When the Temple of the Third Term of the Trinity is erected the men will arrange themselves there in three distinct groups. For there will be the witnesses of the first era, the Jews; the witnesses of the second era, the Christians and the Satanists; and the witnesses of the New Charter, the Ternaries.

The lukewarm and the colorless will place themselves in the courtyard.

The men of the first two groups will constitute what we shall call the presence of the Past around the Future, and their role will be to call to mind for the priests of the Ascension the wisdom of the Descent (First Term) and the merit of the Suffering (Second Term).

Homage and honor will be rendered to both.

The witnesses of the first and the second hours will not participate actively in the rites of the Third Term, but they will hold in their right hand the lighted torch of their truth.

Their thought will be: “We persist, so that all things may be present at the hour of the closing of the Triangle, at the hour when the Angel of Death will cut down with its scythe all the bad vegetation. For the Sun still shines for the good and the bad, and many souls can still be saved. We are the guardians of the past, we are those who slow the haste of the future.”

And, indeed, the catastrophe foreseen for 1933 will not be definitive.

There will be another one, still more terrible, when the line of the Ascension, begun today, shall have been traced in the divine Cosmos up to its junction with the point of departure of the Fall.

Then, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures, the spirit of destruction will be unchained and sent among humans to destroy by new carnage, still worse than the preceding, all of the remaining rot.

Then the weeping and gnashing of teeth will not mollify anyone, for no regenerated soul will keep the illusions of the fruits fallen to earth, nor will believe in the usefulness of those who have not entered into the Cone of the new life.

And having no more saints to pray for them, the evil ones will die without hope of rebirth.

In the Temple of the Third Term the priests and priestesses of the Ascension will accomplish the act of deliverance.

One will choose seven men and three women, healthy in spirit, heart, and body, and one will have them accomplish the act of love for the regeneration of humankind.

This will be a solemn rite, preceded by chants and music and discourses in conformity with the new truth, and one will drink the wine of celebration to indicate to all that this rite is a joy that crowns long sorrows.

The high priestess, announcer of the new Term, will signal the beginning and the end of the rite to those assembled, and through her the divine energy, liberated due to the contact of the bodies in the sanctuary, will be spread over the congregation.

The men and women who participate in the rite will experience a great moral and spiritual benefit from it, and their own vital energy will be fortified and sanctified by it.


But, obviously, one will not accomplish this great magical rite in ordinary nuptial chambers, nor in any place where individual egotism reigns.

The ritual love of the priests and priestesses of the Ascension has nothing in common with the habitual practices of mortals, and it is necessary to belong to the spiritual head of humanity to conceive of it.

In the meantime it is necessary that, beginning from today, the world should be instructed in these things, so that the head may grow and the body profit thereby. The head and the body of Humanity:


The lines that one has just read constitute a fragment of the text that we shall publish with the title “The New Ternary Rites,”*7once the material conditions—which always depend upon the spiritual and occult conditions—lend themselves to it.

We give them here, as also the page that follows, to launch into the world in this month of March the first sounds of the new music.

We hope that our readers will understand and appreciate our intention.

We hope that this first seed will fall on fertile ground and that the souls that receive it will allow the beautiful plant of the future to grow within them.

In human terms—oh! How reluctantly we return to those terms!—the plant of the future is that of frankness, justice, and rectitude. It brings Peace, for it reduces constraint, the source of hatred and strife.

In divine terms—and at this moment we would like to shake the hands of those who understand us—the new plant signifies the new love. On this plane it brings Deliverance.

M. de N.