
Although this book is the product of many years of solitary labor, it could not have been possible without the support of numerous individuals and institutions.

Grants from the UCLA Department of History and International Institute, the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation enabled me to conduct the early research and writing. A fellowship at UC Berkeley’s Regional Oral History Office gave me time to work on the manuscript. Harvard Law School was a wonderful setting to conclude the project.

Paul Adler, John Agnew, Michele Alacevich, Ivan Berend, Christopher Dietrich, David Ekbladh, David Engerman, Nils Gilman, Kim Jansma, Kathryn Lavelle, James Lin, Martin Meeker, David Milne, Craig Murphy, Victor Nemchenok, Sam Redman, Daniel Sargent, Aaron Silverman, Richard Webb, and Mary Yeager provided valuable feedback on various parts of the book at different stages of its development. A special thanks to Ellen DuBois for her longstanding commitment to this project.

Staff at the World Bank Group Archives, the Archives of the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, the National Archival Services of Norway, the Archivo Histórico de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, the Banco de la República de Colombia, the Rockefeller Archive Center, the Ford Foundation Archives, the Food and Agriculture Organization Historical Archives, the Hoover Institution Archives, the Library of Congress, and the Lyndon Baines Johnson, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan Presidential Libraries helped me track down countless documents. I am particularly grateful to Bertha Wilson at the World Bank for her tireless efforts on my behalf.

Many participants in the events described in these pages took time to speak with me. Thank you John Blaxall, Francis Colaco, Leif Christoffersen Stephen Eccles, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Attila Karaosmanoglu, Katherine Marshall, Eugene Rotberg, Ernest Stern, Greg Votaw, and Michael Walden for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Thanks also to Craig McNamara for filling in some of the personal details about his father.

I presented parts of this project at Aarhus University, Cal State Fullerton, Columbia University, the German Historical Institute, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, the Ohio State University, the Policy History Conference, the annual meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Syracuse University, the Università di Bologna, and UC Berkeley. Thanks to the attendees for their comments.

It has been a pleasure to work with the University of Pennsylvania Press to bring this book to print. Thanks especially to Bob Lockhart and the two anonymous reviewers, whose insights greatly improved the final product.

My greatest thanks go to my family. My parents, Naresh and Sylvia Sharma, taught me about the world at a young age. For this and so many other things, I will be forever grateful. My brother, Stephen Sharma, has always been by my side. My son Owen, though he does not know it yet, has brought me more joy than anyone could hope for. And my amazing wife, Bitta Jansma Sharma, to whom this book is dedicated, has been a constant source of encouragement. I love you all.