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Aaronic priesthood, 29, 161–162, 170, 328
AAUP (American Association of University Professors), 235, 238, 374
Abbott, Scott, 236, 364
abortion, 172, 174, 238, 359, 364
Abraham (Biblical patriarch), 285, 286, 288
academicians, 149–150
Achieving a Celestial Marriage (LDS Church), 170, 179
Ad Afros (Athanasius), 317
Adam (Biblical patriarch), 100, 101, 330, 332, 336–337
Adams, Charles Francis, 2
Adams, George, 345 administration. See authority structure
adopted children, 173
adultery, 61, 173
Adventures of a Church Historian (Arrington), 258
Affirmation, 374, 377
Africa: attrition in, 384; baptized Saints in, 107; missionary work deterrents, 57, 95, 97, 221, 387, 388 agriculture, 44–45, 49, 50, 52, 121, 124–125
Ainge, Danny, 145
Alaska Family Coalition, 176 alcohol, xvi, xxv, 109, 179, 180–182
Alexander, Thomas G., 311, 330
Alger, Fanny, 60, 61
All Abraham’s Children (Mauss), 106
“All Is Not Well in Zion” (speech; Toscano), 363
Allen, James B., 259
Allred, Janice, 365, 371
Altmann’s Tongue (Evenson), 238
America as sacred, xviii–xix, 92, 143, 385
American Apocrypha (Murphy), 280
American Indians. See Native Americans
Americana (magazine), 91
America’s Saints (Gottlieb/Wiley), 119
“ancient scripture,” 266
Anderson, Jack, 381
Anderson, Lavina Fielding, 357–361, 365, 368, 371, 372
Anderson, Vern, 173
Angel and the Beehive (Mauss), 390
angels, 336
Angels in America (play; Kushner), 114
antagonists, 351–356
Anthon, Charles, 26
anti-Mormonism, 35, 57, 79, 115; in the media, xiv, xx; in Missouri, 3–4, 6, 32–36; over polygamy, 12–13, 52–53; in pioneer days, 7–8, 12, 13, 16, 38, 54; present-day, 351–354; by religious groups, xv, xxii–xxiii, 353, 354. See also image/public opinion; splinter groups
“apologist,” 264
“apostasy,” 328
apostasy, Christian, 322, 325–328
Are Mormons Christians? (Robinson), 317, 322
Arizona Republic (newspaper), 120, 126
Arrington, Leonard, 35, 36, 51, 54, 83, 97, 127, 138, 180–181, 232, 254, 258–262, 356, 367, 377
Articles of Faith, 286, 330, 332, 336
arts, 150, 225
Assemblies of God, 223, 385–387
assisted suicide, 173
Associated Press, 228, 240
Aston, Duane R., 276
Athanasius (early church father), 317–318
athletes, 144–145
Atiya, Aziz S., 287, 290
Atkinson, Jenny, 373
atonement: Adam’s role in, 336–337; blood atonement, 337–338; Christian doctrine of, 320–321, 330–332, 335–336; Gethsemane as central to, 333–335; neo-orthodoxy views, 329–330
attrition, 220–222, 383–384, 386
Austin, Michael, xxi
authority structure, xix–xx, 157–162, 390–392; continuing revelation, 87–88, 102, 286, 290–294, 391; Hinckley’s managerial strategy, 154–155, 158; Twelve Apostles, 42, 84, 155 158, 342, 344, 376. See also First Presidency; General Authorities
authors, 146–148
Avard, Sampson, 34
Avenging Angels (Danites), xxi–xxii, 12, 14, 34
Avery, Valeen Tippetts, 68–69, 256
Awakening Heart, The (Eadie), 147
B. H. Roberts Society, 255
Bagley, Will, 55
Baird, Coleen, 190
Ballard, M. Russell, 338, 375
baptism, 327, 387; Christians on, 323, 324, 328; proxy, 9, 11, 167, 192–195, 293
Barlow, Philip, 297, 299, 301, 309, 312, 316, 318, 322, 371
Barr, Roseanne, 147
Barrett, David B., 222–223
Barrett, Michael, 365
Bat Creek case, 278–279
Bateman, Merrill, 97, 107, 183, 226, 227, 236, 239
Bates, Irene, 363
Baylor University survey, 240
Beason, Davis v., 79
beauty queens, 150
Beck, Glenn, 149
Beckham, Ray, 177–178
Beehive House, 245 beehive symbolism, 46, 198
Bennett, Grant, 190
Bennett, John Cook, 7, 12–14, 65, 66, 68, 229 Bennett, Robert, 122, 138–139, 150 Bennett, Wallace F., 110, 138
Benson, Ezra Taft, 95, 99, 110–112, 141, 156, 165, 172–173, 235, 236, 253–254, 260, 333–334, 357, 375, 389, 391
Benson, Reed, 110
Benson, Steve, 156, 363
Berry, James H., 87
Bertoch, Bradley, 129
Bible: Joseph Smith on Genesis, 295, 296, 310; Joseph Smith Translation, 29, 266, 294–296, 298–299, 304; LDS edition, 296–298; as open canon, 286, 323; relation to the Book of Mormon, 2, 27–28, 272–273, 294–295; supporting Church doctrine, 66, 67, 185, 191–192, 200, 303; used in proselytizing, 217, 294, 297–298
Biblical Archaeology Review (magazine), 279
Bickerton, William, 344
Bickertonites, 342, 344
Bidamon, Emma. See Smith, Emma “Big Love” (television series), 76 bigamy, 66, 70, 79
Bigelow, Jeremiah, 218
Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith (Smith), 23–24, 254
birth control, 99, 172–173, 359, 375
“bishop,” 159
“Bishop’s Storehouse,” 116–117, 130, 292
Bitton, Davis, 35, 36, 54, 127, 245, 259, 262
Black and Mormon (Smith), 107
blacks, 101, 104–108, 214–215, 355, 388. See also priesthood ban; racial issues blessings, 162, 202, 203, 373
Blomberg, Craig L., 319, 320
Blood of the Prophets (Bagley), 55
Bloom, Harold, 27, 266
Bloomberg poll, xiv
Boggs, Lilburn, 3, 34, 246
Bonneville International Corporation, 125
Book of Abraham: authenticity of, 277, 286–290; Church doctrine in, 100, 102, 311; Mormon views of, 31, 289; papyri as source, 285, 287
“Book of Immanuel David Isaiah” (manuscript; Mitchell), 75
Book of Mormon, 248, 335, 349, 354, 357; antiquity of, 236, 237, 273–274, 364; apologetics, 264–269, 274, 281–282; battle of Hill Cumorah, 276–277; and the Bible, 2, 27–28, 272–273, 294–295; changes in, 354, 417; on Christian apostasy, 251, 327–328; Hebrew-Native American link, 28–29, 274, 278–282; Mesoamerica ties, 274–276; multiple authors, 279–280; present-day believers on, 142–145, 282–283, 379; prophet/fraud dichotomy, 266–271; racial issue in, 99–100; revelation of the, xix, 2, 24–28, 245, 279, 289; Smithsonian Institution’s response to, 265–266; source proof, 264, 265, 275, 277–279; Witnesses to, 271–272
Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited (FARMS), 279
Book of the Dead (Egyptian), 287
Born That Way? (Eldridge), 374
Boston Globe (newspaper), 135, 175
Boston Herald (newspaper), 135
Boston temple, 188–191
Boy Scouts of America, 103, 176, 186 Bradley, Martha Sonntag, 364
Brady, Rodney H., 124 “branches,” 159
Brazil, 95, 96, 98, 107, 383–384 “Bride and Lamb’s Life,” 346
Brigham Young University (BYU), 226–228, 230, 240–241; academic freedom, 234–235, 239, 240, 255, 274; censure of, 103, 235, 237, 238; Church control, 127, 227, 373–374; faculty, 214, 226, 235–240; Maxwel Institute, 280; students, 106, 224–226, 228
Brigham Young University-Hawaii (BYUH), 126, 230
Brigham Young University-Idaho, 149, 230
“Brighamites,” 345, 346
Brodie, Fawn, 58, 256, 262, 269
Brooks, Juanita, 54, 233, 256
Brown, Hugh B., 110
Buchanan, James, 53
Buchanan, Angela “Bay,” 141
Buerger, David John, 197, 199
Bullard, Issac, 21
Burned-Over District (NY), 20–21, 24, 41
Burnett, Stephen, 272
Burns, Tony, 154–155
Burton, H. David, 125, 128
Burying the Past (film), 55
Bush, Lester E., Jr., 368
Bushman, Claudia, 78, 373
Bushman, Richard Lyman, 25, 58–60, 78,
93–94, 203, 263, 270–271, 289
Business Week (magazine), 227
businessmen, 141–144, 381
By the Hand of Mormon (Givens), 280
BYU. See Brigham Young University
BYU Studies (periodical), 181, 255, 258, 282, 377
caffeinated beverages, xxv, 180, 217
Calvinism, xix, 22
Campbell, Alexander, 22, 266
Campbell, Eugene, 255
Campbell, Thomas, 22
Canadian plural marriages, 89, 90
Cannon, Donald Q., 395
Cannon, Joseph, 155
Cannon, Martha Hughes, 78
capital punishment, 337–338
Card, Orson Scott, 135–136, 148
Carn, Daniel, 14
Carthage Grays, 17
Carthage (IL), 2, 17, 18, 243
Case Reports of the Mormon Alliance (Anderson/Allred), 359, 365
Catholic Church, 171, 360, 382, 385; beliefs of, 99, 172, 174, 193, 327, 335, 353, 392; on Mormons, 323–324, 327
