No book is brought into creation alone. I’d like to thank the team at Entangled Publishing, including but not limited to: Alethea Spiridon, Holly Bryant-Simpson, Heidi Stryker, Anita Orr, and Liz Pelletier. Without you, this book would never have been written, let alone polished with such panache.
Thank you to my #FebWritingChallenge family for all the encouragement and support while I was writing and editing this book.
I can’t say thank you enough to Krys Branchaud and Kim Malboeuf for putting up with my endless moaning and groaning, enduring my chatter about my wacky characters, and helping me to bounce ideas when I got stuck. You’re the best!
Last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to Mom, Dad, and my sister Sam for always supporting and believing in me, cheering me up when I got discouraged, and looking after my lovable mutt when I spent too much time at the desk. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today (which, right now, is over the moon!).