access and antiaccess: antiaccess/ access denial strategy; commerce, economics, and; fleet for sea denial geography and; Mahanian logic and grammar of; military-centric concept of; nuclear deterrence and; sea-based missile defenses; submarines and
Acheson, Dean
active defense concept
Aden, Gulf of
Aegis guided-missile destroyers: anti-Aegis tactics ASBMs, threat from; attacks on; Australian use of; BMD systems China, threat to from; offensive-defensive balance and; operational and tactical assessments South Korean use of; strategic value of; testing of; warship design and
Afghanistan: close air support for troops in; U.S. interests in
air defense systems: antiradiation weapons; land-based
Air-Land Battle Doctrine (U.S. Army)
antiradiation weapons
antiship warfare: Aegis guided-missile destroyers, ASBM threat to; antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs) missiles, effectiveness of; naval aviation, threat to
antisubmarine warfare (ASW) forces
antisurface warfare (ASUW)
archer-not-the-arrow assumption
arms control and disarmament
arms race
Army, U.S., Air-Land Battle Doctrine, Air-Land Battle Doctrine
Art of War (Sun Tzu)
Asia: balance of power in China as regional power; external domination over; neo-Mahanian approach to sea power; sea power, expansion of; U.S. maritime strategy and U.S. maritime strategy, response to; U.S. policy toward U.S. presence in;U.S.-supplied maritime security See also island chains
attack aircraft
Australia: Aegis fleet for; BMD system, participation in; fleet construction; U.S. military action, support for; Zheng He’s voyages to
ballistic missiles: antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs); Chinese use of; defensive shield of; intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) long-range missiles; medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs); sea-launched missiles threat to U.S. Navy; See also submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs)
ballistic-missile defense (BMD) systems: on Aegis ships; counter-SLBM capabilities effectiveness of; Japan’s participation in multinational coalition for; nuclear deterrence and; technology development; threat to China from
bases: access to and use of location of for China; Pacific Island bases; pillars of sea power and; sea power from; for SSBNs
Bismarck, Otto von
Bismarkian strategy
blue belt of defense
Bohai Sea
Bush, George W.
Carter, Jimmy
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment (CSBA)
China: Aegis guided-missile destroyer threat to; air superiority; antisatellite test; blockade of China; diplomacy, foreign policy, and trustworthiness of; import and export trade; Indian frontier province, dispute over; island-chain perimeter; as land and sea power; land-based threat from; land-based threats to; land-power orientation; merchant fleet, expansion of; naval combat tactics against; as oceanic nation; RAND Corporation report on Chinese military power; regional power status; resources and commodities, import of; retaliatory capabilities; Russia, relationship with; shipbuilding industry; Sino-Japanese wars; soft power of soft power of and India standard of living in; strategic strength of; Tiananmen crisis; U.S. maritime strategy, response to; U.S. policy toward See also island chains
China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI), Naval War College
Chinese Naval Strategy in the Twenty-First Century (Yoshihara and Holmes)
Chinese sea power: access denial, concerns about; capabilities of; commerce, economics, and trade and; day-after-Taiwan scenario; expansion of; expansion of, access denial and; fleet construction; geography and geopolitical considerations; imperial ambitions; India and; intellectual debate about; island-chain perimeter; limited sea power maritime tradition and Ming dynasty dismantlement of; missile capabilities; national and strategic will for maritime ventures; national greatness from; naval rivalry, India and; objections to overbearing power regional power status sea lines of communication and Sino-American interactions Sino-Japanese friction; strategic position for; support for powerful navy; technology development and; transformation of; U.S. maritime strategy and; U.S. naval domination, challenge to; usable past and
maritime identity; usable past, soft power and, . See also People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy)
Chinese strategic thought: access denial strategy; active defense concept; asymmetric strategies, support for; combat tactics; culture, identity, and development and sophistication of; evolution of exterior lines external influences on German history and analogies to fate of China; independence of intellectual debate and quality of; interior lines Mahanian theory and naval strategy; national defense white papers naval competition and conflict; offensive defense; offshore active defense; offshore defensive operations; opponent of naval strategy; sources of, 16; weapons for defensive shield