Catholic University, 235
cattle ranching, 117, 124
celestial kingdom, 338
celestial marriage, 67, 70, 72, 170–171, 293, 332
Central America, 28, 29, 274, 276, 277, 280
CES (Church Educational System), 226, 230–233, 237, 253, 375–376, 381
Champollion, Jean François, 285
Chandler, Michael, 31, 284, 290
Chandler, Neal, 368–369
chastity, 179, 180, 185
Checketts, David, 143–144, 151
Cherrington, David J., 377
Chicago World’s Fair (1893), xxii–xxiii, 91
Chichen Itza (Mexico), 276
children: abuse of, 56, 75, 374; adopted, 173; importance of having, 172, 331–332; sealings, 171–172, 190; teaching, 182, 392–393 “Children of Zion,” 344 Christensen, Kevin, 299
Christensen, Steven, 257
Christian and Missionary Alliance, 355
“Christian Apologetics” (Lewis), 314
Christianity Today (magazine), xx
Christians/Christianity, 360, 361; apostasy in, xix, 251, 322, 325–328; early Christian fathers, 301, 314–318, 432; Mormon connections to, xvi, 20–23, 28, 31; questioning Mormons’ Christianity, xxv–xxvi, 57, 320, 322–325; theology/beliefs of, 174, 304–307, 310–312, 321. See also Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox church, Protestantism
Christmas Box, The (Evans), 146–147
Chronicle of Philanthropy (newspaper), 184
Church community, 87, 222, 380, 382
Church historian, 243
Church News (newspaper supplement), 100, 369
Church of Christ (Hedrickites; later Temple Lot), 29, 157, 340–342, 344, 351
“Church of Christ” (Rigdonites), 344, 345
Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite), 342, 344
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See LDS Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangites; “The Original”), 342, 345, 346
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints v. the United States, 78–79
Church of Zion (Godbeites), 52
Church Welfare Program (Church Security Program), 109–110
civil rights movement, 103, 111
Civil War prophecy, 293
Clark, J. Reuben, 102, 112, 232
Clark, J. Reuben, Jr., 256
Clark, Kim B., 149–150, 230
Clawson, Rudger Judd, 81
Clayton, William, xxiii
Cleveland, Grover, 83
Cleveland, Sarah, 68
Clinton, Bill, 139
clothing, ceremonial/sacred, 184–185, 189–191, 195
Coe, Michael D., 275, 278
Collier’s (magazine), 90
Columbia Journalism Review (periodical), 143 commodity production, 117, 124–125, 131, 132
communion, 181, 200–203
Communism, 110–112
Community of Christ (formerly RLDS), 268, 340–342, 345–351, 392; naming, xi, 350; property, xviii, 1, 30–31, 191, 244–245, 340
Comprehensive History of the Church (Roberts), 91
Compton, Todd, 58, 59
Comstock, Sarah, 90 conscientious objection, 112 conspiracy theory, 119
Constitution, U.S., 92–93, 292, 385
continuing revelation, 87–88, 102, 286, 290–294, 391
cooperatives, 32, 33, 46, 50–52, 55, 82
Cornwall, Marie, 374
Correlation Committee, 181, 251, 372
Cosmopolitan (magazine), 90
Council of Fifty, 3, 13–16
Covey, Stephen R., 146
Cowdery, Oliver, 25–27, 29, 34, 61, 65, 271, 281, 285, 290, 342–343, 345
Cowley, Matthias F., 73, 89, 90
Cox, Paul, 133
Crapo, Michael, 139
creation, 11, 285, 304, 305–306, 336
cult image, xx–xxii, 382
Cumming, Alfred, 53, 54
Cumorah–Where? (Ferguson), 277 Curran, Charles, 235
Cutler, Alpheus, 344, 345
Cutlerites, 342, 345
Da Vinci Code (Brown), 326
Daily Universe, The (newspaper), 236 Dallin, Cyrus, 189
Danites (Avenging Angels), xxi–xxii, 12, 14, 34
dating, 173, 185, 211
Davis v. Beason, 79
De Decretis (Athanasius), 318
death rate, 180
Decker, Ed, 353–354
deification, 302, 395, 432; C. S. Lewis on, 312–314, 316, 318; early Christian fathers supporting, 314–318, 432; Eastern Orthodox supporting, 300–301, 315–316, 318. See also exaltation
Democratic party, 83–84
Democratization of American Christianity, The (Hatch), 22
Denniston family profile, 168–169 Denver temple, 188
“Deseret,” 46
Deseret Book, xvi, 179, 313
Deseret Industries, 116–117
Deseret Management Corporation, 124–126
Deseret Morning News (newspaper), 52, 71, 74, 83, 90, 115, 125, 144, 167, 174, 204, 235, 250, 272, 356
Details (magazine), 148
Devéria, Théodule, 286, 287
Dew, Sheri L., 174
Dialogue (journal), 197, 232, 269, 278, 280, 287–290, 358, 360, 363, 367–369, 377, 391
diaries, 242–243
Dickson family profile, 164–167
Different Jesus, A (Millet), 321
Differing Visions (Launius/Thatcher), 377
Directory of Cult Research Organizations (Tolbert/Pement), 353
disaster preparedness, xvi, 177–180
dissenters and exiles: excommunication of, 364–365; feminists, 371–374; gay and lesbian movement, 363, 374–375; intellectuals, 358–359; internal discipline of, 360–361, 366–367; Joseph Smith as, 377; LDS authority over, 375–378; in media and events, 359, 360, 367–370; profiles on, 359–360, 390; “September Six,” 361–364, 376, 380; website for recovering, 353
divorce, 59, 171–172, 369
doctrine. See theology
Doctrine and Covenants (D&C): beliefs in, 29, 97, 104, 105, 171; composition, 179–181, 191, 258, 293, 295, 326; continuing revelation, 253, 290–294; governance/lifestyle matters, 113, 251; plural marriage, 61, 69, 73, 88; role in history, 9–10, 31, 292–293; Second Coming, 30, 93
Douglas, Stephen, 389
Dow, Lorenzo, 21, 42
Doyle, Arthur Conan, xxi–xxii, 85
drug abuse, 179
Dubois, Frederick T., 79
Dunn, Charles, 137
Durham, G. Homer, 260, 261
Durham, Reed C., Jr., 197
Eadie, Betty J., 147
Eastern Europe, 194
Eastern Orthodox church, 300–301, 315–316, 318
economics. See finances/economics Economist (magazine), xiv
Edmunds Act of 1882, 71, 77, 79
Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1887, 72, 77–80, 82 education, 228–230; CES, 226, 230–233, 237, 253, 375–376, 381; institute program, 230–234; J. Reuben Clark Law School, 227; “School of Family Life,” 174; School of the Prophets, 31, 50–51; seminary program, 230, 231; sensitive historical matters, 233–234, 253. See also Brigham Young University (BYU)
Edwards, I. E. S., 288
Egan, Timothy, 75
Egyptian mummies, 2, 31, 284, 287, 290 Ehat, Andrew, 355–356
Eight Witnesses, 271, 272
Eliot, T. S., 253
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 95, 110–111
Embraced by the Light (Eadie), 147 Embry, Jessie L., 104, 106
Emigration Canyon, 46, 244
Encyclopedia of American Religions (Melton), 74–75, 342
Encyclopedia of Mormonism (Ludlow), 58, 67–68, 74, 173, 182, 192, 305, 331, 333, 336–338, 342, 377
end-of-life decisions, 173
endowment rites, 10, 68, 190, 192, 195–199, 234
England, Eugene, 106, 273, 307, 319, 320–321, 367, 377–378
English converts, 4–5, 9, 162
Ensign (magazine), 171, 174, 175, 178–179, 182, 205, 257, 315, 359, 369
Epperson, Steven, 183, 364
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 174–175, 371, 372
Esquire (magazine), 119, 120
“eternal marriage,” 87
European converts, 5, 46–47, 90
euthanasia, 173
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), 121, 127, 132, 382
Evangelicals, 113–114, 179, 392; as “anti-Mormons,” 353, 354; concerns over Romney, 135–137; views of Mormon theology, xv, xxv, 319–324
Evans, Richard Paul, 146–147
Evans, William, 105
Eve, xviii, 252, 332, 336, 337
Evenden, Michael, 114
Evenson, Brian, 238, 364
Everybody’s Magazine, 91
evil, 306, 307, 314
evolution, 235, 367
ex-Mormons. See dissenters and exiles
exaltation: Joseph Smith on, 11; marriage central to, 170–171, 331–332; missionaries teaching on, 217–218; theology behind, 301–302, 312, 338. See also deification
Exponent II (newspaper), 373–374, 377
Eyre, Richard and Linda, 146
faith, 335–336 “faithful history,” 254, 255
Falwell, Jerry, xv
