When Rolly Hammond and Vic Johnson rolled out of their blankets the next morning, their horses were gone, including the pack horse. They still had their food and their weapons and blankets. But they were afoot.
Rolly thought they were somewhere in Oregon, but he wasn’t really sure of that. He didn’t know that he’d been running in a near perfect circle, first west, then north, then east, and then south. For days the sun had not shone, and the men had gotten all turned around in the silent wilderness. They were less than three days’ ride from the settlement in MacCallister’s Valley.
“The son of a bitch stole our horses!” Vic said.
“I don’t think so,” Rolly said. “I think Injuns took them while we were sleeping. I heard tell that Crow Injuns was the best horse thieves in the world.”
Jamie had heard the Crow come close to his camp. He spoke to them in their own language without rising from his blankets. The Crow braves chuckled in the darkness. “We did not come to take your horses, Bear Killer. I only came here to see if I could count coup. I should have known better.” He laughed softly. “Go back to sleep. We shall have our fun with those who camp below you.”
“Now what?” Vic said, looking warily all around him.
“We got our guns and a lot of firepower with them, Vic. We pack up and walk out.” He looked around at the mountains. “Place looks familiar,” he muttered.
“Say what, Rolly?”
“Nothing. Look. The damn sun finally came up. Now I know for sure which way to go.”
“I hate this place. Goddamn mountains look the same to me,” Vic said.
“You’ll get used to them after a few hundred years,” the voice came from behind the men.
They whirled around.
Jamie stood there, his hands at his sides.
“So you got the rest of my boys, hey, MacCallister?” Rolly asked, his voice calm.
“Yep. Buried them in an old privy pit.”
“That ain’t decent!” Vic said.
“Who are you to speak of decency?” Jamie challenged. “You ride with scum like Rolly Hammond.”
Rolly cursed Jamie and his hand flashed for his pistol. He didn’t make it. He saw Jamie’s .44 belch smoke and fire and the mercenary sat down hard on his butt, a huge numbness in his belly. He looked down at his shirt. It was all covered with blood. “Laurin said he had it all planned out. Maurice Evans saw to the last detail. It should have worked. It should have . . .”
Vic stared down at the man, dead on the cold ground. He slowly lifted his eyes, ready to face the ball with his name on it. But Jamie was gone.
“MacCallister? MacCallister!” he shouted. “Where are you? Look, finish it. Don’t leave me here. I’ll never make it out, man. I’m lost. Damn it, MacCallister, this ain’t right. MacCallister! MacCallister! Goddamn you, MacCallister! Don’t leave me here!”
* * *
Jamie again sat his horse on his favorite ridge overlooking the valley named for him. The damage done by the raiders had been repaired; no trace of the burning remained. But there were new crosses and stones marking new graves in the settlement’s growing cemetery. Those were things that only time would erase.
Jamie started Thunder down the trail, and someone started ringing the community bell. The rutted streets soon filled with people. As he drew nearer, Jamie could see Kate with all the kids gathered around her. Andrew and Rosanna had come home.
Ian rode out to greet him. “Mighty fine lookin’ pistols you got strapped around you, Pa,” he said after shaking hands with his father.
“I got a couple for you in my saddlebags. Everything all right here?”
“It is now. Ma’s been missin’ you something fierce.”
Jamie looked at his son and saw the twinkle in the man’s eyes. And he is a man, Jamie thought. And I am growing old. He shook that away. “Don’t you be speaking ugly thoughts about me or your ma, boy.”
“Me? I was just gonna remind you of what you told me some years back, right back yonder on that very same ridge you just rode acrost.”
“Across, boy.”
“Nights sure get lonely, don’t they, Pa?”
Jamie laughed and reached over and knocked his son’s hat off, then it was a race to the settlement.
Jamie jumped down from Thunder and swept Kate up in his massive arms and whirled around with her, kissing her soundly as they whirled. Liza and Alfred and their kids looked on with undisguised awe in their eyes at the big, buckskin-clad man, guns and knives belted about him. He was whirling Kate around and around as if she weighed no more than a bouquet of meadow flowers.
Jamie finally lowered Kate to the ground, hugged all his kids, and Kate led him over to meet his new son-in-law and daughter-in-law. Alfred braced himself for one of those bone-crunching handshakes that so many borderline bullies like to use. He got his first real lesson about Jamie MacCallister. The man’s handshake was gentle. Alfred could feel the rock-hardness of the huge hand, but it was a gentleman’s grip.
Jamie had been careful to bathe and brush off and air his buckskins before riding into the valley, and when he bent his head to gently kiss Liza on the cheek, she could smell only the odor of strong soap and scrubbed leather. Both Alfred and Liza were much taken by the big man, and instantly felt close to him.
Later, when the residents of the community had returned to their homes, the immediate family sat on the long front porch of the cabin enjoying cakes and coffee. Then the talk turned serious.
“Is it over?” Kate asked her husband.
“The hunt for the raiders? Yes. But I still have the lawyer and the rich man to face.”
“How many of the raiders did you get, Pa?” Ian asked. He sat on the edge of the porch inspecting the Colts his father had given him.
“Enough,” Jamie said, with a finality to his one-word reply that closed the subject. Later, if she asked about it, and he was sure she would, he would tell Kate all about the man-hunt. But it was not the sort of thing one discussed in front of people like Alfred and Liza, who were not accustomed to the violent ways of the American frontier.
