Chapter 7

Dances With Wolves

I sat straight up in bed, suddenly fully awake. Beast whimpered.

“What is it, boy?”

He whimpered again, not moving from his spot underneath the table.

My heart thudded in my chest, but I didn’t know what had frightened me or roused me from sleep. I blinked at the semidarkness of my room. No one was there. Beast would have gone for any intruder’s ankles, so my chambers were safe. I got up and padded to the window, looking out at the grounds below.

And then I heard it. Aroo!

Gooseflesh broke out all over my arms the wolves responded to their leader.




It sounded like a lot of them. Cursing, I threw on some clothes and dashed to the door. “Be a good boy, Beast. It’ll be okay.” He whined, and I cursed again. Then I picked him up and carried him with me, knowing that I’d feel guilty if I left him alone. “There, there. It’s going to be okay.”

The hall was empty and silent. Expecting that Eve had already gone downstairs, I hustled to join the others. Several armed sentinels waited at the bottom of the stairs. “My lady,” one of them said, “His Highness has asked all of the humans to stay in their rooms.”

Balkyn stalked past. “Then what the bloody hell is he doing?” I hurried past them, following Balkyn down the hall, and the guard groaned.

Let him. I was a member of the royal court, and I needed to know what was going on. “Balkyn, wait up!”

“Hey.” There were dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept since Chase had been captured. “We’re meeting in the conference room.”

“Oh, are we?” I felt indignant, but I decided to calm myself and focus on him. “I’m so sorry about Chase. I hope you’re all right.”

“I’m fine.” A muscle in his jaw jumped.

“If you don’t mind me saying so, you don’t look so fine.”

Balkyn sighed. “She had no business coming here. Things are complicated enough, and Chase is difficult. That’s an understatement, actually. She’s impossible.”

I nodded. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

He smiled at me. “I’m afraid not. I just need some time, I expect. Once Austin questions her, he’ll decide what to do. I refuse to accept responsibility for her or her actions. Whatever happens is up to fate. I’m sure it sounds terrible, but she’s made her own bed.”

“It doesn’t sound terrible.” Hopping from Balkyn’s bed to his best friend’s did sound terrible, but I deemed it unwise to mention that. “Did you hear the howls?” I asked just as we were about to duck into the conference room.

“I did. Have you seen them before—the wolves?”

“Yes.” I took a deep breath. “They’re werewolves.”

His eyes darkened, his mouth set in a grim line. “I know.”

“You do? I didn’t believe it until I saw it for myself.”

Balkyn nodded. “Me too. And then I wanted to unsee it forever. They’re a rather rabid group.”

I nodded, clutching Beast against my chest. “They’re not my favorites.”

Austin’s eyes blazed when he saw me enter room, but to his credit, he kept his mouth shut. Eve, Lucas, Lord Bryson, and a dozen sentinels were already seated around the table. I took a seat, scratching Beast’s head so he wouldn’t make a fuss and interrupt.

Lord Bryson peered down the table at me. “Your Highness, is that a gnome on Lady Kensington’s lap?”

“Yes.” Austin cleared his throat.

Am I imagining it, or are his cheeks turning pink?

The lord looked taken aback. “Well, I never—”

“It’s Lady Kensington’s pet. I heard Ambassador Layne wants one as well.” Austin looked cheered as he announced this.

“It’s unheard of!” Lord Bryson sputtered.

“Yeah, well, now you’ve heard it. Let’s move on to other beasts. The werewolves are in the forest. You all heard them. My scouts confirm that there are at least ten of them. The rest must be waiting for instructions before they return.”

Everyone started talking at once. Austin shushed them then continued. “After what happened a few weeks ago, our objective is clear. We fight to the death. No members of their pack are allowed to leave these lands alive.”

Again, the table erupted into worried talk. “Enough, that’s enough!” Austin hit his hand against the table until the others stopped. “I understand that we had an arrangement with them as well as a longstanding, if strained, peace. But that’s changed.”

Lucas leaned forward. “Your Highness. May I speak?” When the prince nodded, Lucas continued. “We need to consider the bigger picture. Our relationship with the wolves is not the only thing that’s changed. There are two humans at our table.” He motioned toward Balkyn and me.