family: Dickson profile, 164–169; disaster preparedness for, 179; eternal significance of, 169, 170; marriage and the, 170–173; sealing rituals, 39; single parents, 173; threats to, 57, 70, 174–176; tradition of large, 172–173. See also children
Family History Library, 194
Family Home Evening, 186–187
Fancher wagon train, 54
Fantasia (film), 199
FARMS (Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies), 265, 275–277, 279–282, 299, 330
FARMS Review (FARMS), 277 Farnsworth, Philo, 133
Farr, Cecilia Konchar, 238, 364
fast offerings, xxv, 131, 182, 200, 392
Faust, James E., 376
feminism/feminists: complaints with LDS system, 353, 373; disciplinary action over, 236, 238, 359, 365; Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 174–175, 371, 372; Exponent II, 373–374; as threat, 301, 362, 371, 381, 389
Ferguson, Thomas Stuart, 276–277, 287 finances/economics: asset allocation, 127–128; Church’s holding/net worth, xvii, 117–119, 124–127, 403–408, 419; cooperatives, 32, 33, 46, 50–52, 55, 82; early 1900s, 81–83; emphasis on self-reliance, 122–123, 185; exponential growth, 121–124, 128–129, 383; Mormon businessmen, 141–144; non-Mormon humanitarian aid, 131–132; redistribution of wealth, 30; secrecy around, 118–121; seizure by the federal government, 72, 77, 78, 80–81; welfare system, 116–117 129–131
fine arts, 150
Finney, Charles G., 21 “Fireside,” 186, 232
First Amendment rights, 71, 79
First Presidency, xix, 155, 158–160, 256; affirmation of revelations, 290, 292; on BYU board, 227, 229; on childbirth/abortion, 172, 173; control of Church history/theology, 246, 259, 261, 311, 332; disciplinary action/ censorship, 360, 369, 376; discouraging foreign immigration, 82; on homosexuality, 176; on polygamy, 73, 74; on priesthood ban, 98–99, 102, 104, 105, 192–193; on role of women, 372, 373; stand on U.S. politics, 111, 112
First Things (magazine), 324
First Vision: canonization of, 24, 286, 310–311, 411; Christian church apostasy in, 325, 328; influences on, 23, 271; Sacred Grove site, 244
Flanders, Robert Bruce, 6–9, 13
food reserves, 116–117, 128, 178–179
Foote, Artemisia S. Myers, 35
Forbes (magazine), 142
Ford, Thomas, 16–17, 39 forgeries of historical documents, 257–258 former Soviet Union, 109, 387
Fortune (magazine), 142
Foster, Lawrence, 59, 60, 269, 355, 356 Foster, Robert D., 14–16
Foundation for Research on Ancient America (FRAA), 349
free will, 332
Freston, David, 207–214
Friberg, Arnold, 276
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 57, 71, 74, 76, 87, 90
Fundamentalist Protestants, 320, 353
future outlook: advantages over other faiths, 392–393; appealing to indigenous peoples, 387–388; feminist movement, 381; growth predications/statistics, xvii, 381, 383–387, 394; qualities attracting current converts, 379–380, 382; serving the membership, 383–384, 386, 390–392; successor to Hinckley, 388–390, 438–439
Galland, Issac, 4
Gallup Poll, xiv
Garden of Eden, xviii, 30, 292, 336
Garden of Gethsemane, 333–334
gay and lesbian movement, see homosexuals genealogical archives, xxiv, 103, 193–194
General Authorities, 158, 162, 380; discipline/ censoring by, 361, 368; missionary strategies, 219, 220; on role of women, 373
General Conference, 42, 44, 80, 88, 204
General Handbook of Instructions (LDS), xx, 169, 172, 173, 214, 356, 366–367, 370, 376
“Gentiles,” 79, 114
Gethsemane, 333–334
Gibbons, Jim, 140
Gibbons, Tryon, 219
Gileadi, Avraham, 361–362
Givens, Terryl L., 280
Gladwell, Dennis, 104, 105
Go Forward with Faith (Dew), 174
God: Adam as, 252, 337; creation as organization, 285, 304, 395; dark skin curse, 28, 100–104; LDS Church on, 10, 301–303; as married, 164, 170, 238, 324, 332; missionaries on, 217; origin of, 300–301, 308; physical body, 10–11, 303, 306–307, 311–312, 324, 328; president as spokesman, 152. See also deification; plurality of gods, Appendix A, Trinity
God as an exalted man: Biblical descriptions, 303, 304; core beliefs supporting, 304–305; as dividing point, 301, 302, 328; Hinckley on, 429–430; Jesus’ incarnation nonunique event, 303–304; nature of, 307–310; and the problem of evil, 305–307; proclaimed by Joseph Smith, 10–11, 24, 303, 321, 395–402
Godbeite heresy, 52
gold plates of Moroni, 24–26, 272, 273
gold rush, 50
Goodyear, Miles, 49
Gordon, Cyrus, 279
Gordon, Sarah Barringer, 71
Gore, Al, 112, 138, 153
Gottlieb, Robert, 119
Graham, Billy, 21, 153, 208
Graham, Bob, 141
Grammar (Seixas), 296
Grandin, E. B., 27
Grant, Heber J., 89, 110, 156, 199, 252
Gray, Campbell, 225
Great Apostasy, 251, 325, 326
Great Basin Kingdom (Arrington), 51, 83, 181, 258, 259
Great Move, 53–54
Greek philosophers, 321
Greeley, Horace, 58
Gritz, James “Bo,” 364
Groothuis, Douglas, 147
Groves, Lucy, 45 growth: predications/statistics on, xvii, 381, 383–387, 394; response to, 154, 390–391; under Young, 55
Gwynne, S. C., ix–x, 123, 403–408
Hafen, Bruce, 228
Haight, David B., 98–99
Hajicek, John, 342
Hale, Emma. See Smith, Emma
Hale, Issac, 25–26, 270, 352
Handbook of Instruction. See General Handbook of Instructions
handcarts, 47–48
Hanks, Maxine, 362, 371
Hansen, Klaus, J., 80, 289–290
Hardy, B. Carmon, 70, 72, 85, 86, 89, 90
Harris, Lucy, 26, 27
Harris, Martin, 25–27, 244, 271–272, 345, 346, 354
Hart, Philip, 134
Hartley, William G., 246
Hatch, Nathan O., 21, 22
Hatch, Orrin, xiii, 138, 139, 371
Haun’s Mill Massacre, 34–36, 54, 233
Hawaii Reserves, 126
Hawkins, Carol Lee, 374
Hawkins, Paula, 140–141
healthy lifestyle, 179–182
Heaton, Tim B., 384
heaven, 338
Hedrick, Granville, 341
Hedrickites (Church of Christ), 29, 157, 340–342, 344, 351
Heinerman, John, 119, 120
Hendrick, Burton, 90
Hendricks, Todd, 239
“henotheism,” 310
Hewitt, Hugh, 96, 136
Hill Cumorah, 187, 244, 247–248, 250, 274–276
Hills, Louis E., 275
Hinckley, Gordon B.: on Christianity, 328–329, 339; Church holdings under, 122, 128–129; expansion under, 20, 191, 362, 382–383, 386; managerial strategy, 154–155, 158; popularity of, 153, 354, 357; possible successors to, 388–390, 438–439; “Proclamation to the World,” 170; public relations work, 91, 104–108, 257, 385, 393; rise to power, 156; role as president, 55, 88, 152, 205, 260–262, 268; role as prophet, 88, 94, 142, 151–154, 268; stands on Church beliefs/issues, 91, 93, 99, 173, 238–239, 269, 301, 362, 371; on things secular, 112, 141, 174–175; Truth Restored, 165
His Progenitors for Many Generations (Pratt), 254
historic sites, 244–245
history: celebrations/pageants, 44, 243, 246, 247–249, 385, 388; courses on Church, 233; “faithful history,” 254–255, 292, 424; individual journal keeping, 242–243, 292; LDS proprietary hold on, 254–256, 260–261; maintained in historic sites, 243–245; Mormon History Association, 138, 255; official Church historian, 243, 292; reinterpreting, 250–253; ritualization of, 245–247; role of American myth in, xviii–xix; as theology, 249–251, 292; treatment of Joseph Smith, 246–247, 262–263
History of Freemasonry (Gould), 198
History of the Saints, The (Bennett), 12
Hofmann, Mark, 256–258, 346, 354
Holland, Jeffrey, 138
Holocaust, 193
Homer, Michael W., 197
homosexuals: Affirmation support group, 374, 377; gay and lesbian movement, 363, 371, 374; grievances against LDS Church, 359, 374–375; ordination for, 350–351; same-sex marriage, 146, 174–176, 239
Hopko, Thomas, 300–301, 318
“A House, 10 Wives” (article), 75
Houston, Gail Turley, 238, 364, 371
How Wide the Divide? (Robinson), 317, 319, 320
Howard, Richard P., 347–348
Howe, Eber D., 293, 352
Howells, Patty, 202
Hughes, John, 125 human souls, 68, 102, 169, 285, 331
humanitarian aid, 131–132, 144, 145, 329
Humanitarian Sort Center, 131
Hunter, Howard W., 156, 259
