As with all books, they come about by far more people than just us rather lone individuals who sit behind a computer screen and type away for endless hours. Okay, maybe only two hours a day, but there are times it feels like an eternity.
But I couldn’t do this without the ceaseless and immense talents of:
Ami McConnell: who continues to challenge me to go places I don’t even want to go, yet when I get there, I realize it really is actually better than where I was. And who refuses to allow me my “implausible” moments.
To Erin Healy: once again your talents took Savannah to new and better places, and me too, even if I bucked a time or two!
To Allen Arnold: thank you for creating an enviornment where we can truly explore those facets of life that no one would believe unless we called them “fiction.”You allow our imaginations to explode.
And to the entire Thomas Nelson team: Caroline, Jennifer, Lisa, Natalie, Mark, Elizabeth, and Heather, thank you for helping what I do actually make it onto the shelves and into the hands of the readers.
To my faithful friends: who hear me rant, who listen to me send up urgent prayer requests, and then so graciously pray me through my crisis moments: Deneen, Beth, Lawana, Paige, April, Joan, Theresa, Jackie, and Janey. I wouldn’t make it through if I didn’t have you there to watch my back.
To my precious family: I count it a privilege to tell your stories and change your names and spend the rest of the time listening as people ask, “Is Victoria really like your mama?!”
To my beautiful and endlessly giving husband: In a year with more twists and turns, your faithfulness to allow me the time to do what I’ve been called to do still humbles and touches the deepest places in me. And even though you let me read to you over and over again, you still smile, even though you’ve heard it a thousand times. So, on the days when you wonder if I notice how hard you work and how tirelessly you give, let the record show that I do, and that I am ever so grateful. Thank you for warming my feet and letting me eat Parmesan and garlic seasoned popcorn at the movies even though I stink for two days. What more could a woman ask for in the man that she loves?
And to the Creator of my life: once again, I’m an inadequate vessel. I get weary and sometimes irritable. I get scared and often remind you of how I can’t come up with another story to save my life. And yet everyday you meet me so graciously, giving and giving and giving again.The words on this page aren’t because I’m a writer. No, they rest on these pages because you are so kind to give such wonderful dreams. Thank you for giving me a dream. And thank you even more for showing up in my life each day to make sure it actually comes to pass. You give good gifts. And thank you for your best gift. The one that changed my life: Jesus Christ.
And to those of you who will pick up this book. I thank you once again for giving me your most gracious treasure, that of your time. (You thought I was going to say your money didn’t you?!) Truth be told, I am continually amazed that people actually buy what I write. So, to each of you I say a special thank you. And even if you pick up these pages and don’t agree with all that I say, please know the heart with which it all comes from is, at the end of the day, a heart that desires to share the things life has taught me.We all travel different roads. And these are the lessons I’ve learned on my journey. May your journey teach you many valuable lessons as well. And may we all be changed for what we’ve learned.
Reading Group Guide for
Savannah by the Sea available at