Dudley Andrew’s two early monographs, The Major Film Theories (Oxford, 1976) and Concepts in Film Theory (Oxford, 1984), are still a useful starting point. Andrew has also offered insightful commentary on more recent developments. See his “The ‘Three Ages’ of Cinema Studies and the Age to Come” (PMLA 115.4, May 2000, 341–351) and “The Core and the Flow of Film Studies” (Critical Inquiry 35.4, Summer 2009, 879–915).

Among the general anthologies available, see Film Theory and Criticism (Oxford, updated regularly), Movies and Methods, (Ed. Bill Nichols, University of California, Volume I in 1976 and Volume II in 1985) and Philip Rosen’s Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology: A Film Theory Reader (Columbia, 1986).

Additional introductory texts for reference: