The following article appeared in La Flèche No. 9, January 15, 1932. In it Naglowska took the risk of expressing ideas that would not please everyone even now and were probably less popular then. She signed the article with one of her favorite pseudonyms, “Auguste Apôtre.”
Among the questions that have been sent to us lately, two, above all, deserve a conscientious response, for they translate the concern of every person who engages himself on the initiatic path.
They are the following two questions:
1. Does the doctrine of the Third Term of the Trinity, which we preach, affirm the survival of the human personality as an individual and conscious entity, evolving on other planes after death on the physical plane?
2. Do we affirm that it is possible for a person of flesh and bone to obtain positive proof of the Beyond by experience?
The article of La Flèche that one has just read already contains an answer to the first of these two questions.
There it is said, indeed, that Man must overcome human nature on this earth, by his own effort he must break the vicious circle that imprisons him in the human species, condemning him to eternal return. But, attaching itself above all to the problem of breaking the circle, La Flèche does not clarify what becomes of the imperfect soul residing outside of salvation.
Now, here is what the doctrine of the Third Term of the Trinity teaches us about this, the religion of the Mother, which emanates, while directing them onto a new line, from the two preceding religions of our triangle (see La Flèche No. 7: the summary of the doctrine of the Third Term of the Trinity): from the religion of the Father (the Hebraic religion) and from the religion of the Son (the Christian religion).
The personal soul has no survival as an individual and conscious entity, and it does not evolve on other planes, apart from a magical rebirth through the mystery of love on this earth.
This essential dogma separates us both from the Buddhistic inspirations and from a poorly understood Christianity.
The individual who is not regenerated while alive on the earth has no individual, conscious personality, for such a personality is of spiritual substance, and this latter is only acquired by the substantial transformation of sexual energy into spiritual energy.
In other words, we do not confirm the presence of an individual soul capable of evolving on other planes (or planets) except where there has been real victory of the fearless Horseman over the initiatic Courser.
All those who do not become initiated into this mystery through personal experience, as well as those humans left on the path, vanquished by the difficulties of the tests, stay merged in the collective soul of the species and fall again to the earth unendingly, without any progress or memory of the past.
On this point no reconciliation is possible between our doctrine and those of the Buddhists.
Pure Christianity, not weakened by oriental ideas, presents, on the other hand, an important point whose thesis we can take up without contradicting ourselves: it is the dogma of the salvation offered to mankind by the Christ.
For we say that the fearless horseman, after having conquered the beast, can include in his triumph all those who attach themselves to his steps.
This signifies that outside of the breaking of the vicious circle by his own initiatic effort, the imperfect man can be saved, that is to say carried beyond the species, if he abandons himself with all his heart, with all his intelligence, and with all his will to the one who has been able to triumph.
And furthermore: the Freedman of the waters can, if he wishes, save others in spite of themselves, by inundating them with his magical virtues. But the beings, snatched thus from the clutches of the species, remain, in the celestial regions, to the Victorious One who has brought them there, and on the higher planes they are his faithful servants and worshippers. So it is that the celestial armies are formed, which blindly obey their respective chiefs.
If a being, still stronger than was Jesus, could take from the earth all the energy imprisoned in the human species, the whole of humanity would fly off somewhere else, abandoning the earth to the plants and animals, which do not in any way fight the eternal rhythm of the Breath of Life. All of humanity would then go to build new dreams on new planets.
According to certain revelations, which it has been given to us to receive in the course of several magical contacts, we attest that since the time of the great Moses, humanity has tended, indeed, toward this fantastic goal.
It seems indeed that the Will, projected into the earthly world since the prodigious event of Mount Sinai, exerts itself to pull the totality of humans away from our planet. The realization of this Desire will obviously cause what one could call the end of the world, but we are told that this will not take place until the end of the third era of our triangle, which has just begun.
After what we have just told you, it is useless to separately answer the second of the two questions, which we listed at the beginning of this article.
Certainly it is possible for a person of bone and flesh to obtain positive proof of the Beyond through personal experience, but this proof is not such as the profane imagine.
Besides, how could it be otherwise: can I give an illiterate person a proof, sufficient for his ignorance, of the exactitude of an algebraic calculation?
It is the same with these truths: one cannot know them without having examined them thoroughly. And the first stage is certainly education, in the total sense of the word.