Huntsman, Jon Jr. (governor), 140
Huntsman, Jon M., Sr., 142–143, 212
Hurlbut, D. P., 352
Idaho antipolygamy oaths, 79
Idaho Falls Post Register (newspaper), 119
image/public opinion: as cultish, xx–xxii, 382; disaster preparedness on, 177–179; of disciplined lifestyle, 179–184; of Hinckley, 153; impressiveness of Nauvoo, 2; as model minority, xxiv; modern-day, xiv–xv, xx, xxiv, 114–115; Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s impact on, xxii–xxiii; Mormons as Christians, 338–339; Mountain Meadows Massacre, 54; outcry over proxy baptism, 193; as “peculiar people,” 36–37, 150; polygamous history on, 57, 72, 75–76, 89–91; “predicament of respectability,” 390–391; public relations website, 338
immigration, 46–47, 82. See also Utah exodus
Improvement Era (magazine), 91, 287, 375
In Sacred Loneliness (Compton), 58
incest, 75
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan (Stephens), 274
Independence (MO), xviii, 30, 244, 292, 340–342
Insider’s View of Mormon Origins, An (Palmer), 365
Institute for Jewish and Community Research, xiv
institute program, 230–234
Intellectual Reserve Inc., 356 intellectuals, 358–359, 371, 381, 389, 390 intermarriage, 100, 102 “Invisible Empire, An” (article; Kaye), 119 Irenaeus (early church father), 318 Islam, 67, 267, 271, 324
Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Mexico), 275 Istook, Ernest, 114
Ivins, Anthony W., 89
Ivins, Stanley, 58
J. Reuben Clark Law School, 227
“Jack Mormons,” 367, 379
Jackson, A. David, 104–106
Jackson, Phil, xxi
Jacobs, Henry, 59–60
Jacobs, Zina Huntington, 59–60
Jaredites, 28, 274, 276, 277
Jeffs, Warren, 76
Jehovah’s Presbytery of Zion, 345
Jehovah’s Witnesses, xx, 382, 386
Jennings, William, 51
Jensen, Marlin K., 105, 112
Jessee, Dean, 181
Jesus Christ, xviii, xix, 2, 143, 271, 272, 277, 303–304, 311, 323–326, 331, 336, 426. See also Second Coming
Jews/Hebrews, 31, 113, 193, 289; linked to the Lamanites, xix, 28–29, 274, 278–281
John Birch Society, 110–111, 235
John the Baptist, 29, 161
John Whitmer Historical Association, 255
Johnson, Almera, 67
Johnson, Benjamin, 67
Johnson, G. Wesley, 367
Johnson, Lyman E., 272
Johnson, Marinda Nancy, 60
Johnson, Sonia, 371–372, 374
Jones, Steven, 240
Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History, 261
Joseph Smith (Bushman), 58, 263, 289
Joseph Smith (Vogel), 262
Journal of Discourses (periodical), 250, 396
Journal of the Book of Mormon Studies (FARMS), 277
journal writing, 242–243
Kane, Thomas L., 19
Kaye, Jeffrey, 119
Kearny, Stephen W., 43
Kelley, Dean, xxv
Kennedy, David M., 108–109, 141
Kennedy, Edward (Ted), 134–135
Kennedy, John F., xiv, 111, 133, 135, 140, 367
Kennedy, Joseph, 134–135
Kenney, Scott, 363, 368
Kimball, Heber C., 1, 62, 64, 67, 198, 262
Kimball, Helen Mar, 62–64
Kimball, Spencer W., 95–100, 103, 108, 152, 156, 171, 173, 175, 290
Kimball, Vilate, 62
Kimbler, Dan, 248
King, William H., 85
“King Follett Discourse” (sermon; Smith), 10–11, 15, 395–396; God in, 296, 300–301, 303, 308, 321; text of, 395–402 Kingsbury, Joseph C., 64
Kirn, Walter, 114
Kirtland (OH), 29–32, 60, 61, 284
Kirtland (OH) temple, 30–31, 191, 244–245
Kirtland’s School of the Prophets, 229
Knight, Gladys, 148–149
Knight, Newell, 61
Knowlton, David, 364, 369
Krakauer, Jon, 76
Kushner, Tony, 114
Laake, Deborah, 363, 371
Lamanites, xix, 28, 99–100, 274
Larry King Live (television show), xx, 88 Larson, Charles, 325
Larson, Clinton F., 258
Larson, Kent, 141
Larson, Stan, 272–273, 289, 299
Las Vegas Review-Journal (newspaper), 138
Last Days, The (Gileadi), 361
Last Days, The (Peterson), 93
Last Promise, The (Evans), 147
Latter-Day Christianity (booklet; Millet/Reynolds), 322
Launius, Roger D., 350, 377
Law, Jane, 15
Law, William, 8, 14–16, 64, 68, 343
Law, Wilson, 15
“Law of Consecration,” 30, 32, 183
Law of the Harvest, The (Stewart), 386
Lawrence, Maria, 64, 68
Lawrence, Sarah, 64, 68
LDS Church: abuse of power, 359, 365; Articles of Faith, 286, 330, 332, 336; attacked by anti-Mormons, 351–354; censorship practices, 259–261; Church Almanac, 382; Church president, 72, 375; as command center, xix, 390–391; compared to Temple Lot and RLDS, 341, 351; Correlation Committee, 181, 251, 372; dissolved by the federal government, 72, 77; Gospel Principles,
331, 334; Intellectual Reserve Inc., 356;
LDS Bible, 296–298; nonparticipation in interfaith/ministerial organizations, 329; presence in Independence (MO), 340; stand on polygamy, 56–57, 61, 70–74, 76, 88, 205; Strengthening Church Members Committee, 261, 360; on teachings/writings of Joseph Smith, 10, 27, 28, 31, 268–269, 288–290. See also authority structure; finances/economics; reorganization
Leavitt, Michael, 114, 140
LeBaron clan, 75
Lee, Ann, 21
Lee, John D., 54, 233
Legacy (film), 76, 246
Leonard, Glen, 259
Leone, Mark P., 253
Letters of Brigham Young to His Sons (Jessee), 181, 182, 259–260
Letters to Malcolm (Lewis), 314
Lewis, Alfred Henry, 90
Lewis, C. S., xvi, 146, 266–267, 312–314, 316, 318, 323, 431–432
Lewis, Cayr, 204
Lewis, Hiel, 60
liberals, 280, 290, 389, 391
Liberty Jail, 245
life insurance, 125
lifestyle and unique practices: abstinence, xxv, 179–182, 217; day-to-day commitment to, 185–186; disaster preparedness, xvi, 177–179; Family Home Evening, 186–187; fast offerings, xxv, 131, 182, 200, 392; as healthy, 179–182; Joseph Smith’s teachings on, 179–180; temple garments, 184–185, 189–190, 195. See also rituals
Lightner, Mary Elizabeth Rollins, 17–18, 60, 65, 76
Lincoln, Abraham, 55
Lindgren, A. Bruce, 308
Linker, Damon, xv
Lion House, 245
longevity, 180
Los Angeles Times (newspaper), xiv, 105, 143
Losing a Lost Tribe (Southerton), 280
L’Osservatore Romano (newspaper), 323
Luther, Martin, 334–335
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, 325
Lutheran World Federation, 335
Lyon, Sylvia Sessions, 65
Madsen, Brigham D., 264, 282
Madsen, Truman, 334
magic and occult, 22, 25, 234, 269–270, 363
man, theology of, 332–333
Manifesto, 290; doctrine of continuity, 72–73, 88; plural marriages after, 73–74, 85–88, 92; politics around, 80, 88–91
Marks, William, 344, 345
marriage: adultery in, 61, 173; celestial marriage, 67, 70, 72, 170–171, 293, 332; central to exaltation, 170–171, 331–332; divorce, 59, 171–172; “eternal marriage,” 87; polyandry, 59–60, 67, 69, 76; polygyny, 59; prohibitions on intermarriage, 100, 102; same-sex, 146, 174–176, 239; temple marriage (sealing), 168–170, 190, 194–195. See also polygamy
Marriott, J. W. “Bill,” Jr., 142, 368
Marriott, J. Willard, Sr., 141, 142
Marriott International, 142, 227
Marsden, George M., 235
Marshall, Bruce, 248–249, 276
Martin handcart company, 47–48
Martins, Helvecio, 98
Martins, Marcus, 383
Marty, Martin, 77, 110, 252, 266, 267, 385
Mason, James O., 215
Masonic practices, 1, 6, 10, 192; influence of, 195, 197–199, 234, 422
Matthews, Bill, 248
Matthews, Robert J., 296, 298
Mauss, Armand, 105–107, 232–233, 378, 390
Mayan civilization, 274, 276
McCall, Kim, 307–308
McCarter, P. Kyle, 279
McClure’s (magazine), 90
McConkie, Bruce R., 93, 99, 104, 276, 297, 299, 302, 328, 331, 337
McConkie, Joseph Fielding, 299
McCulloch, J. Huston, 279
McDannell, Colleen, 369
McKay, David O., 58, 102, 108, 110, 111, 152, 156, 172, 367, 388
McMullin, Keith, 130–131
McMurray, Grant, 348–351
McMurrin, Sterling, 236, 282, 302, 305–307, 367
Mecham, Evan, 141 media: coverage of polygamy, xiv, xvii, 56, 75, 76, 89–92; Hinckley interviews, xx; on Mormons in politics, xiv, 85, 88; Mormons’ work in the, xxiii–xxiv, 125, 143; recent focus, 114–115; report on rituals, 195–196
