, 27

McNulty, Faith, The Burning Bed, 1012

Mahoney, Martha R., 150

Mahoney, P. D., 34

“Make my day” law (Colo.), 37

Manion, Donna, 45

Manion, Gertrude, 45

Mann, Judy, 175

Martin, Carol, 135

Martin, Del, Battered Wives, 244

Martins, Peter, 115

Masochism, 139, 166

Massachusetts Superior Court, 79

Matheney, Alan, 2444, 119

Mazzei, Rudolph, 41

Media, recommendations for, 24447

Mediation, 30

Medical treatment, see Health care for battered women

Merkin, Daphne, 195

Mikulski, Barbara, 165

Mill, John Stuart, 12, 26, 209, 210

Miller, Richard, 7273

Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment, 15859

Milwaukee Journal, 160

Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment, 14142, 15758

Miss Black Rhode Island, 12324

Moore, Donnie, 12425

Moore, Tonya, 12425

Moral Majority, 164

Morgan, Elizabeth, 3334

Morgenthau, Robert, 175

Morrison, Toni, 81

Mount Holyoke College, 119

Ms., 167, 195

Munro, Alice, 81

National Association of Chiefs of Police, 9

National Center on Women and Family Law (New York City), 78

National Centers for Disease Control, 87, 146

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 153

National Domestic Violence Hotline, 241, 247

National Institute of Mental Health, 153, 154

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 212, 235

NBC, 49

Nebraska Mental Health Clinic, 40

New Hampshire, University of, Family Violence Research Program, 154

Newsday, 168, 170

Newsweek, 167, 168, 169

New York City Ballet, 115

New York City Police Department, 125, 193

New York Post, 125, 168

New York State Division for Women, 165

New York State Governor’s Commission on Domestic Violence, 165

New York State Supreme Court, 118

New York Times, 44, 100101, 125, 155, 202; and Hedda Nussbaum, 174, 176, 177, 196

New York Times Book Review, 197

Nguyen, Joanna, 44

Nguyen, Nancy, 44

Nguyen, Peter, 44

Novello, Antonia C., 148

Nussbaum, Hedda, 16, 16768, 17374, 180, 199; absence of help for, 19294; assaults on, 16869, 17073, 18690, 19394, 19798; culpability of, 17677, 196; reactions to, 17576, 17879, 181, 195, 205, 210; her relationship with Steinberg, 18286, 190, 19192; testimony of, 17475, 18889; verdict on, 17778

NWA (Niggas with Attitude), 118

Oates, Joyce Carol, 81

Office of Domestic Violence, federal, 139

Orders of protection, 1332, 4041, 57, 59, 134; murders of women with, 47; obligation of state in, 3774, 75; recommendations for, 221

Owens, Joseph, 45

Pacifica, Calif., police department of, 5457

“Parental Alienation Syndrome,” 33

Parks, Rosa, 14

Passivity, 181, 182, 192

Pathological transference, 189

Patriarchy, 98, 200

Pence, Ellen, 92, 99100

Petrizzo, Joseph, 173

Pikul, Joseph, 32

Pizan, Christine de, 1112

Pleck, Elizabeth, 152, 164

Police: policies of, in domestic disturbances, 140, 14142, 145, 15758; power of discretion of, 14142, 158; recommendations for, 22021; training of, in crisis intervention, 14041

Police Executive Research Forum, 141

Pornography, 99, 100, 11617

Post-traumatic stress disorder, 1, 8788; complex, 88

Powell, Bernadette, 11718

Powerlessness, 181, 182

Prison: furlough system, 44; women serving time in, for killing batterers, 1034, 105

Prosecution: failure to follow through with, 14243, 145; recommendations for, 22021

Prostitution, 85, 110, 205, 208

Protection from Abuse Act (1984, Pa.), 71, 74, 75

Psychiatrists, 161; victim-blaming by, 147

Psychological abuse, defined, 88

Quayle, Dan, 201, 242

Quincy (Mass.) District Court, 144, 216

Random House, 171, 182, 187, 193

Rape, 8, 9880, 8586, 128; date, 79, 99, 227; euphemism for, 120; gang, 99; history of, 176; marital, 40, 86, 126; physical assault and, 145; previous views of, 126; stranger, 126; survivors of, 174; trial, Mike Tyson’s, 12324

Raphael, Sally Jesse, 95

Rather, Dan, 50, 129, 130

Ratliff, Clarence (“Rat”), 15052

Ratliff, Olga, 151

Reagan, Ronald, 16, 59, 109, 139

Recommendations, 199211; child protection agencies, 23032; criminal justice system, 21925; health-care system, 22530; individual action, 25560; institutional change, 21119; media, 24447; new legislation and policies, 24748; religion, 24244; research, 24951; schools, 23640

Redbook magazine, 42

Rehnquist, William H., 64

Religion, recommendations for, 24244

Research: by “experts,” 15262 passim; recommendations for, 24951

Restraining orders, 26, 29, 35, 4445, 71, 73; and Balistreri v. Pacifica Police Department, 4555, 57; failure to extend temporary, 14344; recommendations for, 221; violations of, 53, 75, 221. See also Orders of protection

Rosenberg, Mark, 14647

Rothwax, Harold, 170, 177

Russell, Diana E. H., Rape in Marriage, 245

Ryan, Rose, 120, 12728

Ryan, William, 136; Blaming the Victim, 13638

Sabo, Mahlon, 53

Sadomasochism, 114, 115

St. Vincent’s Hospital (New York City), 170, 18788

San Francisco Police Department, 14

Sarcofago, 118

Schaefer, William, 104

Schechter, Susan, 8, 156; When Loves Goes Wrong (with A. Jones), 256; Women and Male Violence, 7, 245

