I would like to thank my family and friends who have so lovingly supported me during the writing of this book. I want to give a special thanks to my husband, Terry, for putting up with all of the times I had to give more attention to creating my designs than to our marriage, and to thank him for all the positive and motivating tips I have learned from him over the years through listening to his “Yes You Can” motivational seminars. A special thanks goes to my daughter, Jamie Vaduva, for being my personal assistant, artist, model and “right-hand man,” so to speak. Without their support, this book would not have been possible. I also want to thank my sisters, Judy Drewett and Donna Howard, who cheered me on each step of the way and overlooked the times I wasn't my best because of all the pressures and deadlines.
I cannot forget to mention all of the wonderful friends who tested the patterns in this book, giving me peace of mind. I just cannot thank them enough. They helped to keep me sane and made the whole process smoother. A special thank you to: Alyssa Denen, Aminta Moses, Yvonne Bowser, Jackie Brown, Judy Drewett, Anca Hall, Karol Holloway, Pam Frye, Becky Wooly, Judy Morrison, Brandy Arner, Annette Stewart, Nova Carman, Lisa Davis, Adrienne Clark, Pat Tansky, Melody Kelly and Janice Tobe. I must also give a big thank you to Cindy Gillispie, who patiently walked me through the process of putting the final manuscript together before my deadline. I feel indebted to all these wonderful people.
I'd like to acknowledge the models who were photographed for this book: Nicole Short, Shelley Krueger, Kylie Krueger, Abby Olson, Natasha Quaintance, Hannah Miller and Jamie, Jade and Sophia Vaduva. They made my designs look wonderful! I must also thank world-famous Photography by JD's Dave, Jean and JD Wacker for the exceptional job they did with the photographs.
And last but not least, I want to thank my editor, Erica Swanson, Candy Wiza, Rachael Knier, and the entire staff at Krause Publications for believing in me and helping to make this book become a reality.