meditation, 190
Melchizedek priesthood, 161–162, 203, 296, 328, 384–385
Melton, J. Gordon, 74–75, 342
men’s roles, 170, 171, 195, 208, 214
Mere Christianity (Lewis), 313
Merrill, Marriner W., 88–89
Merton, Thomas, 369
Mesoamerica, 265, 274–278
“Message of the Ages, The,” 247
Messiah in Ancient America (Ferguson/Warren), 277
Metcalfe, Brent, 365
Methodist sanctification, 312
Mexican plural marriages, 71, 86, 89, 90, 134
Mexican War, 43, 46, 244
Mexico, 265, 274–278, 384
Mexico temples, 191
Meyendorff, John, 315, 317
MHA Journal (periodical), 255
MHA (Mormon History Association), 197
Michel, Ernest, 193
Midgley, Louis, 254, 268–269, 330, 353
military service, 43, 92, 112
Millennial Star (newspaper), 5, 250
millennialism. See Second Coming
Miller, Richard, 141
Miller, William, 22
Millerites, 22, 72
Millet, Robert, 308, 312, 313, 316, 317, 321–323, 330, 395
mining, 50, 82
“Miracle of the Seagulls,” 45, 245–246, 260
Missionary Training Center (MTC), 108, 213–217
missionary work: Bible used in, 217, 294, 297–298; conflicting with local tribal culture, 221; as core tradition, 29, 218–219, 291; expectations of, 211, 215–216; gender and, xxv, 208; hampered by polygamy charges, 90, 220; in Joseph Smith’s time, 4, 13; to members of other faiths, 329; methods behind, 209, 214, 216–220, 387–388; missionary reunions, 219; nationalistic baggage hampering, 385; New York mission, 211–213; pairing of missionaries, 209–210; recent international expansion, 107–108, 153, 214, 220–223; retention following, 220–222, 386; revenue supporting, 128; stands on race hampering, 95, 97, 98, 104, 107; statistics on, 220, 222–223; universal lay priesthood, 161, 214–215
Missouri: Haun’s Mill Massacre, 34–36, 54; Independence, xviii, 30, 244, 292, 340–342; Jackson County settlement, 32–34; migration to, 29–30; persecution in, 3–4, 6, 33–37, 43; present Church holdings, 126; sacredness of, xviii, 30, 32, 33, 94, 292; Second Coming in, 126, 246, 385
Mitchell, Brian David, 75–76
Mitchell, Wanda, 75, 76
Molina, Sonia, 202–203
Moller-Gunderson, Mark, 121
Monson, Thomas S., 156, 388–389
moral good, 185, 307–308
Mormon Alliance, 359, 362, 365
Mormon Battalion, 244
Mormon Church organization. See LDS Church
Mormon Corporate Empire (Heinerman/Shupe), 119
Mormon Doctrine (McConkie), 93, 104, 276, 297, 328, 331
Mormon Enigma (Newell/Avery), 256
Mormon Experience (Arrington/Bitton), 127, 259
Mormon Fundamentalists, 57, 71, 74, 76, 87, 90
Mormon History Association, 138, 255, 367, 369, 377
Mormon in the White House?, A (Hewitt), 96, 136
“Mormon neo-orthodoxy,” 329–330
Mormon Question, The (Gordon), 71
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, xv, xxii–xxiii, 91, 95, 103
“Mormon War,” 34–35
Mormon Women’s Forum, 359, 362, 377
Mormonism (Shipps), 338–339
Mormonism–Shadow or Reality? (Tanner/Tanner), 355
Mormons: The Curse of Utah (Doyle), 85
Mormons, The (Kane), 19
Mormons, The (O’Dea), 22, 103, 303, 380
“Mormons, The” (television documentary), 115, 278
Mormons and the Bible (Barlow), 297
Mormons on the Internet (Gold), 313
Moroni, Angel, xix, 24–26, 188, 189, 195, 244, 249, 250, 257, 272, 273
Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act of 1862, 70, 77
Moss, Frank, 138
Mother in Heaven, 238, 301, 362, 364, 371
Mountain Meadows Massacre, 54–55, 87, 115, 233–234
Mountain Meadows Massacre (Brooks), 54, 256
Mouw, Richard J., 320–322
Moyle, Henry D., 387
Muhammad (the Prophet), 267, 271
mummies, 2, 31, 284, 287, 290
Murphy, Dale, 145
Murphy, Thomas W., 280–281
Murray, John Courtney, 321
“Music and the Spoken Word” (radio show), xxiii–xxiv
NAACP lawsuit, 193
“name extraction” program, 193
Napolitano, Janet, 135
Native Americans: having Hebrew ancestors, 28–29, 280–281; Joseph Smith’s fascination with, 23–24; as Lamanites, xix, 28, 99–100, 274; missionary work with, 29–30; relations with, 33, 44, 45, 54, 97; Ute, 44, 46
Nauvoo Expositor (newspaper), 15, 16, 64, 247
Nauvoo House, 10
Nauvoo (IL): after Joseph Smith’s death, 18–19, 38–40; charter of, 6–8, 18; Church brewery, 181; early settlement, 5–6, 8–9; education in, 229; Egyptian mummies display, 284; evacuation of, 18–19, 39–40; historic restoration site, 1, 187, 245; Joseph Smith in, 1–5, 9, 13–17; polygamy practiced in, 3, 14–16, 59, 62, 66; suffering anti-Mormonism, 7–8, 12, 13, 16, 37, 38; temple in, 2, 9–10, 18–19, 38–39, 43, 191, 245; as theocratic, 113
Nauvoo Legion, 7, 12, 16
Nauvoo Neighbor (newspaper), 181 NBC, xiv
Nelson, N. L., 91
Nelson, Russell M., 176
“neo-orthodoxy,” 329–330
Nephites, 28, 272–274, 276, 277, 281
Neuhaus, Richard John, 324
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (Metcalfe), 279, 364, 365
New Republic, The (magazine), xv, 146
New West (magazine), 119
New World Archaeological Foundation, 277
New York Daily Tribune (newspaper), 58
New York Evening Journal (newspaper), 85
New York mission, 211–213
New York Newsday (newspaper), 143
New York Times Magazine, 75, 144
New York Times (newspaper), 75, 103, 120, 363
New Yorker (magazine), 114
Newell, Linda King, 68–69, 256
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (television show), 301
Newsweek (magazine), 334
Nibley, Hugh, 279–280, 287, 326
Nielsen, Jeffrey, 239
Nixon, Richard, 134
No Man Knows My History (Brodie), 58, 269
Noah (biblical patriarch), 100, 101, 336
Norman, Keith, 196, 333
Noyes, John Humphrey, 21
Oaks, Dallin, 171, 216, 234, 242, 332, 376
Oaks, Merrill C., 216, 218
Obata, Gyo, 340 occult and magic, 22, 25, 234, 269–270, 363
O’Dea, Thomas F., 22, 27, 53, 92, 103, 303, 308, 380–381
Ohio settlement, 29–32, 183 “150
Years of Truth and Consequences About Mormon History” (article; Quinn), 363
Oneida Community, 67
open-canon principle, 87–88, 102, 286, 290–294
organ donation, 173
original sin, xix, 307, 329–330, 332
Orrin Hatch, xiii
Orwell George, 251
Osmond, Donny, 95, 150, 248
Osmond, Marie, 95, 148, 150
Ostler, Blake, 269, 307, 309
Ostling, Richard N., xx, 97, 301
Pacific islanders, 108
Packer, Boyd K., 147, 175, 181, 253, 254, 259–260, 297, 323, 368, 370, 374–376, 389–390
Page, Hiram, 29
Painesville Telegraph (newspaper), 293
Palmer, Grant, 365
Palmyra (NY), 2, 20–21, 24, 244, 247–248. See also Hill Cumorah
papyri, 31, 284
“para-church” organizations, 353
Parish, Warren, 342
Patriarchal Blessing, 203
patriarchs, 203–204
Patrick, Brian, 55
Patridge, Eliza, 68
Patridge, Emily, 68
patriotism, xvii, xxiv, 53, 92
Paul VI, Pope, 99
Paulsen, David L., 301, 302, 308–309, 318
Pay, Mary Goble, 48
PBS, 136, 278
Pearl of Great Price, 31, 100, 266, 285–286, 295, 298
Pearson (magazine), 91
Peck, Elbert Eugene, 128, 369, 370
“peculiar people,” 36–37, 150, 185
Pelikan, Jaroslav, 317
Pentecostal Protestant groups, 31
performing artists, 148–149
Perpetual Emigrating Fund (PEF), 46–47, 82
“Persistence of Polygamy, The” (article; Egan), 75
Petersen, Mark E., 233, 258, 260, 355, 368
Peterson, Daniel C., 93, 282, 315
Peterson, F. Ross, 196
Peterson, H. Donl, 290
Phelps, W. W., 61, 285
Phi Beta Kappa, 237
Philippines, 128, 129
“Philosophical Foundations of Mormon Theology, The” (address; McMurrin), 305
Pioneer Day, 44, 243, 385, 388
“plural marriage,” 59. See also polygamy
plurality of gods: in Book of Abraham, 285; as dividing point, 301–302, 310–312, 325; in “King Follett Discourse,” 15, 395; translation of Elohim, 11, 295–296
Poland Act of 1874, 70–71
“political manifesto,” 84
politicians, Mormon, 133–141