But Jamie had underestimated Alfred and Liza. Liza said, “When there is no written law or uniformed authorities to stand up for the people, then the people have to enforce their own laws.”
“Quite,” Alfred said. “You and your friends have taken a wilderness and carved out a settled community, with a proper school and homes and places of business and a house of worship. This is a pocket of civilization surrounded by savages. It must be defended at all costs.”
The talk turned to lighter subjects, and Jamie asked, “Andrew, your mother said that you and your sister were about to start an American tour. Where would you start?”
Jamie had heard of the gold strike in California and how San Francisco was booming, growing by hundreds of people a day, people who were starved for some vestige of culture and willing to pay enormous sums of money for entertainment.
“Why . . . I don’t know. We have an agent, of course. But we’ve had no communication from him since leaving New York City.”
Kate cut her blues to her husband. She knew he had something on his mind, and with Jamie it would more than likely be wild. Her son and daughter, in addition to their immediate family, had brought west many of their traveling entourage: musicians and stage hands and dancers and the like. They had been put up in other homes in the settlement and were kept busy with telling of all the places they’d been and all the wonderful sights they’d seen.
“Well,” Jamie said, “why don’t you ask all the members of your troupe if they’d like a little adventure, something they could tell their grandkids and friends about? Something they would never forget.”
“What do you have in mind, Papa?” Rosanna asked.
“Brace yourselves,” Kate said.
“Oh, a little trip,” Jamie replied. “I took a look at those wagons you came across the great plains in—fine workmanship. And your stock is first rate. I could get some ol’ boys to ride along with us for protection and we could have a grand old time. I figure we could make San Francisco in no time at all.” He looked at Kate. “You want to see the Pacific Ocean, Kate?”
And suddenly Jamie was covered with females, all laughing and hugging his neck and crawling around on his lap. The chair he was sitting in broke under the added weight and dumped them all on the porch floor.
* * *
Jamie sent out Utes to find those he wanted to accompany them to the west coast, and they all agreed to go. Alfred and Liza and their entourage stood in silent shock when the dwarf Audie and his huge sidekick Lobo rode in, followed that afternoon by Preacher and Sparks.
“My dear,” Audie said, his head barely coming up to Liza’s breasts. “Might you have in your repertoire something by Mozart? Perchance his Allegro maestoso for violin?”
“Ah ... oui,” she replied, flustered at the sight of this savage-looking little man with guns and knives hanging all about him inquiring about Mozart, and momentarily slipped into her native tongue.
“Magnifique!” Audie replied in perfect French, and the two of them walked off, chattering in Liza’s native tongue.
“Incredible,” Alfred said, when he finally found his voice.
“Ain’t my partner a kick in the ass?” Lobo asked the stunned Englishman.
“Ah ... yes,” Alfred said, looking up at the huge bear of a man. “Quite.”
“He was a professor back east. Havert, or some goddamn place like that.”
“Harvard?” Alfred asked.
“That’s what I said, ain’t it?”
“Ah ... certainly.”
Sparks rescued the Englishman before Lobo completely boggled his mind.
“We got to make it ’fore the snow flies, Jamie,” Preacher said. “It’s gonna be close.”
“We’ll make it. I know a shortcut. Grandpa told me about it and I rode it once. Grandpa took wagons through to the coast long before anybody else even thought about it.”
“Yeah, but them was tough settlers, not lily-handed musicianers.”
“Piece of cake, Preacher. I’ve got some drivers coming in from the fort. They’ll be here in a few days. Good men. I just want these people to see what wilderness is really like.”
“I ’spect they’ll manage to do that, all right,” Preacher said drily.
Kate thoroughly shocked Liza and Alfred and most of the troupe when she appeared one morning wearing buckskin britches and shirt and moccasins with high top leggings. She shook out a rope and dabbed a loop over a horse’s neck, her favorite mare. She saddled the mare and hopped into the saddle, riding astride. Liza felt somewhat faint at the sight and Alfred and the troupe looked on in disbelief.
“My God!” a troupe member from London said. “The woman is wearing a gun!”
“That’s my mother,” Rosanna said, then ran into the cabin and emerged a few minutes later wearing men’s britches and one of her brother’s shirts. She hopped bareback on a mare and went riding off into the valley with her mother, holding onto the mane.
“Great stars and garters!” Alfred bellowed when he finally found his voice.
Andrew was doubled over with tears in his eyes, laughing at the expression on Alfred’s face.
“You’re in the country, now,” Caroline MacCallister said. “We don’t hold with all the stuffy standards that apply east of the Mississippi. Out here, they’re just too much fuss and bother.”
“Indeed,” Alfred said.
Andrew looked around for his wife, but she had disappeared into the cabin. His mouth dropped open in shock when Liza appeared on the porch, wearing men’s pants and one of his shirts. Jamie had already saddled up a horse for her and, laughing, scooped her up in his arms and deposited her in the saddle, astride.
She had told Jamie that she was a good rider, and watching her now he had no doubts.
Ian walked to his side and stood silent for a moment. Jamie asked. “You going with us, son?”
“No. Caroline is expectin’. I don’t want to take any chances with the baby.”
“Good thinking. I’ll feel better with you here.”
“Twins and triplets run on her side of the family, too.”
Jamie grinned and clasped his son’s shoulder. “The more the merrier, boy. Between you and me, the MacCallister name will never die.”