Schneider, Elizabeth M., 78, 224

Schools, recommendations for, 23640

Scott v. Hart (1976), 141

“Self-Defeating Personality Disorder,” 161

Self-defense, 101, 102, 103, 104

Self-esteem, 88, 153, 162, 166

“Self-help” handbooks, 164

“Self-help homicide,” 101

Senate Judiciary Committee, 130

Separation assault, 150

Serial sexual killers, 86

Sexism, 52, 82, 139; legal and extralegal, 27; medical, 148

Sexology, “science” of, 1078

Sexual abuse, 3233

Sexual harassment, 16

Sexuality: aggression in, 108; love, and violence, 11428 passim

Shelter(s), 9, 31, 164; movement, 156

Sherman, Lawrence, 14142, 15761

Shubow, Lawrence, 29

Siddle, Karen, 7576

Singleton, Jean, 125

Sinthasomphone, Konerak, 118

Sisterhood Is Powerful (ed. R. Morgan), 78

Slavery, 11

Smith, James, 39

Smith, William French, 157

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, 98

“Soft males,” 98

Songs, pop, violence in, 11819

Sorichetti, Dina, 3132

Sorichetti, Frank, 3132

Sorichetti, Josephine, 3132

Stan, Colleen, 18990

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 202, 203

Steinberg, Joel, 167, 16970, 177, 181, 182, 196; assaults by, on Hedda Nussbaum, 16869, 17073, 18690, 19394, 197; and New York City Police, 19394, 197; Nussbaum’s relationship with, 18286, 190, 19192; Nussbaum’s testimony about, 17475; verdict on, 178, 197

Steinberg, Lisa, 17576, 182, 185, 187, 192, 19495; death of, 169, 170, 172, 173, 185, 196, 197

Steinberg, Mitchell, 173

Steinem, Gloria, 176; Revolution from Within, 17

Steinmetz, Suzanne, 154

Stewart, Sherrie, 7172

Stinson, Juanita, 104

Stockholm Syndrome, 189, 190

Stoltenberg, John, 122

Stone, Lucy, 202, 204

Straus, Murray, 154, 155; Intimate Violence (with R. Gelles), 139, 162

Straw, Clifton, 132, 135

Straw, Karen, 13236, 143, 149, 162, 16566

Streetman, Harry, 65, 6769

Submission vs. consent, 127

Suicide, 1, 14546

Sununu, John, 101

Supreme Court, U.S., 16, 49, 51, 52, 61, 76, 214; and DeShaney v. Winnebago County Dep’t of Social Servs., 62, 3665, 69, 70, 77

Supreme Court of North Carolina, 20, 21

Symbionese Liberation Army, 189

Task Force on Family Violence, Attorney General’s, 14243

Tavris, Carol, Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion, 112

Tedesco, Jeanette, 40, 42

Terrorism, political, 82

Terrorists, 189

Thomas, Audrey, 47

Thomas, Clarence, 16, 78

Thurman, Charles “Buck,” 23, 0551, 61, 129, 130

Thurman, Charles, Jr., 50, 51, 130

Thurman, Tracey, 3554, 58, 59, 80, 143, 162; battering of, 23, 0551, 149; and equal protection clause, 55; Dan Rather’s interview with, 50, 12931; suit of, against police, 23, 9550, 52, 61, 141; television drama about, 49

Thurman decision (1984), 49, 56, 57, 59, 62, 78; damages awarded in, 52, 53; and DeShaney case, 80; and equal protection clause, 60; and McKee court, 65

Torres, Betsy, 206, 207

Torres, Juan, 45

Torrington, Conn., police department of, 0551, 52, 53

Torture, defined, 9394

Traumatic bonding, 185, 186

Traumatic psychological infantilism, 189

Tremins, Joanne, 53

TV Guide, 123, 124

Tyson, Mike, 12324, 125

Underground railroad, 11

U.S. Code, 51, 78

Van de Velde, Theodor H., Ideal Marriage, 1078

Van Hai Huynh, 29

Ventilationists, 10813, 161

Victim Assistance programs, 143

Victim-blaming, 114, 14445, 150, 164, 200, 2078, 233; by academic researchers, 15354; by counselors, 149; by criminal justice system, 145; by health care professionals, 148; by judges, 143, 145; and Hedda Nussbaum, 17475, 18081, 195, 197; by police, 142; by psychiatrists, 147; research by experts on, 160, 16162, 231; William Ryan on, 13638

Videos, 99, 100, 118

Vietnam war, 1, 23

Village Voice, The, 47

Violence, defined, 88

Violence Against Women Act (1991), 77, 130, 211, 212, 214, 245, 247

Voices of Women’s Liberation (ed. L. B. Tanner), 8

Wales, University of, Institute for the Study of Violence at, 155

Walker, Alice, 81

Walker, Bree, 13235, 166

Walton, Charlie, 40

Walton, Randy, 7374

War prisoners, 89, 94, 174

Warshaw, Carole, 146

Washington, Patricia, 104

Washington Post, 175

Washington Star, 164, 165

Waters, Laughlin E., 57

Watkins, Kimberly, 45

Watkins, Pamela, 45

Watson, Ed, 58

Watson, Nancy, 7558, 59, 60

Watson case, 60, 61, 62, 69

Webster decision, 76

Weinstein, Burton, 49

Weld, William, 46

Weller, Sheila, 42

“Wife-Beater’s Wife, The” (Snell, Rosenwald, and Robey), 13839, 147

Wilson, Pa., Police Department, 7475

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 13

Women’s movement (1960s), 8, 82

Women Who Love Too Much, 164

Woods, Laurie, 78

Yale Law Journal, 51

Zivic, Fritzie, 168

Zobel, Hiller B., 79

Zola, Emile, 81

Zoll, Samuel, 29