politics: the Benson years, 110–112; focus on diplomacy, 108–109; historical stands, 77–78, 109–112, 174–175, 371, 372; Joseph Smith in, 3–4, 13–15; modern-day public figures, 137–141; neutrality, 112–113; Republican/ conservative viewpoint, xxv, 84, 110, 112–114; Romney’s presidential bid, xxi, 96, 133–137. See also Utah statehood
Polk, James K., 41, 43
polyandry, 59–60, 67, 69, 76
polygamy: Book of Mormon and, 66, 414; Church disavows, xiii, xxiv, 72–73; commanded in LDS scripture, 61; criminal acts associated with, 56, 75–76; Edmunds Act of 1882, 71, 77, 79; Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1887, 72, 77–80, 82; federal actions against, xviii, 52, 53, 70–72, 77–79, 85–89; and First Amendment rights, 71, 79; handling in Church history, 234, 245, 246, 252, 255; Idaho antipolygamy oaths, 79; issue for Mormon politicians, 55, 135; Joseph Smith’s belief in, 57, 58, 60–61, 66–67, 72, 293; LDS stand on, 56–57, 61, 70–74, 76, 88, 205; Mark Twain on, xxii; in the media, xiv, 75, 85, 88, 89–92, 115; Mexican plural marriages, 71, 86, 89, 90, 134; Mormon image and, 57, 75–76, 89–91; Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act of 1862, 70, 77; Poland Act of 1874, 70; politicians practicing, 84–85, 96; practical handling of, 69–70; practiced by Young, 57–58; practiced in Nauvoo, 3, 14–16, 59, 62, 66; pre-1890 marriages protected, 85–86; present-day practice, 56–57, 74–76, 87; rejected by RLDS, xviii, 347–348; Republican Party/Evangelicals against, xxv, 53, 57, 83; “Second Manifesto,” 73; as spiritual coercion, 60, 62–65, 91; Tapestry of Polygamy support group, 75. See also Manifesto
polygyny, 59
Polynesia, 108, 215
Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC), 126–127
“polytheism,” 310
Pratt, Orson, 65, 254, 268
Pratt, Parley, 5, 29
prayer, 309; in-home, 10, 186–187; to the Mother in Heaven, 238, 301, 362, 364, 371; in worship service, 200
preexistence of human souls, 68, 102, 169, 285, 331
pregnancy, assisted, 173
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 324–325, 392
Presidential successors, 388–390, 438–439
Prestige, G. L., 315, 317
Prestwich, Paul, 202
Prestwich family profile, 186–187
Price, Richard, 349
priesthood, 160–162, 328; Aaronic priesthood, 29, 161–162, 170, 328; Melchizedek priesthood, 161–162, 203, 296; opening for women, 362, 363, 371
priesthood ban: effect on missionary work, 95, 97, 98, 107–109, 161; lifting the, xiii, 96–99, 290, 291; modern-day Saints on, 103–107; politics of, 134–135, 367–368; suppression of history on, 255, 368; teachings of Joseph Smith, 31, 99–102; 20th century adherence to, 101–103
Princeton Review, 240
Problem of God, The (Murray), 321
Problems in “The God Makers II” (Tanner/ Tanner), 354
Prohibition, 109
“Promised Valley,” 246
prophetic revelations, 87–88, 151–154
proselytizing. See missionary work
Protestantism, 171, 200, 251, 329, 392; Fundamentalists, 320, 353; Mormon doctrine resembling, 157, 174, 310–311, 321, 333, 335; protesting plural marriage, 90; strategy behind missionary efforts, 219–223, 353, 387. See also Evangelicals; individual denominations
proxy baptism, 9, 11, 167, 192–195, 293
Public Accounting Reports (survey), 227
public opinion. See image/public opinion
Publishers Weekly (magazine), 263
quality of life, 180, 185, 240–241
Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 2
Quinn, D. Michael: administrative control, 108, 162, 175, 261, 389–390; causes of anti-Mormonism, 35; Church revenues/holdings, 120–121, 123, 141; Church’s future, 391; discrimination in proxy baptism, 193; Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, 261, 269–270, 363; on editing of history, 252–253, 255; gay identity of, 363; on Joseph Smith, 13, 15, 16, 25, 269–271, 342–343; on polygamy, 58, 73–74, 85, 89–91; reaction against, 254, 363, 371
Quorum of Twelve Apostles, 42, 84, 155, 158, 342, 344, 376
Quran, 267, 271
racial issues: Book of Mormon and, 99–101, 417; mixed-raced marriage, 100, 102, 355; modern-day Saints on, 95–107, 199; political office and, 96; in proxy baptism, 193; RLDS record on, 347. See also priesthood ban
radio, xxiii–xxiv
Radio Business Report, 125
Rasband, Ronald, 212, 213
Reagan, Ronald, 112, 141
real estate holdings, 125–127. See also temples/ sacred sites
recommend card, 183, 191
record-keeping, 242–243, 292
Recovery from Mormonism, 353
reenactments, 245–249
Reformed Church of Jesus Christ, 15
Regent University, 136–137
Reid, Harry, xiii, xxv, 112, 133, 137–139
Reid, Josh, 137
Reid, Landra, 137
Reid, Roger, 235–236
Relief Society, 6, 64, 69, 174, 372–374
religious-wear items, 184–185, 189–191, 195
reorganization: bridging the credibility gap, 89–92; debt repayment, 81–83; emergence of patriotism, 92–93; entering secular politics, 83–86; post-Manifesto polygamy, 85–87; prompted by the Edmunds-Tucker Act, 77–82; waning of latter-day millennialism, 93–94
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS); now Community of Christ), 347–350; joined by splinter group members, 345, 346; and the LDS Church, 257–258, 328, 342; perpetuating Ohio-Missouri Mormonism, 341; publishing the JST, 296, 349; renaming, xi, 350; Smith family involvement, xviii, 69, 256, 347–348; teachings on Joseph Smith lineage, 255, 257–258, 347–349
Republican Party, xxv, 53, 57, 83–84
“Restoration Movement,” 22
retention, 220–222, 383–384, 386
Return to Cumorah (Aston), 276
revelations, 87–88, 151–154
Reynolds, George, 70
Reynolds, John Mark, 96
Reynolds, Noel B., 322
Reynolds, United States v., 70–71
Richards, Bryan, 219
Richards, Franklin D., 88, 89
Richards, George F., 199
Richards, Lynn, 219
Richards, Willard, 17, 250
Ricks, Stephen D., 279, 315
Riess, Jana, 379–380
Rigdon, John, 65
Rigdon, Nancy, 12, 65, 91, 343
Rigdon, Sidney, 12, 15, 29, 34, 42, 65, 246, 343, 344
Rigdonite schism (“Church of Christ”), 344, 345
Rise of Mormonism (Stark/Neilson), 381
ritualization, 245–249
rituals: baptism for the dead, 9, 11, 167, 192–195, 293; blessings, 203; endowment rites, 10, 68, 190, 192, 195–199, 234;
rituals (continued) General Conference, 204–206; impact on authoritative structure, 159–162; media reports on, 195–196; relationship to Masonry, 197–199; sealing, 171–172; temple garments/ underclothes, 184–185, 189–191, 195; temple marriage, 168–170, 190, 194–195; temple recommends, 183, 191, 196; temple sealings, 194; worship/sacrament meetings, 181, 186, 200–203
rivals, 351–356
RLDS. See Community of Christ
Roberts, B. H., xxiv, 84, 91, 141, 250, 281, 282, 302, 303, 308–310, 312, 337
Robertson, Pat, 136, 137
Robinson, George W., 65
Robinson, Stephen, 308, 313, 316–317, 319–322, 325, 330
Rodin, Auguste, 225
Rodman, Dennis, xx–xxi
Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church
Romney, Ann, 134
Romney, George, xiii, xiv, 103, 134, 141
Romney, Lenore, 134
Romney, Mitt, xiii–xv, xvii, xxi, 113, 133–137
Romney, Scott, 134
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 109–110
Roosevelt, Theodore, 87, 138
Roots of Modern Mormonism (Leone), 253
Rosetta Stone, 285
Roueche, Josephine, 71
Roughing It (Twain), xxii
Russell, William D., 268
“the sacrament,” 181, 200–203
Sacred Grove, 24, 244
sacred underclothes, 184–185, 191, 195
Saints at the Crossroads, The (Price), 349
“salamander letter,” 257, 354
Salcedo, Frankie, 202
Salmon, Matt, 135
Salt Lake City: charitable giving, 131, 184; early development of, 49–50; Family History Library, 194; finances centralized in, 128; founding of, xvii–xviii, 44–46; modern-day challenges, xvi–xvii; polygamy in present-day, 56; storehouses in, 116–117; Winter Olympics (2002), xv–xvii, xvii, xx, 134, 140. See also Temple Square
Salt Lake City Messenger (newsletter), 354
Salt Lake City temple, 81, 91, 153, 191, 195
