One of the magical groups that Naglowska belonged to, at least for a time, was the “Fraternité des Polaires.” There is much more that could be said of this group than can be said here, but suffice it to say that Maria eventually became disaffected with the group, as did René Guénon. Other members of the group included Jean Marquès-Rivière, who later returned to Catholicism and became an anti-Mason; Maurice Magre, a journalist who wrote about Naglowska; Henri Meslin, who was also a member of Naglowska’s magical group, and a gnostic bishop (Tau Harmonius) as well; Jean Chaboseau, son of Augustin Chaboseau; and the important Synarchists Jeanne Canudo, Vivian Postel du Mas, and Victor Blanchard.*29 It is not really surprising that Naglowska knew these people; she spent every afternoon with the occultists of Paris. This short article appeared in La Flèche No. 13, June 15, 1932. Naglowska signed it “M. de N.”
We are pleased to see that the “Polaires” have become more precise in their ideas and—a curious thing—they are visibly coming closer to our doctrine of the Third Term of the Trinity, which they rejected somewhat scornfully when the first numbers of La Flèche came out.
We hope that they will soon understand that “The One Who Is Waiting”*30 will not come only for the Polaires, but for all people worthy of the name.
The great revelation will be made, indeed, in 1933, as we have announced since the autumn of 1930. It is then that the Entity who is waiting will choose his elect among the courageous who have thrown themselves into the river of the separation and who are now struggling as they approach the Other Bank. (Read La Flèche No. 10.)
The Polaires will then have “their chief with them,” just as other groupings will also have theirs.
All these chiefs, meanwhile, will teach the same thing, namely: all humans are responsible for the act of each, and when the Best shall have conquered Death, all will have conquered it in Him. It is this word that has been brought to earth by the Crucified One, and it is this that has been insufficiently understood until now. The false brotherhood derives from that.
Now, and to pass to the details of the article in the Bulletin of the Polaires of May 9, 1932, we point out to its author that “the new descent (or revelation) of the Father,” to which he makes allusion on page 9, must be understood in the opposite sense to the Fall, that is to say as a re-ascending. And the opposite of the Father being the Mother, the Reign that is announced now is that of the Third Term of the Trinity.
For the three successive Names of the active Divinity are: the Father (Fall into Matter, crystallization), the Son (Negation of the Law of the Fall, combat with Satan), and the Mother (Return toward the Origin and reconciliation within the Son of his two natures: Christic and Satanic).
The Polaires still have some way to go, as everyone does in our epoch, for the year 1932 still belongs to the painful period of the struggle of Christ and of Satan.
Christ, in humans, still supports the thesis of purity in chastity, while Satan advocates the light found again in the flesh.
“The One Who Awaits” will prove to men, lost in the intelligence that is detached from the vital source (the womb of the woman), that Truth cannot be attained except by means of the sacred fire of ritual Love.
He will preside over the solemn celebration of the first Golden Mass, and will thus realize Freedom, Brotherhood, and Equality.
Until that day, no one will know the true meaning of those three words.