I owe a lot to many people for helping me make this book what it is.
I appreciate the confidence my publisher, Fleming H. Revell, has placed in me over the past twenty years and continues to place in me as evidenced by this book. Bill Petersen and I have worked together over many of those twenty years. Special appreciation to the other editors who work so professionally to make it all come out right.
I want to say thanks to my critique group, headed by Karen Whiting, for their valuable input and suggestions. They don’t let me get by with much, but I did think it was a little rude when they laughed at my dramatic flair passage—which has since been deleted.
Special thanks to the sixteen professional organizers who shared their outlooks in contributions on various topics throughout the book. Thanks to many others who made excellent contributions, which I could not fit into the book but were appreciated nonetheless.
The hardworking women in the trenches add a strong dose of realism and a lot of great information because they are right at the spots where the battle rages.
Thanks to my agent, Bruce Barbour, who has come on board and made a significant difference, and to my daughter-in-law, Linda Felton, for her perceptive final reading.
And as always, a big kiss and hug to my husband, Ivan, for doing extra work around the house so I could write. Otherwise my book would have gone forward while the condition of the house went backward. Find your own personal “Ivan” is my first tip.