Abrahams, Peter, 59–60
Addonizio, Hugh, mayor of Newark, 23, 296, 304, 307, 353–362, 534n. 23. See also Newark Politics
African Free School, 340, 368–369
African Liberation Day/African Liberation Day Support Committee, 388–390, 540n. 39
Afro-American Studies Programs, 218–220
Ali, Muhammad, 305
Alkalimat, Abdul (Gerald McWhorter), 386
All African Peoples Revolutionary Party, 389
Allen, Donald, 245
Allen, Robert, 304
Amin, Idi, 399
Amini, Johari (Jewel C. Lattimore), 191
Artaud, Antonin, 173–174, 271–272, 506nn. 5, 10
Atlanta Congress of African People, 340, 381–387. See also Pan-Africanism
Axelrod, Beverly, 254
Baker, Ella, 325
Baldwin, James, 59–60, 64–65, 126–127, 163, 180, 440–441, 492n. 56
Bambara, Toni Cade, 191
Baraka, Amina (Sylvia Robinson), 292–295, 299, 340, 345–347, 356, 367–368
Baraka, Amiri (LeRoi Jones)
PERSONAL: anti-Semitism of, 148–150, 229–231
bohemian life, 27–65, 85–87, 126–140
Bumi, 291–293
homophobia/homoeroticism, 177, 331–336, 507n. 15, 530n. 16, 531n. 26
at Howard University, 22–27, 484n. 8, 485n. 21
jazz critic, 112–126
marriage to Amina, 292–295
marriage to Hettie, 44, 141–152, 501nn. 2, 3, 503nn. 27, 28
mysogyny of, 330–334
racism of, 180–181
sexism of, 325–330
Sunni Muslim, 310–311
Yoruba, 310–311
WRITINGS: BOOKS–AUTHOR: Black Music, 47, 464
Blues People, 46, 117–126, 312, 497nn. 78, 84, 498nn. 88, 91, 92
Daggers and Javelins, 432–443
Eulogies, 464
The Music, 464
Raise Race Rays Raze, 241–258
The System of Dante’s Hell, 87–96
Tales, 234
BOOKS–EDITOR: Confirmation: An Anthology of African American Women, 346
The Moderns: An Anthology of New Writing in America, 46–47, 63–64, 245
JOURNALS–EDITOR: The Floating Bear, 46
Yugen, 44–46
ESSAYS: “Africa, Superpower Contention and the Danger of World War,” 434–435
“Afro-American Literature and Class Struggle,” 441
“American Sexual Reference: Black Male,” 143, 330–333, 507–508n. 25
“Black and Angry,” 413–414
“‘Black’ Is a Country,” 55–56
“Black Liberation / Socialist Revolution,” 435–436
“Black Nationalism and Socialist Revolution: Why I Changed My Ideology,” 430–432
“Black People and Imperialism,” 426
“Black Woman,” 338–339
“Black Writing,” 60–62
“Brief Reflections on Two Hot Shots,” 59–60, 127
“City of Harlem,” 56–57
“Cold, Hurt, and Sorrow,” 57
“The Congress of Afrikan People: A Position Paper,” 430
“Cuba Libre,” 52–54
“Jazz and the White Critic,” 115–116
“Jazz Avant-Garde,” 114–115
“The Last Days of the American Empire,” 133–135
“LeRoi Jones Talking,” 131–133
“Letter to Jules Feiffer,” 54
“The Myth of Negro Literature,” 57–59, 162–163
“National Liberation and Politics,” 424–426
“Philistinism and the Negro Writer,” 162–164
“The Revolutionary Theatre,” 171–175
“Revolutionary Party: Revolutionary Ideology,” 425–426
“Revolutionary Tradition in Afro-American Literature,” 439–441
“Street Protest,” 57
“Tokenism,” 54–55
“Toward Ideological Clarity: Nationalism, Pan-Africanism, Socialism,” 426–427
“What Does Nonviolence Mean?,” 62–63
PLAYS: A Black Mass, 262–264, 292
Arm Yourself or Harm Yourself, 273–274