Austin bristled. “I asked them to be here. Do you have some sort of problem with that?”

“Not at all, Your Highness,” Lucas said quickly. “My point is, the dynamics of our alliances are changing. Do you think it’s wise to try to talk to the wolves first? If they know that the rebels are planning an attack, they might revise their plans.”

Austin rubbed his chin. “I’ve thought of it, of course. But Rhys, their leader, kidnapped Lady Kensington in an attempt to bend me to his will. I will not forgive or forget. In light of his actions, I also don’t think I could ever trust him again.”

“My lord”—Eve nodded—“I think that Lucas has a good point. I was here when the werewolves moved against us, and I have no love for the beasts, only contempt. But the more allies we can garner at the moment, the greater chance we have against the rebels when they strike.”

Everyone started talking again, and for the moment, Austin let them. He stared at the map in the middle of the table, lost in thought. When the conversation subsided, all eyes returned to the prince. “I vowed to take revenge against them, and I never back down from a vow. But you’re correct, Lucas and Lady Eve. The more numbers we have, the better chance we have of keeping the rebels at bay. My vow has no expiration date, I suppose.”

I shivered, remembering how Abigor’s heart had exploded when the wolf killed him. The idea of Austin fighting Rhys and the others frightened me. I filed his vow away as something to talk to him about later. Maybe, just this once, he could alter his plans…

“I’m taking a team into the woods to meet with them. Lady Eve, I’d like you to accompany me. Blake, you need to stay on the premises. I will assign a guard to watch you. Everyone else, to your posts.” Austin nodded, dismissing us. “Balkyn, a word. Blake, you can stay for this, too.”

The others left, and Austin sighed. “I spoke to the prisoner. She was not very forthcoming—or polite, for that matter.”

Balkyn scrubbed a hand across his face. “Chase has a very specific world view.”

“She spat at me.” Austin chuckled. “You have to admire her spirit, if nothing else.”

“What would you like me to do?” Balkyn asked.

“I want you to talk to her—lie if necessary—and get her to believe you’re still sympathetic to the rebels. If she will only speak to humans, then you and Blake will act as her liaisons. Blake, I would like you to accompany Balkyn to the dungeon to interview the prisoner. Find out what she knows. Balkyn, if Blake is harmed in any way, I will have your head, my friend.”

“You have my word. I will protect her, Your Highness.” Balkyn smiled, but his face still looked drawn.

Austin studied him. “Did this woman…did she pull some sort of horror show? You’ve got that look.”

“She left me for my best friend.”

The prince nodded. “Yes, well, that’ll do it. Let me know how it goes.”

Balkyn stood and bowed, but I frowned at Austin. “Are you sending me to do this so that I won’t ask to go with you to see the werewolves?”

“I’m sending you to do this because you are human and because you have a kind face.” He sighed. “Perhaps the prisoner will take a liking to you.”

I frowned some more. “I highly doubt—”

“Your Highness!” A winded-looking sentinel burst through the door. “We’ve word from the scouts on the road. The rebels are coming. They’ve made camp miles from here, but it’s confirmed. They are on their way.”

Austin clenched his fists and muttered some curse words I’d never heard before. He looked at the guard. “Tell the others to assemble. I’m going to talk to the wolves and see what they’ll agree to. Then we prepare to fight.” Lost in his own thoughts, he started stalking toward the door.

I jumped in his path. “Not so fast!”

“Blake.” His face softened. “I have to go.”

“You have to stay safe.”

“Yes, of course.” He grabbed my hands and briefly kissed me. When he pulled away, his face was grim. “Stay with your guard at all times. That’s an order, my lady.”

I wanted to argue, but I kissed him again, instead. “I have an order for you, my lord.”

The dark cloud evaporated from his face, and he smiled. “I am all ears.”

“Come back to me.”

He bowed. “I will always come back to you.” With another quick kiss, he was gone, his dark cape sailing behind him.

My only comfort was that Austin always kept his word.

He would come back to me. He’d promised.