Further Reading

Coelho, Paulo: Eleven Minutes. London: HarperCollins, 2004

Katie, Byron, and Mitchell, Stephen: Loving What Is: How Four Questions Can Change Your Life, London: Rider & Co., 2002

Leider, Richard J., and Shapiro, David A.: Repacking Your Bags: Lighten Your Load for the Rest of Your Life, Maidenhead: McGraw Hill, 2000

Long, Barry: Making Love: Sexual Love the Divine Way, London: Barry Long Books, 1998

Pierrakos, Eva, and Saly, Judith: Creating Union: The Pathwork of Relationship, Charlottesville, Virginia: Pathwork Press, 1997

Richardson, Diana: The Love Keys: The Art of Ecstatic Sex – A Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfilment, London: HarperCollins, 1999

Spezzano, Dr Chuck: Wholeheartedness: Healing Our Heartbreaks, London: Hodder Mobius, 2000

Spezzano, Dr Chuck: Getting Along with Absolutely Anyone: 50 Ways to Make Every Relationship Work, London: Hodder Mobius, 2001

Tolle, Eckhart, and Allen, Marc: Practicing the Power of Now: Meditations and Exercises and Core Teachings for Living the Liberated Life, Novato, California: New World Library, 2001

Walsch, Neale Donald: Conversations with God. An Uncommon Dialogue, London: Hodder Mobius, 1997

Wapnick, Kenneth: The 50 Miracle Principles of a Course in Miracles, Lithia Springs, Georgia: New Leaf Distribution Company, 1994