Black Power Chant, 274
Bloodrites, 281–283
Chant, 274–275
Death of Malcolm X, 277–281
The Eighth Ditch, 47
Experimental Death Unit #1, 260–262
Great Goodness of Life, 266–268
Home on the Range, 269, 275–277
Junkies are Full of Shhh, 283–286
Madheart, 342–343
The Motion of History and Other Plays, 444–449
Police, 274
The Sidney Poet Heroical, 286–289
The Slave, 78–84
Slave Ship, 269–273
What Was the Relationship of the Lone Ranger to the Means of Production, 444, 453–456
POETRY: “Black Art,” 175–177
Black Art, 227
Black Magic Poetry: 1961–1967, 227–234
“Black People,” 299
“Civil Rights Poem,” 233
The Dead Lecturer, 47, 101–108, 234
“For Tom Postell, Dead Black Poet,” 229
Hard Facts, 456–459
In Our Terribleness, 239–241
It’s Nation Time, 234–237
Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note, 46–51, 234
Spirit Reach, 237–239
Target Study, 108–112, 227–228
Transbluency, 464
Bebop, 124–125
Bigsby, C. W. E., 74
Black Aesthetic, 187–203, 221–224,
Black Arts Movement, 171–187
Black Arts Movement Infrastructure, 210–224
Black Arts Repertory Theater/School (BART), 156–161, 164–165, 170, 248, 291, 504nn. 37, 48
Black Nation Thesis, 435–436
Black Panther Party, 253–255, 318–321, 337, 367, 381
Black Power Conference, Newark, 1967, 303–306
Black Theater Movement, 217
Black World/Negro Digest (journal), 214, 513–514n. 13
Boggs, James, 309
Bokassa, Jean Bedel, 399–400
Bond, Julian, 401
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 191, 226–227
Brown, Elaine, 336
Brown, Lloyd W., 461
Brown, Sterling, 113, 198–199, 509–510n. 54, 510n. 55
Brown vs. Board of Education, 374, 535–536n. 4
Brown, Willie, 415
Brustein, Robert, 173–174
Cabral, Amilcar, 377, 421–422, 425–426, 426–429
Callaghan, James, 355
Camus, Albert, 475
Carew, Jan, 255–256
Carlin, Leo, 353
Carmichael, Stokely (Kwame Toure), 292, 327, 389, 481n. 5
Carter, Bunchy, 319–320
Cesaire, Aime, 378
Chisholm, Shirley, 404–405, 543n. 12
Civil Rights Intellegentsia, 2, 481n. 4
Clark, Kenneth, 156
Clarke, John Henrik, 52, 376, 491n. 29
Clay, William, congressman, 415, 419, 544n. 33
Cleaver, Eldridge, 247, 254, 319, 327, 334–335, 428–429, 530n. 16, 530–531n. 22
Clegg, Claude Andrew III, 518–519n, 49
Clifton, Lucille, 191
Coltrane, John, 158
Committee for Unified Newark (CFUN), 356, 365, 369. See also Newark Politics, Gibson campaign
Congress of Afrikan Peoples (CAP), 383–388, 421–426, 430–433
Congressional Black Caucus, 412–413
Conyers, John, 401
Cooper, Anna Julia, 441
Cortez, Jane, 191
Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, The, (Harold Cruse), 1–7, 52, 86, 135, 292, 302–303, 474
as critic of Baraka’s Marxism, 552n. 15
Crow-Jimism/Crow-Janeism, 488–489n. 70, 489n. 72, 496n. 53
Curvin, Robert, 351, 353, 370, 534n. 17
Damas, Leon, 378
Davis, Angela, 301, 337, 523–524n. 29
Davis, Arthur P., 201
Davis, Charles, 201
Dawson, William, black machine boss in Chicago, 353
Dawson, William, music professor at Tuskeegee, 212
Dee, Ruby, 127
de Gaulle, Charles, 391
de Kooning, Willem, 129
Detroit riot/rebellion, 296