Clausewitz, Carl von: clash of wills paradoxical trinity war and political activity
Coast Guard, U.S.: interservice cooperation; unified maritime strategy
Cole, Bernard
command of the sea
commerce, economics, and trade: foreign-flagged ships; globalization; import and export trade; peace and economic interdependence; peacetime commerce, importance of; pillars of sea power and; sea lines of communication; sea power and; shipping blockades
commons: access to; command of; concept of; stability in
communications and statements, phrasing of
“Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower,”
counterpiracy operations
cruise missiles
Cuban Missile Crisis
cult of defense
culture. See strategic culture
da Gama, Vasco
defense, cult of
Deng Xiaoping: influence of internation profile strategy naval strategy under Tiananmen crisis
DF-31 force
Diaoyutai island
diplomacy, foreign policy, and trustworthiness of China
dispersed attack
Dutch sea power
East China Sea: access to; control of and shipping through location of;maritime security in;as near sea;SSBN deployment in
economics. See commerce, economics, and trade
European sea power: in Asia decline in; maritime security in Europe; piracy and; postmodern, post-Mahanian approach to
Falklands War
far seas
Fleet Tactics and Coastal Combat (Hughes)
Fleet Tactics (Hughes)
France: sea power, perils of neglecting;size of French Navy; submarines and nuclear deterrence
geography and geopolitical considerations: access and antiaccess efforts; blockade of China; Chinese sea power; far seas; Germany; Great Britain; international politics, role in; Mahanian theory and;mid-far seas; misunderstandings about;near seas;sea power, strategic geography, and geopolitical considerations; U.S. policy toward China and Asia
Germany: access and antiaccess efforts; analogies to forecast fate of China; arms race; battle, purpose of and reason for; fleet expansion and construction;Mahanian theory and naval strategy of; mahanism concept; national and strategic will for maritime ventures; naval rivalry, Great Britain and; sea power, strategic geography, and geopolitical considerations; shipping, blockade of; U-boat fleet
Global Maritime Partnership (thousand-ship navy)
Great Britain: battle, purpose of and reason for; domination over Asia; German shipping, blockade of; Japan, alliance with Mahanian theory and naval strategy of; maritime strategy of naval rivalry, Germany and; offensive naval strategy; sea power; sea power, strategic geography, and geopolitical considerations; strategic and national will for maritime ventures; submarines and nuclear deterrence; U.S., alliance with;See also Royal Navy
Great Wall at sea
harmonious world policy
Hayward, Thomas
helicopter destroyer (DDH)
Holloway, James
Homeland Security, U.S. Department of
Hu Jintao: harmonious world policy; support for powerful navy; Zheng He’s voyages to Australia
Huang Jiang
Hughes, Wayne;f irepower, distribution of;Fleet Tactics;Fleet Tactics and Coastal Combat; naval combat; tactical scenarios; tactical success, recommendations for
India: aircraft carriers; Chinese sea power and; Chinese soft power and; external domination over; fleet construction; frontier province, dispute over; Mahanian theory and naval strategy of; maritime past ofnaval rivalry, China and;U.S. maritime strategy, response to
Indian Ocean: Chinese soft power and; control of and shipping through; counterpiracy operations; economic interests in; PLA Navy and regional security; PLA Navy basing rights;submarine patrols; U.S. maritime strategy and; U.S. operations in
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, The (Mahan)
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
Interest of America in Sea Power (Mahan)
island chains: access to Pacific Ocean and; Aegis deployment in; blockade of China and; control of; day-after-Taiwan scenario; defenses beyond first island chain; first island chain; offensive defense; overbearing power and; second island chain
Japan: Aegis fleet; ASW forces; balance of power in Asia and; BMD system, participation in; confrontation at sea with; domination attempts by; fleet construction; Formosa, control of; Great Britain, alliance with; Mahanian theory and naval strategy of; maritime security of; maritime tradition of; missile defense system;missile-test incident in Taiwan; naval ideology of; Sino-Japanese friction; Sino-Japanese wars; technology transfer to; U.S. alliance with; U.S. bases on; U.S. maritime strategy, response to; U.S.supplied maritime security
King, Enest
Korean War
land-power orientation
Lehman, John
Liu Huaqing: influence of; island chains, control of; naval strategy development; near-seas conceptoffshore active defense; South China Sea, combat in
Luzon Strait
MacArthur, Douglas
Mackinder, Halford
Mahan, Alfred Thayer: commons, concept of;fortress-fleets Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, The Interest of America in Sea Power; naval rivalry popularity of;Problem of Asia, The; sea power, inhibition of; U.S. indifference to seagoing ventures
