But who would carry the sacrifice to the heaven for heaven?
First we chose one of the king’s attendants, but that one refused to go, then we chose one of the poorest men in the town and he refused also, at last we chose one of the king’s slaves who took the sacrifice to heaven for Heaven who was senior to Land and Heaven received the sacrifice with gladness. The sacrifice meant that Land surrendered, that he was junior to Heaven. But when the slave carried the sacrifice to heaven and gave it to Heaven he (slave) could not reach halfway back to the earth before a heavy rain came and when the slave was beaten by this heavy rain and when he reached the town, he wanted to escape from the rain, but nobody would allow him to enter his or her house at all. All the people were thinking that he (slave) would carry them also to Heaven as he had carried the sacrifice to Heaven, and were afraid.
But when for three months the rain had been falling regularly, there was no famine again.