Diop, Cheikh Anta, 378
DiPrima, Diane, 44–47, 106, 490n. 10
Dixon, Thomas, 331
Drake, St. Clair, 376–377
Du Bois, W. E. B., 213, 349, 377–378, 403, 440–442
Eagleton, Terry, 438
Early, Gerald, 422
Eisenhower, Dwight, 374, 535–536n. 4
Elam, Harry, 271
Elder, Lonnie, 248
Elimu, Akiba ya, 340–341
Ellison, Ralph, 116–117, 119, 125–126, 163, 192, 198, 201, 207, 222–224, 440–442, 499n. 101, 514n. 14
Estrangement, 14
Ethnic Marginality, 13, 483n. 18
Ethnic Marginality Facilitators, 13
Evans, Mari, 191
“Exceptional Negro,” 57–58
Fabre, Genevieve, 158–159, 171
Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 52, 85, 491n. 30
Fanon, Frantz, 255, 474, 502n. 12
Farrakhan, Louis, 385
Fauntroy, Walter, 389, 401, 415
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 318–320
Fields, Julia, 191
Flowers, Sandra Hollins, 202
Franklin, Bruce, 439
Freeman, Carol, 191
Fuller, Charles, 206
Fuller, Hoyt, editor of Black World/Negro Digest, 194, 196, 206, 214–215, 220
Garrett, Jimmy, 293
Garvey, Marcus, 377
Gates, Henry Louis, 200
Gay, Peter, 224
Gayle, Addison, 179, 188–197, 206, 225, 256–257, 545n. 5
Gibson, Kenneth, first black mayor of Newark, 166, 309, 348, 354, 360–367, 382, 401, 420–421. See also Newark Politics
Gibson, Richard, 52, 491n. 32, 491–492n. 33. See also Fair Play for Cuba Committee
Ginsberg, Allen, 34, 44, 46, 129, 227, 244, 253, 300–301, 523n. 26
Giovanni, Nikki, 188, 191, 344, 359, 508n, 31
Goncalves, Joe, 201
Gorky, Maxim, 438
Gouldner, Alvin, 469
Gussow, Mel, 287–288
Hammer, Fannie Lou, 325
Hammond, Juniper, 439
Harlem Renaissance, 440–442
Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited (HARYOU), 156–159, 504n. 48
Harris, William J., 47, 548–549n. 60
Harrison, Hazel, 212
Hatcher, Richard, mayor of Gary, Indiana, 348, 382, 384, 401, 403, 405, 412, 418
Hawkins, Augustus, congressman, 401
Hayden, Tom, 307–308
Hayden, Robert, 201
Haywood, Harry, 436
Henderson, Stephen, 199–200, 225
Henry, Hayward, first chair of CAP, 385, 387
Hirsch, Arnold, 350
Hobbs, Stuart, 34
Hoover, J. Edgar, 302
Houston, Charles Hamilton, 213
Howard University, 198–199, 484nn. 6–8, 11, 485n. 12
Hoxha, Enver, 430
Huggins, John, 319–320
Hughes, Langston, 64, 77, 163, 198, 440–442
Humphrey, Hubert, 2, 405, 468–469, 542n. 6
Hunton, Alpheus, 349
Hurston, Zora Neale, 442
Hutchins, Phil, 357–358, 533–534n. 16
Imperiale, Anthony, 307–308, 358–362, 371, 529n. 6
Isaacs, Harold, 375
Jaaber, Haij Heesham, 310
Jackson, George, 327
Jackson, Jesse, 382, 384, 403, 543n. 15
Jackson, Mae, 191
James, C. L. R., 378
James, Sharpe, 372
Joans, Ted, 38–39
Johnson, Abby and Ronald, 202
Johnson, Charles, novelist, 221, 482n. 11
Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, sociologist, 211
Johnson, John H., 214–215
Johnson, Lyndon, 402–403, 468–469
Jones, Hettie Cohen, 294, 490n. 3, 502n. 16, 503nn. 27, 28
Karenga, Maulana, 241, 251, 327, 357–358, 367, 379, 381, 384, 403, 475–478, 526n. 65, 527n. 73, 539n. 29
on Black Aesthetic, 194–196, 206
at National Conference on Black Power, 303–306