Mahanian theory: access, logic and grammar of; Chinese strategic thought and; command of the sea commerce and economics and; continental powers, sea power abilities of fleet capabilities; Germany and; Great Britain and; interpretation of; Japan and; local command of important waters; manifest destiny mercantilistic imperialism misinterpretation of; naval war, advocacy and expectation of; neo-Mahanian approach to sea power; offensive naval strategy; postmodern, post-Mahanian approach to;rejection of by China;sea power and geopolitical considerations; sea power and naval fleet size sea power, national greatness from; tridents of sea power; United States and
mahanism concept
Malacca, Strait of
Mao Zedong: active defense concept asymmetric strategies, support for; coastal defense strategy fleet expansion under; influence of; paper tigers; sequential attack; strategic strength of China
Marine Corps, U.S.: interservice cooperation; sea power unified maritime strategy
massed attack
mid-far seas
Military Power of the People’s Republic of China
military strategy, naval strategy and
missile defenses: challenges to U.S.; inland locations of sea-based missile defenses;See also ballistic-missile defense (BMD) systems
missiles: antiship warfare; appeal of;Chinese use of; cruise missiles; missile gap;missile-test incident in Taiwan;offensive-defensive balance and; proliferation of;saturation attackSee also; ballistic missiles
Mullen, Mike
naval rivalry: advocacy of; China and India; fleet expansion and construction for; Germany and Great Britain
naval strategy: military strategy and offensive naval strategy;preparedness
Naval Strategy of the World War (Wegener)
naval war. See also war
Naval War College, China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI)
Navy, U.S.: access denial by access denial strategy of China against;aircraft carriers as centerpiece of naval policy aircraft carriers as targets;archer-not-the-arrow assumption ASBMs, threat from; attack aircraft; ballistic missiles, threat to; bases on Pacific Islands; Blue and Gold team system; combat tactics; counterpiracy operations and; custodial duties firepower, distribution of; fleet expansion and construction;f leet size and composition; Indian Ocean operations; interservice cooperation; island chains, control of;land-based threat against; Mahan, respect for sea power; sea power, challenge to; security provided by ship design and construction; submarine fleet supremacy of; tsunami relief unified maritime strategy
near seas
Netherlands, sea power of
North Korea: border dispute with Korean War; missile threat from
nuclear deterrence: access and antiaccess and; arms control and disarmament; arms race; BMD system and; minimum deterrence policy minimum deterrence policy, challenges to mutual assured destruction (MAD); paper tigers;second-strike capabilities; strategic culture and; undersea deterrent forces, historical models for
nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs)
nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBN): access and antiaccess strategy advantages and disadvantages of; ASW forces and; bases for British submarine force; cost of; deployment of; French submarine force; historical models for undersea deterrents; size of fleet; Soviet submarine force; stability and;strategies and operational preferences survivability of; targets for; technology and threat perception and; U.S. maritime strategy and; U.S. submarine force; warheads on
Obama, Barack
offensive defense
offensive naval strategy
offshore active defense
offshore defensive operations
overbearing power
Pacific Ocean: access to for China; partitioning between China and U.S.;SSBN deployment in;U.S. bases in;U.S. maritime strategy and;U.S. Navy bases in
paradoxical trinity
People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy): aircraft carriers; arms race; bases; capabilities of; coastal defense strategy counterpiracy operations; expeditionary operations; fleet, far-seas; fleet expansion and construction; fleet for sea denial; Great Wall at sea; Mahanian theory and naval strategy of; modernization of near-seas offensive; non-war military operations offshore defensive operations; roles and missions of; size of fleet; submarine development and construction submarine fleet; targets of attacks trustworthiness of warfighting experience of See also nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBN)
People’s Liberation Army (PLA): saturation attack; strength of; weapons systems
piracy: counterpiracy operations; European sea power and maritime strategy and
political activity, war and
Problem of Asia, The (Mahan)
Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI)
RAND Corporation report on Chinese military power
rivalry. See naval rivalry
Ross, Robert
Royal Navy: aircraft carrier construction; challenge to sea power of; decommission of surface ships; fleet expansion and construction; German shipping, blockade of Mahanian theory and; security provided by; size of