Salt Lake Tribune (newspaper), 52, 90, 112, 114, 120, 152, 167, 195, 204, 263, 388
same-sex marriage, 146, 174–176, 239
Samuelson, Cecil O., 226, 227
San Francisco Examiner (newspaper), 78
Sanders, Chet, 218
Sangamo Journal (newspaper), 12
São Paulo (Brazil) temple, 95–98
Scherer, Mark A., 348
“School of Family Life,” 174
School of the Prophets (Kirtland), 31
School of the Prophets (Utah), 50–51
Scientific Aspects of Mormonism (Nelson), 91
seagulls, miracle of the, 45, 245–246, 260
sealings, 171–172, 190, 194–195
“second anointing,” 199
Second Coming: disaster preparedness, xvi, 177–180; in Missouri, xviii, 30, 126, 246, 292, 341, 385; 19th-century America’s focus on, 20–22; predictions by Joseph Smith, 72, 292–293; waning of millennialism, 93–94
“Second Manifesto,” 73
secrecy, 13, 15, 118–121, 190, 195, 381
Secret Ceremonies (Laake), 363
Seixas, Joshua, 296
self-reliance, 122–123, 129, 131, 178, 185
seminary program, 230, 231
September Dawn (film), 55
“September Six,” 361–364, 376, 380
services, 10, 186, 200–203
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 146
Seventh-day Adventist Church, 22, 72, 127, 180, 386–387
Seventh East Press (newspaper), 236
“Seventies,” 158, 162
sex education, 173
sexual abuse, 359, 374
sexuality, 172
Shakers, 21, 67
Sharp, Thomas, 18
Sharpton, Al, xxi
Sheffield, William, 379
Sheldon, William A., 341
Shipps, Jan, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 222, 233, 251, 254–255, 266, 267, 271, 338, 363
Shupe, Anson, 119, 120
Signature Books, 359
sin, xix, 307, 329–330
Singer-Swapp clan, 75
single parents, 173
singles, 171
slavery, 101
Sleight, Lamar, 138
Smart, Elizabeth, 75
Smith, Agnes Coolbrith, 66
Smith, Barbara B., 174
Smith, Darron, 107, 239
Smith, David Hyrum (son of Joseph Jr.), 343, 346, 348
Smith, Emma (formerly Hale; later Bidamon): biography of, 256; in Church history, 252, 256; father objects to marriage, 270, 352; hostility over polygamy, 60, 64, 65, 68–69, 293, 346; hymnbook compilation, 29; joining the RLDS, 347; and Joseph’s successors, 343, 345; mistrust of Bennett, 12; quarrels with Young, 69; retention of the JST Bible, 296; sale of the papyri, 287; as wife of Joseph, 3, 17, 18, 25–26, 30, 270
Smith, Ethan, 29, 281, 282
Smith, Frederick, 348
Smith, George A., 102, 252, 272, 375
Smith, Gordon, 138–140
Smith, Hyrum, 15–17, 343
Smith, Israel, 348, 349
Smith, Joseph, III, 42, 69, 343, 345–348
Smith, Joseph, Jr.: anointing as king, 13, 15; on apostasy, 322, 325, 328, 376–377; assassination of, xvii, 2, 16–18, 54, 78; authority of, 203, 321, 391; baptism beliefs, 29, 161, 192, 327; Book of Commandments, 257–258, 341, 354; Book of Moses, 100, 104, 285, 295; Church polity, 52, 80, 360; Civil War prophecy, 293; connection to Masons, 192, 197–199; disciples forming RLDS, xviii, 255, 257–258; Doctrine and Covenants, 290–293, 310–311; early years, 23–25, 29–30; education of, 228, 270; Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar (Smith), 285, 287–289; on exaltation, 9–12; as filling “gap” in Christian history, 251, 326; forged documents of, 257–258; fraudulent activities in Kirtland, 31–32; on the Genesis account, 295, 296, 310; in historical works, 246–247, 254–255, 262–263; History of the Church, 72, 250, 252–253; imbibing alcohol, 181–182; imprisonment of, 3, 4, 43; interest in magic/occult, 25, 234, 269–270, 363; “Law of Consecration,” 30, 32, 183; “Lectures on Faith,” 312; maintaining a militia, 1, 33; on Native American Hebrew ancestors, 281; Nauvoo after death of, 18–19, 38–40, 191; on original sin, 330–331; overseeing building/ development, 8, 158, 244; political activity of, xiii, 2–4, 7, 13–15, 108; polyandry of, 59–60, 76; on polygamy, 57, 58, 60–61, 66–67, 72; prophet/fraud dichotomy, 266–271, 278, 280; public opinion of, xiv, xv, 3, 14; quarrel with Law, 14–16; on race, 99–102; on recording history, 243, 250; relationship to Young, 42, 55, 57; spiritual coercion by, 60, 62–65, 91; struggles over polygamy, 12, 14–16, 59–60, 66, 73; as subject for missionaries, 217, 380; translation of the Bible (JST), 29, 266, 294–296, 298–299, 304; on U.S. Constitution, 92–93; various views of, 338, 357, 377; warning to Stephen Douglas, 389; wives/children of, 25–26, 58–59, 64, 65, 67, 262; Word of Wisdom, 179–181, 191, 258. See also Book of Abraham; Book of Mormon; First Vision; “King Follett Discourse”; Smith lineage
Smith, Joseph, Sr., 23, 25
Smith, Joseph F., 73, 81–82, 84, 86, 89, 243, 290–291, 337
Smith, Joseph Fielding, 102, 156, 223, 250, 252, 258–259, 275, 297–298, 302, 373
Smith, Josephine, 65
Smith, Lucy Mack, 23–25, 254, 257, 270, 271, 345
Smith, Samuel, 42, 343
Smith, Wallace B., 348, 350
Smith, Wallace W., 348
Smith, William, 254, 343, 345, 346 Smith lineage: cold war among heirs to, 340–342; designated heirs, 342–346; Joseph III, 346–348; RLDS church, 255, 257–258, 347–349
Smithsonian Institution, 265–266
Smoot, Reed, 84–89, 109, 110, 138, 141
Snow, Eliza, 64, 68, 69
Snow, Lorenzo, 81, 82, 89, 101, 252, 300
social network, 87, 222, 380, 382
social programs, 109–110
solidarity, 37, 52–54
Solomon, Dorothy Allred, 74
Solomon Mack homestead, 243–244
Sorensen, John, 275
Sorensen, Rodger, 249, 275
Sorenson, John, 265, 277, 278
Soul of the American University, The (Marsden), 235
souls, 68, 102, 169, 285, 331
South Africa, 221, 384
South Bronx (NY) temple, 207
South Pacific converts, 108
Southern Baptist Convention, 323, 324, 329, 353, 386, 392
Southern Virginia University, 230
Southerton, Simon G., 280, 281
Spanish-speaking Saints, 199, 202, 209
Spaulding, Franklin S., 286–287
Spielberg, Steven, 225
splinter groups, xvii, 342, 351; “Children of Zion,” 344; Church of Christ (later Temple Lot), 29, 157, 244, 340–342, 344; “Church of Christ” (Rigdon’s), 344; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangites; “The Original”), 342, 345, 346; Church of Zion (Godbeites), 52; Jehovah’s Presbytery of Zion, 345; Mormon Fundamentalists, 57. See also Community of Christ
spying, 261
St. Louis temple, 188, 189
Stack, Peggy Fletcher, 221, 369, 384
“stake,” 158
Standard Works, 88; children’s study of, 187; in the LDS Bible, 296–297; Pearl of Great Price, 31, 100, 266, 285–286, 295, 298. See also Book of Mormon; D&C. See also Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price
Stark, Rodney, xvii, xx, 27, 221–222, 267–268, 381, 382
Stegner, Wallace, 13, 43, 247
Stenhouse, T. B. H., 55, 286
Stephens, John Lloyd, 274
Stephenson, Evan, 313, 314
sterilization, 172
Stewart, David G., J., 386, 387
Stokes, Catherine, 105–106
Story of the Book of Abraham, The (Peterson), 290
Story of the Latter-day Saints (Allen/Leonard), 259, 260
Strang, James J., 344–346
Strangites, 342, 345, 346
Strengthening Church Members Committee, 261, 360
Student Review (magazine), 236, 239, 240
Studies of the Book of Mormon (Roberts), 281
Study in Scarlet (Doyle), xxi–xxii, 85
substance abuse, 179, 185
Sugar Creek (IA), 40
Sullivan, Amy, 135
Sunstone (magazine), xx, xxi, 107, 139, 182, 196, 236, 237, 239, 268, 307, 334, 358–359, 364, 368–370, 377, 391
Sunstone Symposium, 359, 360, 363, 364, 369–370
Supreme Court, 70–71, 78–79, 176, 341
survivalism, xvi, 177–180, 194
Swedenborgianism, 21, 67
symbolism, 46, 198–199
Synan, Vinson, 136–137
Taft, William Howard, 91, 109
Talmage, James E., 87, 276, 302, 306
Tanner, George S., 233
Tanner, Jerald, 197, 252, 277, 282, 287, 354–356
Tanner, John, 355
Tanner, N. Eldon, 119, 375
Tanner, Sandra, 196, 197, 252, 277, 282, 287, 354–356
Tapestry of Polygamy support group, 75
Tate, Charles D., Jr., 258