as theorist of black cultural nationalism, 310–318, 322–324, 425–429
conflict with Black Panthers, 318–321, 527–528n. 82
sexism of, 336–343
Kaufman, Bob, 227
Kawaida, 167, 182, 314, 424–425
Nugzo Saba, 314
Kawaida Towers, 371–372
Kent, George, 195–196
Kenyatta, Jomo, 377
Kerner Commission, 296
Kerouac, Jack, 34–37, 52, 227, 487n. 58, 488n. 68
Killens, John Oliver, 127, 130
Kilson, Martin, 6, 165–169, 179, 201, 312, 502n. 8, 525–526n. 60
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 62–63, 180–182, 252–253, 306, 327–328, 436–437
“King of the East Village” (Isabel Eberstadt), 131
Krim, Seymour, 41–42
Kwanzaa, 315
Lacey, Henry, 272
Lee, Leo Ou-fan, 432–433
Lenin, Vladimir, 425–427
Lentricchia, Frank, 472–473
Liberator (magazine), 214
Little Rock Crisis, 374
Loewinsohn, Ron, 52
Lorde, Audre, 191
Llorens, David, 367
Lu Hsun (Lu Xun), 432–433, 546–547n. 30, 547n. 31
Lumumba, Patrice, 375–376, 536n. 10, 536–537n. 11, 537n. 12
Madhubuti, Haki (Don L. Lee), 191, 206, 215, 389, 545n. 11
Major, Clarence, 202
Malcolm X, 62, 111–112, 152–155, 181, 252–253, 280–281, 310, 315, 322, 327– 330, 339, 381, 435–437, 503nn. 29, 31, 505n. 51
Marable, Manning, 376–377, 381, 392–393
Marshall, Paule, 127
Marshall, Thurgood, 403, 535n. 2
Marvin X, 293
Mayfield, Julian, 52, 491n. 29
McKissick, Floyd, 403
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 181
Moore, Douglas, 412
Moses, Gilbert, 271
Moynihan Report, 341–342
Muhammad, Elijah, 322–323, 328–329, 339, 437. See also Nation of Islam
Murray, Albert, 201
Mwanamke Mwananchi, 341
Nash, Diane, 325
Nation of Islam, 251–252, 280–281, 316–317, 328–329, 518n. 49
National Black Political Convention, Gary, Indiana, 235, 401–419, 542n. 4, 544n. 30
National Black Political Agenda, 406–410, 413, 416
National Black Political Assembly, 542n. 4
National Black Political Convention, Little Rock, 1974, 417–418
Neal, Larry, 177–178, 203–206, 216
Negritude, 378
Newark Community Union Project (NCUP), 307–308
Newark Politics, 348–356
Gibson campaign, 360–363
Gibson mayoralty, 363–367, 373
Kawaida Towers, 371–372. See also Committee for Unified Newark (CFUN)
Newfield, Jack, 129–131
Newhouse, Richard, 408–409
New Jersey National Guard, 296–297, 304
New Lafayette Theater, 344
Newton, Huey, 318–320, 327–330
Nixon, Richard, 254, 402–405, 414–415, 469
Nkrumah, Kwame, 375, 388, 391, 421–422, 426, 540n. 42
Nyerere, Julius, 369, 377, 393–399, 421, 426, 541n. 50
O.B.A.C., 219
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), 156–157, 354–355, 402
Oppenheimer, Joel, 52
Padmore, George, 378
Pan-Africanism, 374–400, 537nn. 14, 18, 19, 538n. 22
and Atlanta Congress, 381–387
Sixth Pan-African Congress, Dar es Salam, 1974, 394–400
Para-intellectuals, 312
Parker, Wilbur, 355
Parks, Rosa, 325
Patterson, Orlando, 10
Peking Review, 444
Perry, D’Arthard, FBI informant, 320
Payne, Ethel, 411
Pierce, Paulette, 409–410, 544n. 26
Pinkney, Alphonso, 386
Podhoretz, Norman, 31–39, 486n. 40, 488n. 69
Poggioli, Renato, 86–87
Poitier, Sidney, 289
Porambo, Ron, 298
