Can We Talk?
Here’s My Guarantee

Life is like a wild horse that wants to roam all over the track and, if possible, jump the rail and run amok without direction. Life veers toward complexity. Left to itself, your life will become more and more complicated, cluttered, and busy.

Life complicates itself naturally without assistance. That’s the reason there are books called “Simplify Your Life” but none called “Complicate Your Life.” A complicated life is stressful and unpleasant; a simplified life is peaceful and fulfilling.

We learned in physics class the second law of thermodynamics, which indicates in a general way that everything moves naturally toward chaos. So we spend a lot of time in our lives trying to address the problem of chaos, using handheld organizers like Palm Pilots, calendar systems, and books on organizing in an effort to stop the pell-mell rush to randomness in our lives.

We yearn for order. Our minds, our hearts, our souls thirst for simplicity and harmony, but they don’t come as easily as we would like. The battle for order is hard won. Deep down we resist this fact. We hope that somehow nature will reverse its path toward complexity and we can become organized without much effort. For most of us, this is a pipe dream that will never come true.

However, as we look around, we notice that some people do seem to live naturally organized lives. By learning and following their simple “secrets,” we can lead the kind of stress-free lives we crave. Don’t get me wrong—nobody wants to live a boring life, stripped to its bare necessities. We all have our special desires, places in our lives we want to give the full treatment, maybe even go overboard from time to time. But what we want to avoid is letting life get so out of control that we don’t have time to direct and focus it on the important things, because the unimportant things have taken up all the time.

Don’t be more organized than you need to be, but don’t be any less either. This book is about your reaching the organization goal you want in the simplest way possible. And then, if and when you have found the balance you want, you can move on to whatever extras you want to add. Simplicity is assured. Complexity is optional.

For more than twenty years, I have been known as the Organizer Lady. I entered the organizing field as a result of my own search for order in my chaotic life and in the process developed a keen sense of the internal and psychological working of organizing. In this book my insights will open mental and emotional doors that will enable you to bring your life to the level of orderliness you seek.

To help you in your search and make it more fun as well, the following chapters deal with the practicalities of organizing and often, but not always, contain the following:

At the end of the book you will have a final look at your game plan for success. It is never overwhelming because we focus on only a few significant steps that will make a substantial difference.

One more word is in order. To make the book as helpful as possible, websites, phone numbers, and addresses are included. Over time, these may change, but a good search engine on the Internet will locate many of them and calling 800-555-1212 will help you find the phone numbers you need.