Taylor, John, 17, 71, 73, 74, 78, 89, 162, 181–182, 252, 290
Teachings of Presidents of the Church (LDS Church), 252
television, 160
temple garments, 184–185, 189–191, 195
Temple Lot (absorbing Church of Christ), 29, 157, 244, 340–342, 344, 351
temple marriage, 168–170, 190, 194–195
temple recommends, 183, 191, 196
Temple Square, 43, 47, 81, 205–206; as Salt Lake City center, xvi, xxii, 76, 91–92
temples/sacred sites, xxv, 107–108, 188, 190; in Africa, 107; Boston, 188–191; Celestial Room, 190; current expansion mode, 121–124, 153, 191, 383; Denver, 188; former Soviet Union, 109; Kirtland, 30–31, 191, 244–245; Mexico, 191; Nauvoo, 2, 9–10, 18–19, 38–39, 43, 191, 245; Palmyra, 20, 244; Salt Lake City, 81, 91, 153, 191, 195; São Paulo, Brazil, 95–98; South Bronx, 207; St. Louis, 188, 189; Washington, D.C. area, 95, 188, 189; worth/management of, 118, 127, 128. See also rituals
Testimony of the Three Witnesses, 271–272
Thatcher, Linda, 377
Thatcher, Moses, 84
“theocratic ethics,” 90–91
theocratic kingdom, 35, 52, 53, 79, 93, 113
theology: on authority and dissent, 375–378; baptism, 328–329; Christian apostasy, 325–328; divide with Christians over, 320, 338–339; of heaven, 338; lack of teaching in, 302–303; marriage, 331–332; original sin, xix, 307, 329–330, 332; Protestants on Mormon, 319–325, 327; role of Jesus Christ, 331, 333–335; Vatican views on Mormon, 323–324, 327. See also atonement; exaltation; God
This People (magazine), 179
Thomas, Elbert, 110
Thompson, Stephen E., 288 3, 913 Changes in the Book of Mormon (Tanner/ Tanner), 354
Three Witnesses, 271–272, 291, 293
Throckmorton, George J., 257
Thurmond, Strom, 111
time commitment, 186–187
Time (magazine), xx, 97, 114, 118–121, 123, 301
Times and Seasons (newspaper), 6, 66, 68, 250, 274, 285
Tingey, Earl, 218–220
tithing, 128, 182–184, 392; drop off in 1890, 80, 81; projected annual offerings, 118; RLDS approach to, 347; strictly enforced, xxv, 81–82, 191
tobacco, xvi, xxv, 179–181
Toscano, Margaret, 365
Toscano, Paul, 362–363, 365
“Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother” (paper; Allred), 365
Transcontinental Railroad, 48, 50, 51, 82
Trask, Thomas, 223
tribal identity, 37, 52–54
Trinity, 303, 310–312, 324
Turnaround (Romney), 134
Twain, Mark, xxii, 27
Twelve Apostles, 42, 84, 155, 158, 342, 344, 376
UCLA longevity study, 180
Udall, Morris “Mo,” xiii, 140, 141
Udall, Stewart, 140, 141, 367–368
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, 374
Under the Banner of Heaven (Krakauer), 76
United Methodist Church, 324, 382, 392
United Order of Enoch, 30, 51
United States, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints v., 78–79
United States v. Reynolds, 70–71
universal lay priesthood, 161
U.S. Bill of Rights, 77
U.S. Congress: dealings with Joseph Smith, 3, 6, 13; Edmunds Act of 1882, 71, 77, 79; Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1887, 72, 77–80, 82; hearings on polygamy, 84–87; Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act of 1862, 70, 77; Poland Act of 1874, 70; on use of Census records, 193
U.S. Constitution, 92–93, 292, 385
U.S. News & World Report (magazine), 226–227
U.S. Supreme Court, 70–71, 78–79, 176, 341
Utah exodus: Emigration Canyon, 46, 244; fleeing Nauvoo, 18–19, 39–40; forging tribal identity, 37, 52–53; founding of Salt Lake City, xvii–xviii, 44–46; handcarts used in, 47–48; by overseas Saints, 46–48; role of Young in, 18, 39–41, 48, 251; sesquicentennial celebration, xx; size of, 39, 40, 43, 45; at Sugar Creek, 40; the trail to Salt Lake, 43–45; by train, 48–49; Winter Quarters for, 40–41, 43–45, 47, 244
Utah Magazine, 52
Utah statehood, 79–80, 83, 92, 114; obstacles to, 45–46, 53, 54, 57, 72, 88
Utah territory: cooperatives in, 50–52; individual rights in, 77–78, 101; Miracle of the Seagulls, 45, 245–246, 260; Mormons majority in, 35; Mountain Meadows Massacre, 54–55; pioneer agriculture, 44–45, 49, 50; polygamy in, 68–69; population, 46; settling, 46, 49–50; as theocratic, 113; Transcontinental Railroad in, 48–49
Utah War, 53–55, 250
Ute Indians, 44, 46
Van Buren, Martin, 6
Van Der Donckt, C., 302, 310
Van Noy, Nathan, 207–213
Vassel family, 166–168, 204
Veazey, Stephen M., 351
View of the Hebrews (Smith), 29, 281, 282
Village of Stratton, Watchtower v., 216
violence, 54–56, 75, 76, 79, 115
Vogel, Dan, 262
voting, 77–78
Waite, Morrison R., 71
Walker, Loujean, 202
Walker, Lucy, 63
Walker, Olene, 140
Wall Street Journal (newspaper), xiv
Wallace, George, 111
“wards,” 158–160
Ware, Timothy, 315–316, 432
Warner Brothers, 256
Warsaw Signal (newspaper), 13, 16, 18
Washington, D.C. temple, 95, 188, 189
Washington Post (newspaper), xv
Watchtower v. Village of Stratton, 216
“We Believe in Being Honest” (article; Hinckley), 91
wealth. See finances/economics Weight of Glory, The (Lewis), 313
Weisberg, Jacob, xv
Welch, John W., 279
Welch, Robert, 110–111
Welfare Square, 116
welfare system, xxv, 109–110, 116–117, 127, 129–131
West, William S., 286
Westwood, Jean, 141
“What Will You Do When Money Can’t Buy Food?” (article), 179
Wheelwright, Margaret, 189
Whelan, Rhonda, 365
Whelan, Shane LeGrande, 365
White, Ellen G., 22
White, O. Kendall, Jr., 329–330
Whitesides, Lynne Kanavel, 362, 371
Whitmer, David, 26, 34, 271, 293–294, 343–345, 355
Whitney, Horace, 62–63
Whitney, Sarah Ann, 63–64
Why Conservative Churches are Growing (Kelley), xxv
Why I Am a Mormon (Bennett), 110
Why I Believe (Bennett), 139
Widtsoe, John A., 305
wife abuse, 56, 75
Wight, Lyman, 344–346
Wild Side of North American Prehistory (Williams), 278
Wiley, Peter, 119
Wilkinson, Ernest, 235
Willes, Mark, 143
Williams, Stephen, 278
Willie handcart company, 47–48
Winter Olympics (2002), xv, xvii, xx, 134, 140
Winter Quarters, 40–41, 43–45, 47, 244
Winters, Elizabeth, 60
Woman’s Exponent (newspaper), 78
Women and Authority (Hanks), 362
Women’s Forum, 359, 362, 377
women’s roles: blessing the sick, 373; changes in Relief Society, 372–373; endowment rites, 195, 199; in marriage, 170, 171; as missionaries, 208, 214; movement to expand, 373–374, 380; pressure for acceptance of, 236, 238
women’s suffrage, 77–78
Woodruff, Abraham Owen, 73
Woodruff, Judy, 136
Woodruff, Wilford, 72, 80, 85, 88–89, 250, 252, 290
Woodward, Kenneth L., 334
works, 335
Works, Miriam (later Young), 42
Works (Pratt), 268
World Christian Encyclopedia (Barrett), 222
worship services, 10, 186, 200–203
Wright, David P., 236–237, 273–274, 279, 299, 364, 365
Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches (National Council of Churches), 385
Yeltsin, Boris, 138
Yost, Paul, Jr., 138
Young, Brigham: beliefs of, 78, 93, 122, 181, 309, 337–338; “Brighamites,” 345, 346; censorship by, 254–255; connections to Joseph Smith, 42, 55, 64, 67, 256; defender of priesthood ban, 101–102, 104, 105; emergence of, 3–5, 41–43, 344–346; founding of Salt Lake City, xvii, xviii, 43–44; leadership of, 49–50, 52, 53, 55, 69, 159, 184, 387; Mark Twain on, xxii; monument to/ historic sites of, 243, 245; offices held by, 44, 53; ownership shares in ZCMI, 51; practice of polygamy, 57–58, 70, 252; quarrels with Emma Smith, 69, 346; role in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 54, 55, 233; role in Utah exodus, 18, 39–41, 48, 251; writings of, 250, 290
Young, Brigham, Jr., 181
Young, Joseph, 34
Young, Lawrence A., 220, 239, 384
Young, Miriam (formerly Works), 42
Young, Phinehas (brother of Brigham), 42
Young, Steve, 144–145
Zacharias, Ravi, 321–322
Zaugg, Lyal, 189
ZCMI (Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution), xvi, 51–52, 83, 205