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 303–304
Quotable Karenga, The (Clyde Halisi), 313
Randall, Dudley, 204
Randolph, A. Philip, 252–253
Raysor, Roberta, 344
Reagan, Ronald, governor of California, 319
Record Changer, The (magazine), 113
Redden, John, 371
Redding, J. Saunders, 201
Republic of New Africa, 381
Rexroth, Kenneth, 227
Reynolds, Barbara A., 411
“Rituals of rebellion,” 272, 508n. 28
Rivers, Larry, 106, 129, 135, 496n. 50, 500nn. 122, 123
Robnett, Belinda, 325
Rodgers, Carolyn, 191
Rustin, Bayard, 252–254
Sadaukai, Owusu, 418
Said, Edward, 471–472, 552n. 21
Salaam, Kalamu Ya, 421
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 15, 205–206, 222, 483n. 22
Orphee Noir, 17
Savimbi, Jonas, 396–397
Schalk, David, 15–16
Scheler, Max, 186–187
Schneck, Stephen, 139–140
Scott, Nathan, 201
Seale, Bobby, 329–330
Senghor, Leopold, 378, 391, 395
Shepp, Archie, 135–136, 158, 500n. 125
Shriver, Sargent, 159–160
Silberman, Charles, 127–128
Smith, David Lionel, 200–201, 220
Smith, Robert C., 411, 418–419
Social Marginality, 8–9, 210–213
Social Marginality facilitators, 9–10
Socialist Realism, 437–438
Socialist Workers Party, 389
Sollors, Werner, 208–209, 276–277, 495n. 39
Sorrentino, Gilbert, 52
Spingarn, Joel, 349
Spirit House, Newark, 291–292, 299, 310, 316, 356, 362, 367–370
Stalin, Joseph, 430, 438, 462–463
Staples, Robert, 342
Stiner brothers, George and Larry, 320. See also US
Stone, Chuck, 304
Strickland, William, 407–408
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 307
Students for a Democratic Society, 307. See also Hayden, Tom Newark Community Union Project (NCUP)
Sung, Kil Il, 430
Sun Ra, 158
Swearingen, M. Wesley, FBI agent, 320
Tallmer, Jerry, 65
Taubman, Howard, 73
Teer, Barbara Ann, 191
Third World Press, 216
Thomas, Lorenzo, 227
Till, Emmet, 374–375
Toure, Askia, 202
Toure, Sekou, 369, 377, 391–395, 398, 400, 421, 426, 540–541n. 45, 541n. 46
Turner, Irvine I., 351–354, 362
Tuskeegee Institute, 211–212
Umbra Poet’s Workshop, 219
UNITA, 396–397
United Sisters, 356
US, Karenga’s organization, 315–321, 336, 384
Victim Status, 10–13, 63, 551nn. 8, 10, 552n. 11
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 295
Walker, A’Lelia, 211
Walker, David, 439–440
Wallace, George, 402
Walzer, Michael, 475, 552n. 21
War Against the Panthers (Huey Newton), 320
Ward, Douglas Turner, 248
Washington, Booker T., 211–212
Watts riot/rebellion, 295–296, 319
Weaver, Robert, 403
Wechsler, James, 127
Wells-Barnett, Ida, 441
Westbrook, Dennis, 762
Wheatley, Phyllis, 439
Whittemore, L. H., 361–362
Wilkins, Roy, 252–253, 328, 408
Williams, Robert, 52
Williams, Shirley Ann, 191
Williams, William Carlos, 47
Wolfenstein, Eugene Victor, 144–145
Woodson, Carter G., 4, 212–213, 513n. 5
Woody, Bette, 365
Work, Monroe, 212
Wright, Richard, 116–117, 163–164, 198, 205, 379–380, 440–442, 460–461, 470, 474, 482–483n. 17, 539n. 24
Yale University Afro-American Studies Conference, 313
Young, Coleman, 406–407
Young, Whitney, 252–253, 382–385
Zwillman, Abner, 350–351