Russia: border dispute with; China, relationship with; sea power attempt by
saturation attack
sea lines of communication: Atlantic Ocean; Chinese sea power and
sea power: commerce, economics, and trade and; continental powers, sea power abilities of; economics and; elastic cohesion; geography and geopolitical considerations; manifest destiny and; measurement of methods for appraising; national greatness from national will for; naval fleet size and; neglecting, perils of;neo-Mahanian approach to sea power; offensive naval strategy; overbearing power; pillars of; postmodern, post-Mahanian approach to;proper use of;strategic thought and;tridents of sea power
sea-based missile defenses
second-strike capabilities
Senkaku island
sequential attack
ship-to-ship engagements
Sino-Japanese wars
soft power: Chinese soft power Chinese soft power and India; concept of; tsunami relief; U.S. soft power; usable past and
Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS)
South China Sea: access to; code of conduct in; combat in; control of and shipping through; control of during World War II; location of; Luzon Strait; maritime security in; as near sea; SSBN deployment in; submarine patrols
South Korea: fleet construction and modernization; Korean War; U.S. alliance with
Soviet Union: ASBM development; ASW forces; fleet expansion and construction;fortress-fleets;land-based threat from; maritime strategy of submarine fleet; U.S. maritime strategy and
Spanish-American War
strategic communications
strategic culture: concept of; influence over; nuclear deterrence and usable past and maritime identity
strategic thought, sea power and See also Chinese strategic thought
submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs): counter-SLBM capabilities; deterrence from; range of; Soviet missiles; trajectory of;U.S. missiles
submarines: Australian fleet construction;diesel-electric submarines; Japanese fleet construction; PLA Navy development and construction of South Korean fleet construction U-boat fleet; U.S. maritime strategy andSee also nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBN)
Sun Tzu: Art of War asymmetric strategies, support for;influence of;victory, understanding self and adversary and
Taiwan: access denial and; blockade of China and; BMD system, participation in; Chinese sea power and contingency operation missile-test incident; naval power to land troops on; PLA Navy capabilities and; return to mainland rule; security and control of; U.S. intervention in; value of control of
thousand-ship navy (Global Maritime Partnership)
Tiananmen crisis
trade. See commerce, economics, and trade
tridents of sea power
tsunami relief
United States: Asia, presence in; balance of power in Asia and; bases, access to and use of; China and Asia policy of; defense budgets economic and military power; Great Britain, alliance with; Japan, alliance with;land-based threat to merchant fleet; missile defense system; nuclear policy; overreaching interests in other countries Sino-American interactions; soft power of; strategy and forces, adaptation of; submarines and nuclear deterrence; technological advantages; usable past and nationalism; usable past, soft power and; will to fight
United States maritime strategy: Asia as focus ofbrochuremanship; China and; classified version of; Cooperative Strategy (2007); critiques of Global Maritime Partnership globalization and; local command of important waters; Mahanian theory and; Maritime Strategy (1986) ; national and strategic will for maritime ventures; naval threats and resources to respond to; opponent of naval strategy; regional response to; sea power capabilities; sea power, perils of neglecting; Soviet Union and; strategic imperatives
usable past and maritime identity: Chinese sea power and ; soft power and; strategic culture and; United States and; Zheng He and
Vietnam: border dispute with; Vietnam War
war: advocacy and expectation of naval war; battle, purpose of and reason for; clash of wills; combat tactics; command of the sea and success at; commerce and trade and; communications battlefield, control over; costs of; fortress-fleets; national policy pursuit; near-seas activities; offensive naval strategy; political activity and; portrayal of; purpose of and reason for; saturation attack; as subordinate to commerce; tactical theory, proof of correctness of
Watkins, James
weapons: arms control and disarmament; arms race; for defensive shield; mutual assured destruction (MAD); PLA forces; second-strike capabilities; U.S. forces
Wegener, Wolfgang
Wilhelm II, Kaiser
Winter, Donald
World War I, strategic thought and
World War II: command of the sea during; sea power expansion prior to
Wu Shengli
Ye Zicheng
Yellow Sea: access to; control of and shipping through; location of; maritime security in; as near sea; SSBN deployment in
Zheng He: expeditionary operations of; harmonious world; treasure fleet; usable past and Chinese maritime identity
Zumwalt, Elmo